Newsletter No. 451

451 • 19.1.2015 5 校園消息 Campus News 商學院校友與匡智會歡度聖誕 Business School Alumni Celebrate Christmas with Hong Chi Association 2014年12月6日,商學院校友及企業事務辦公室為匡智會小西灣庇護工場的智障學員舉辦聖誕聯歡會。二十五 位商學院校友擔任愛心義工,為學員帶來半天的豐富節目,包括遊戲、魔術表演、聖詩唱頌,以及自助午餐,每 位校友更為學員送上精心挑選的聖誕禮物。 On 6 December 2014, the Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office of Business School organized a Christmas party for Hong Chi Association’s intellectually disabled trainees at the Siu Sai Wan Sheltered Workshop. Twenty-five alumni spent time with the trainees through a fun-filled interactive programme featuring games, a magic show, Christmas carol singing, and a sumptuous lunch buffet. Each alumnus also presented a Christmas gift to his or her partner. 校長盃暨教職員同樂日 VC Cup and Fun Fair 兩年一度的校長盃暨教職員同樂日於2014年11月30日在大學體育中心舉行。今年參與的書院隊隊數最為鼎 盛,加入了新書院隊和新舊書院聯隊。經歷幾星期激烈的初賽及決賽,最後由崇基學院勇奪全場總冠軍。同樂 日的攤位活動有跳蚤市場、民間工藝製作、小食售賣、攤位遊戲、體能檢測等,吸引不少校友及教職員攜老扶 幼到場參與。 The biennial VC Cup and Fun Fair were held on 30 November 2014 at the University Sports Centre. This year witnessed the largest number of participating teams not only from the traditional Colleges, but also from the new ones and from allied teams. After rounds and weeks of fierce competition, the overall champion went to Chung Chi College. The fabulous Fun Fair offered various attractions and entertainment, such as flea market, arts and crafts, food stalls, balloon toys, and physique test, drawing clusters of staff, alumni, and their families. 與勞工及福利局局長對談 Dialogue with Secretary for Labour and Welfare 社會工作學系邀請勞工及福利局局長張建宗先生,於2014年12月4日 在李兆基樓主持「與張建宗局長對談」座談會,主題為特區政府的扶 貧政策。張局長介紹及總結了特區政府近年落實和推行的扶貧政策。 學生亦就政府的各項措施踴躍發問,並表達了對扶貧工作的觀點及 建議。 The Department of Social Work invited Mr. Matthew Cheung, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, to engage in dialogue with students on 4 December 2014 at the Lee Shau Kee Building. The focus of discussion was ‘Poverty Alleviation Policies by the HKSAR Government’. Mr. Cheung talked about and elaborated on poverty alleviation policies implemented by the government. Students raised questions on governmental measures and exchanged their views with Mr. Cheung about effective strategies. 研究生宿舍晚宴暨品酒工作坊 PGH Dinner cum Wine Appreciation Workshop 研究生宿舍於2014年12月10日假大學教職員餐廳舉行晚宴暨品酒工作 坊。大學品酒學會顧問兼校友陸耀文先生( 後排左七 )擔任嘉賓講者,介 紹品酒常識及方法,教參加者品嚐四款美酒。問答環節的三位得獎者獲 贈由陸先生捐出的美酒獎品。 Mr. Raymond Luk ( 7th left, back row ), CUHK alumnus and adviser to the Undergraduate Wine Society, spoke at the dinner cum wine appreciation workshop on 10 December 2014 at the University Staff Common Room. He introduced the residents to basic wine knowledge and wine tasting manners, and taught them how to taste four types of wine during the workshop. Three quiz winners were awarded with bottles of wine donated by Mr. Luk.