Newsletter No. 459
6 459 • 4.6.2015 中大八項目獲科研優秀成果獎 CUHK Receives Eight Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards 國家教育部頒發2014年度高等學校科學研究優秀 成果獎(科學技術),中大在自然科學獎類別獲頒 兩項一等獎及五項二等獎,另獲一項科技進步獎 一等獎,合共八個獲獎項目,再度成為本港院校 之冠。 頒獎典禮在5月7日假中大康本國際學術園舉行,由 中央人民政府駐港聯絡辦公室教育科技部部長李魯 教授、香港特別行政區政府教育部副秘書長盧世雄 先生及京港學術交流中心總裁李乃堯先生擔任頒獎 嘉賓。 CUHK received eight Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) from the Ministry of Education in 2014, including two first-class awards and five second- class awards in natural sciences, as well as one first- class award in scientific and technological progress, again making it the institution receiving the highest number of awards in the local tertiary sector. The award presentation ceremony was held on 7 May at Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK. Prof. Li Lu, Director General of the Education, Science and Technology Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR; Mr. Lo Sai-hung Brian, Deputy Secretary for Education, HKSAR Government; and Mr. Li Nai-yiu, President of Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre, presented the prizes at the ceremony. 自然科學獎一等獎 First-class Award in Natural Sciences • 大腸癌發生分子機制、早期預警和防治研究 Integrative research on molecular basis and potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets for colorectal cancer 沈祖堯教授、于君教授、吳兆文教授、 胡嘉麒教授、黃秀娟教授 Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Prof. Yu Jun, Prof. Ng Siu-man Simon, Prof. Wu Ka-kei, Prof. Ng Siew-chien • 血管神經化組織工程骨構建及其成骨相關機 制研究 Vascularized and innervated tissue-engineered bone: its construction and bone mechanisms 李剛教授 Prof. Li Gang 自然科學獎二等獎 Second-class Award in Natural Sciences • TGF-beta/Smad 信號調控腎臟纖維化的機制及 靶向治療作用 Mechanism of TGF-beta / Smad signaling in renal fibrosis and molecular targeted therapy 藍輝耀教授、鍾志剛教授 Prof. Lan Hui-yao, Prof. Chung Chi-kong Arthur • 面向地理實驗的虛擬地理環境理論與方法研究 Studies on virtual geographic environments for geographic experiments: theory and methods 林琿教授、陳旻博士、胡明遠博士 Prof. Lin Hui, Dr. Chen Min, Dr. Hu Mingyuan • 肺癌研究的個體化治療 Personalized medicine for lung cancer 莫樹錦教授 Prof. Mok Shu-kam Tony • 石墨烯晶體管及其光電探測器的界面工程研究 Interface engineering for graphene transistors and photodetectors 許建斌教授、曾漢奇教授、陳琨博士、程振洲博士、萬茜博士、 王肖沐博士、田曉慶博士 Prof. Xu Jianbin, Prof. Tsang Hon-ki, Dr. Chen Kun, Dr. Cheng Zhenzhou, Dr. Wan Xi, Dr. Wang Xiaomu, Dr. Tian Xiaoqing • 複雜系統中場效應誘導的湧現現象及其物理機制 Rich phenomena and interesting physics in complex systems 徐磊教授 Prof. Xu Lei 科技進步獎一等獎 First-class Award in Scientific and Technological Progress • 缺血性腦血管病復發風險評估與防治優化新策略 The advanced strategy of risk assessment, prevention and therapy for ischemic cerebrovascular diseases 黄家星教授 Prof. Wong Ka-sing Lawrence 拓展及籌募處網頁獲獎 OIA Website Wins International Award 拓展及籌募處網頁獲第二十一屆傳播獎優異獎。傳播獎在二十年前創設,是重 要的國際獎項,每年由美國互動及視覺藝術學院評選,旨在表揚在營銷和傳播領 域有出色意念的機構,今年有超過六千個來自美國和全世界的項目參選。 The website of the Office of Institutional Advancement has won the Award of Distinction in the 21st Annual Communicator Awards. With over 6,000 entries received from across the US and around the world, the Communicator Awards are the leading international awards programme recognizing big ideas in marketing and communications. Founded two decades ago, the Communicator Awards are judged by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts. 校園消息 Campus News
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