Newsletter No. 459
459 • 4.6.2015 5 余銳超博士 Dr. Yu Yui-chiu 資深律師,現為余曾龍律師 行首席合夥人。他自1966年 起任英格蘭最高法院及香港 最高法院律師,1974年起為 香港公證人,並分別獲准在 澳洲維多利亞及新加坡最高 法院執行律師之職務。余博 士在法律界貢獻良多,曾任 香港律師會操守委員會委員,以及香港稅務上訴委員會委 員。他多年來大力支持中大逸夫書院的發展,除成立獎助 學金,還資助書院設施翻新工程及各種藝術文化項目,並 自2005年起出任逸夫書院校董。 An experienced legal professional, Dr. Yu is currently the senior partner of Messrs Yu Tsang & Loong, Solicitors and Notaries Public. He has been a solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and the Supreme Court of Hong Kong since 1966, a notary public of Hong Kong since 1974, and has been admitted to the Supreme Court of Singapore as well as Victoria, Australia. Dr. Yu has contributed significantly to the legal profession in Hong Kong by taking up various public and community services, including membership of the Disciplinary Committee of the Law Society of Hong Kong and of the Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance) Hong Kong. He has been very supportive of the development of Shaw College at CUHK by making generous donations to various causes, including college development, scholarships, bursaries, amenities and facilities renovation, art and culture. He has also served as a member of the Board of Trustees of Shaw College since 2005. 資予中大、聯合書院和中大校友會聯會,成立多項獎學金 及資助學生發展活動,又大力支持校友會聯會各項教育服 務。游先生現為中大聯合書院校董及校友會榮譽顧問。 Mr. Yau is the founder and managing director of Ongood Industrial Limited. He has made significant contributions in promoting the garment industry and actively represents the industry in public service. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Garment Manufacturers Association and was a member of the Textile and Clothing Training Board of the Vocational Training Council. Mr. Yau is also enthusiastic in the service of education and has generously donated to CUHK, United College and the CUHK Federation of Alumni Associations to set up a number of scholarships and to support various kinds of student development programmes. He is currently a member of the Board of Trustees of United College and an honorary adviser to the Alumni Association. 游應森先生 Mr. Yau Ying-sum William 安華實業有限公司創辦人兼董 事總經理。游先生熱心推動本 地製衣業界發展,參與多項公 職,包括香港製衣廠同業公會 理事、香港職業訓練局紡織及 製衣業訓練委員會委員。游先生熱心於教育事務,多次慷慨捐 李維達醫生 Dr. Li Wai-tat Walton 養和醫院董事局主席暨院長,以 及中大眼科及視覺科學學系名 譽臨床副教授。李醫生於美國 攻讀化學及醫科,1980年返港 後,於養和醫院成立眼科部並 擔任部門主管,同時獲委任為 醫院副院長。在他的帶領下,養 和醫院自1998年起與本地大學合作,提供臨床實習機會及 合辦護理學課程。由李醫生擔任主席的李樹芬醫學基金會 於2013年捐資中大,成立李樹芬醫學基金腫瘤學教授席,以 支持腫瘤學的研究。 Dr. Li is the chairman of the Board of Directors and the Medical Superintendent, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital (HKSH), and clinical associate professor (honorary), Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences of CUHK. He obtained his medical qualification in the US and returned to Hong Kong in 1980 and joined HKSH where he established and headed the Department of Ophthalmology. Under his leadership, HKSH has been affiliated with local tertiary institutions since 1998 to provide clinical attachment opportunities for medical students and launch a full-time nursing programme. In 2013, The Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation, chaired by Dr. Li, established the Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation Professorship in Clinical Oncology at the CUHK Faculty of Medicine in support of research in clinical oncology. educational endeavours in Hong Kong and mainland China for over half a century by establishing many schools in Jiangxi and Ningxia, as well as making munificent donations to local universities, so nurturing talent for society. Mr. Lau has made generous donations to support the development of the Institute of Global Economics and Finance of CUHK, including the establishment of the ‘Lau Chor Tak Distinguished Lecture on Global Economics and Finance’. In appreciation of the support by Mr. Lau, the University has named a lecture theatre at Yasumoto International Academic Park as ‘Lau Chor Tak Lecture Theatre’. 劉佐德先生 Mr. Lau Chor-tak 香港商人及慈善家,劉佐德 基金有限公司主席、德記花紗 有限公司董事總經理、豐盛 置業有限公司董事總經理及 永遠榮譽主席。過去五十多年 來,劉先生襄助香港及內地 教育不遺餘力,於江西、寧夏 等地成立多間學校,又捐資支持中大全球經濟及金融研究 所的發展,並設立「劉佐德全球經濟與金融講座系列」。 中大將康本國際學術園地下的一號演講廳命名「劉佐德演 講廳」,以表答謝。 Mr. Lau, a prominent entrepreneur and philanthropist, is chairman of the Lau Chor Tak Foundation Limited, managing director of Tak Kee Cotton Yarn Company Limited, and managing director of Fung Shing Land Investment Company Limited. He has supported 蔡伯勵先生 Mr. Choi Park-lai 華人社會知名的堪輿學家和 曆法家,廣東「真步堂」天文 曆算第三代傳人,其每年編纂 之《真步堂通勝》出版逾百萬 冊。蔡先生樂善好施,成立香 港順龍仁澤基金會,在廣東山 區捐建兩間醫院,又在香港、 雲南和柬埔寨捐建多所非牟利學校,並大力支持中大發 展,多次慷慨捐資予中大及伍宜孫書院,成立多項獎助學 金,並資助實習生計劃、I ‧ CARE博群計劃和訪問學人計 劃,以及添置儀器等。 Mr. Choi is well-known in both local and overseas Chinese communities for his invaluable contributions to the preservation and development of traditional Chinese folk culture (especially geomancy). His almanac has been widely adopted by Chinese people around the world. Mr. Choi has established the Hong Kong Shun Lung Yan Chak Foundation, which supported the construction of two hospitals in rural areas of Guangdong, as well as a number of nonprofit schools in Hong Kong, Yunnan and Cambodia. Mr. Choi is a staunch supporter of CUHK and has made generous donations to the University and Wu Yee Sun College to provide scholarships and bursaries, support for student internship programmes, the I • CARE Programme and professorship schemes, and for the purchase of equipment. 中 大於5月11日舉行第十四屆榮譽院 士頒授典禮,由大學校董會主席 鄭海泉博士主禮,頒授榮譽院士銜予五 位傑出人士,表揚他們對大學及社會的 卓越貢獻。 C UHK held its Fourteenth Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony on 11 May. At the ceremony, Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng, Chairman of the Council, conferred honorary fellowships on the following five distinguished persons, in recognition of their remarkable contributions to the University and the community. 五社會賢達獲頒榮譽院士 Five Distinguished Persons Conferred Honorary Fellowships
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