Newsletter No. 451

6 451 • 19.1.2015 到任同仁 Newly Onboard 博文貫珍 The Galleria 中大於1967年舉行首次本科課程的「中期考試」。設 立中期考試的目的,是測試學生對主修科目基本原 則的理解程度和對所修課程的心得。中期考試每年 6月左右舉行,分兩部分:第一部分包括中文及英文 試卷;第二部分為主修、副修及選修科目試卷各一。 學生完成二年級課程後,必須參加考試,及格者才能 升讀三年級。校方允許其中一科語文試卷不及格的 學生升讀三年級,惟升讀四年級前,兩科語文必須及 格。1969年1月,大學決定中文及英文考試由書院自 行辦理,名為「語文測驗」;另外取消選修科目的試 卷。中期考試於1974年廢除,升級評核以學生所修科 目的經常評分及科目考試取代之。 中期考試試題現於大學展覽廳展出。 In 1967, the Chinese University held its first Intermediate Examination for undergraduates to test the candidates’ working knowledge of the basic principles of their chosen fields and taken courses. The Intermediate Examinations were generally held in June and comprised two sections: language tests on Chinese and English, and subject tests on candidate’s major and minor subjects, as well as elective field of studies. Students who had completed their second year in the University had to take the examination and passing it was a prerequisite for promotion to the third year. Students could be promoted to the third year even if they failed one of the language tests, but they had to pass both tests before being admitted to the fourth year. In January 1969, the University announced that the language tests would be administered by the Colleges. In addition, the test on elective fields would be eliminated. The Intermediate Examination was abolished in 1974. Since then, promotion to the third year has been subjected to students’ coursework assessments and course examinations. The Intermediate Examination Question Papers are now on display in the University Gallery. Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .  若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。