Newsletter No. 451

4 451 • 19.1.2015 中 大 小 書 店 CUP Corner 推 開玻璃門,十五呎高的木書架在兩旁延伸,排成高高 的書牆。書牆盡處的窗前是一方鋪着榻榻米的地台, 放上棕色蒲團,供人休憩;窗外是綴以細白礫石的露台,帶點 禪味。這裏是中文大學出版社新近開業的「中大小書店」。 前校長 金耀基 教授曾回憶,為甚麼會有中文大學出版社?因 為在創校校長 李卓敏 博士心目中,大學出版社一開始就是中 大的有機組件。出版社自1977年成立以來,一直堅持出版高 質素學術書籍,還成為各部門出版物的展銷平台。 在這悠閑舒適的閱讀環境,不僅有出版社的自家書籍,更集 合了各學院、研究中心、學系的出版品。麻雀雖小,五臟俱 全。中國經典小說、當代得獎詩歌、暢銷政治類自傳、嚴謹 史地研究、中外哲學專著、雙語文學精品,加上各式有關管 理、教育、自然科學的著作,過千種書刊,任君閱覽。不妨找 個陽光和煦的下午,挑本好書,給心靈放個假。 B ehind the glass door, two massive walls of bookshelves over 15 feet tall climb all the way up to the second floor of the building. At the end of the hall of books is a raised platform carpeted with tatami mats and inviting cushions. A small terrace paved with white gravel just beyond the window amplifies the Zen-like atmosphere. Welcome to CUP Corner, a bookstore newly opened by the Chinese University Press. Recalling why the Chinese University Press exists, the former Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ambrose King once said it is because, as the founding Vice-Chancellor Dr. Li Choh-ming believed, CUP is an organic part of CUHK in the first place. Established in 1977 as the publishing house of the University, CUP has been releasing quality scholarly titles and acting as a CUHK publications sales portal. In this leisure reading area, CUP Corner showcases publications from the house and the Faculties as well as the research centres and departments of CUHK. Visitors will discover exciting content from over a thousand titles across subjects of interest, such as classic Chinese fiction, award-winning contemporary poetry, best-selling political biographies, historical and sociological studies, ancient and contemporary philosophical texts, bilingual editions of treasured literary works, art catalogues, as well as current titles on management, education, and natural sciences. Why not pay a visit on a warm winter afternoon, pick a book, and set your spirit free? 地點 Location 何東夫人堂,中文大學出版社 The Chinese University Press, Lady Ho Tung Hall 營業時間 Opening Hours 星期一至五 Monday–Friday 9:00 am–1:00 pm; 2:00 pm–5:30 pm 星期六、日及公眾假期休息 Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays 折扣優惠 Discount 中大教職員、學生、校友購買書籍, 均可享八折優惠(特價貨品及影音產 品除外) All titles are 20% off for CUHK staff, students and alumni (except discounted items and audio/video products)