Newsletter No. 444

6 444 • 4.10.2014 王鈞獲神經網路先驅獎 Wang Jun Wins IEEE Award 2014年7月6至11日,兩年一度的電機及電子工程師學會(IEEE)世界計算智能大會在北京召開, 工程學院王鈞教授獲IEEE候任主席頒發2014年度神經網路先驅獎,以表彰他在神經網路優化計 算和工程應用領域的傑出貢獻。 王教授現為IEEE院士、IEEE控制論彙刊 Transactions on Cybernetics 主編。自上個世紀八十年 代末以來,王教授一直致力於神經網路理論及應用的研究,成果豐碩。 1991年設立的神經網路先驅獎,是神經網路研究領域的最高獎項。王教授是亞洲第三位獲此殊 榮的科學家。 The biennial IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence was held in Beijing from 6 to 11 July. Prof. Wang Jun from the Faculty of Engineering received the Neural Networks Pioneer Award from the IEEE president-elect for his outstanding achievements on neurodynamic optimization. An IEEE fellow and editor-in-chief of the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics , Professor Wang has worked on the theory and applications of neural networks since the late 1980s with remarkable achievements. Started in 1991, the Neural Networks Pioneer Award is considered the highest honour in the field of neural networks. Professor Wang is the third Asian to receive this honour. 青年踏尋孔子行腳活動 Education Students Volunteer to Teach in Taiwan 五名教育學院學生在7月2至14日參加國立台灣師範大學主辦的「第五屆青年踏尋 孔子行腳活動」。在為期十二天的活動中,中大學生與來自大陸、台灣及港澳二十所 大學的三百名學生,一起到台灣偏遠的鄉村學校義教,服務弱勢孩童。參加的中大生 認為是次教學活動不但幫助了學童,還有助她們日後的教育工作。 Five undergraduate students of the Faculty of Education participated in the summer volunteer programme organized by the National Taiwan Normal University from 2 to 14 July. During the 12-day programme, the CUHK students together with 300 students of 20 universities from mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau taught the underprivileged children in schools in rural Taiwan. The CUHK participants considered the experience beneficial to their personal growth and professional development. 南非衞生部長談伊波拉疫情 South African Minister of Health on Ebola Epidemic 南非衞生部長Pakishe Aaron Motsoaledi 醫生應賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院全 球衞生中心邀請,於9月8日為全球衞生中 心傑出講座系列演講,題為「伊波拉疫情 對南非及非洲大陸之影響」。 近期西非多國爆發伊波拉疫情,截至 2014年9月8日,已有4,269人受感染,其中 2,288人死亡。南非目前沒有伊波拉病毒感 染個案。Motsoaledi 醫生在講座中深入探 討伊波拉在西非的疫情、其擴散和預防措 施,也分析了該病毒對南非及非洲大陸的 間接影響。 是次講座吸引了超過一百五十位來賓,包括南非駐港總領事館、西班牙駐港總領事 館、衞生署及醫院管理局的代表,以及來自公共衞生領域的學者、研究人員及專業人 士等。 Invited by the Centre for Global Health of the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Dr. Pakishe Aaron Motsoaledi, Minister of Health of the Republic of South Africa, delivered a lecture ‘Impact of Ebola Epidemic in South Africa and the African Continent’ on 8 September. The recent outbreak of the Ebola viral disease (EVD) in multiple West Africa countries has greatly threatened the lives of many with about 4,269 cases and 2,288 deaths reported by 8 September 2014. As of this moment, there has been no reported case of EVD in South Africa. In the lecture, Dr. Motsoaledi provided in-depth information and an analysis regarding the situation of the Ebola epidemic, its spread and the preventative measures in West Africa, and addressed the indirect impact of Ebola on South Africa and the African continent as a whole. The lecture attracted an audience of over 150, including representatives from the South African Consulate General, the Spanish Consulate General, the Department of Health, the Hospital Authority, as well as scholars, researchers, and professionals from the field of public health. 商學院校友當廚房義工 Business School Alumni Serve as Kitchen Volunteers 二十名商學院校友在8月29日為「惜食堂」擔任廚房義工。「惜食堂」是一項食物回收及援助慈善 計劃,旨在向飲食業各界回收仍可安全食用的剩餘食物,每日製作超過二千份營養熱飯餐,分發 至本地四十多個慈善合作夥伴。 這項活動由商學院校友及企業事務辦公室主辦,響應「惜食堂」停止浪費、解決飢餓的宗旨,於 「惜食堂」深水埗食物工場舉行。義工合力預備六百份熱飯餐,於當晚派發給有需要人士。 On 29 August, 20 Business School alumni served as kitchen volunteers for Food Angel, a charity programme that collects edible surplus food from various sectors of the food industry and serves over 2,000 hot and nutritious meals for distribution to more than 40 charity partners across the territory every day. Organized by the Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office, the Business School to support Food Angel’s mission of ‘Waste Not, Hunger Not’, the initiative was held in Food Angel’s kitchen in Sham Shui Po. The volunteers worked together to prepare 600 hot-meal boxes, which were distributed to needy members of the community that evening. 校園消息 Campus News