Newsletter No. 460
4 460 • 19.6.2015 高錕教授學生創意獎 Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards 中大首個青年研究學術會議 The First Conference on Youth Studies at CUHK 「高錕教授學生創意獎2015」頒獎典禮於5月18日假祖堯堂舉 行,由常務副校長華雲生教授( 前排中 )擔任頒獎嘉賓。這是兩 年一度的科技創意比賽,旨在鼓勵學生跨學科、跨年級合作, 發揮才能,成就卓越的科研成果。 政治與行政學系及香港亞太研究所合辦 中大首個關於青年研究的國際學術會 議,於5月30日順利舉行。副校長張妙清 教授及社會科學院院長趙志裕教授出 席開幕禮,並致辭歡迎逾百位與會者。 全日會議共分三個主題環節,分別為 「青年作為政策轉變的推動力」、「青 年與媒體」、「青年與公民身份」。大會 邀得Howard Williamson教授、David Buckingham教授、Tom ter Bogt博士 教授及Maurice Devlin教授這四位在 青年研究和公共政策上卓有成就的海 外學者發表學術報告,並與來自中大及 本地各大專院校的學者及參加者交流。 是次會議是大型的跨學科協作平台, 匯聚社會科學院的政治與行政學系、新 聞與傳播學院、社會學系及社會工作學 系,從不同角度切入青年研究議題。其 成功亦有賴公共政策碩士課程、公共政 策研究中心和青年研究計劃幾個協辦 單位通力合作。 校園消息 Campus News The prize presentation ceremony of the ‘Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards 2015’ (PCKKSCA) was held on 18 May at Cho Yiu Conference Hall. The awards were presented by Prof. Benjamin W. Wah ( centre, front row ), Provost. The PCKKSCA is a biennial competition of technological innovation, with the aims of encouraging cross-disciplinary collaboration among undergraduate and postgraduate students, and unleashing their talents to achieve better R&D results. In her opening speech, Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung ( 4th right, front row ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor, said, ‘The awarded projects not only have academic value, but also have potential of application and commercial value.’ Prof. Leung Kwong-sak ( 4th left, front row ), chairman of the judging panel of PCKKSCA 2015, encouraged the awardees to grasp this opportunity to try their hand at entrepreneurship as the government and the University are actively supporting young entrepreneurs. 副校長張妙清教授( 前排右四 )在致開幕辭時說:「得獎作品除 了具有學術價值之外,還極具實用潛力或商業價值。」高錕教授 學生創意獎2015的主席評判梁廣錫教授( 前排左四 )則說,政府 和大學都積極支持年輕人創業,鼓勵得獎學生把握機會嘗試。 商學院校友舉辦電影欣賞活動 Business School Alumni Watch Movie with Primary School Kids 商學院校友及企業事務辦公室於5月16日組織了該院校友與來自低收入 家庭的小學生,一起到戲院欣賞電影《五個小孩的校長》。 活動由商學院校友擔任義工,一人贊助一位小學生,並陪伴他們到戲院 看電影,活動當天戲院內坐滿五十位校友及五十位來自秀茂坪天主教小 學的學生,大部份是「芥菜籽計劃」的小三學生;該計劃由鄭格如基金贊 助、香港小童群益會籌辦。 電影完場後,商學院院長陳家樂教授與香港小童群益會的服務總監 (機構發展)陳永健先生還主持了簡短的分享會。 On 16 May, the Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office of the CUHK Business School organized an appreciation event for the movie Little Big Master at a cinema. In the event, a total of 50 Business School alumni and 50 primary school students from low income families packed the cinema hall. The alumni served as volunteers and each of them sponsored and accompanied one schoolchild to watch the film. The children were all students of Sau Mau Ping Catholic Primary School. Most were primary 3 students from the ‘Mustard Seeds Project’, a charity project administered by the Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong, with support from the Zheng Ge Ru Foundation. After the movie, Prof. Kalok Chan, Dean of the Business School, conducted a sharing session with Mr. Chan Wing-kin, supervisor (corporate development) of the association. Jointly organized by the Department of Government and Public Administration and the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the first international conference on youth studies in the history of CUHK took place on 30 May. Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung, Pro- Vice-Chancellor, and Prof. Chiu Chi-yue, Dean of Social Science, welcomed over 100 participants in the opening ceremony. The conference consisted of three panels: ‘Youth as Agency in Public Policy Change’, ‘Youth and Media’, and ‘Youth and Citizenship’. Four distinguished overseas scholars with outstanding achievements in the field of youth studies and public policy were invited to present academic papers and interact with scholars and participants from CUHK and other local tertiary institutions. They were Prof. Howard Williamson, Prof. David Buckingham, Prof. Dr. Tom ter Bogt and Prof. Maurice Devlin. The conference served as a large-scale multidisciplinary collaborative platform for four departments and school in the Faculty of Social Science, namely, the Department of Government and Public Administration, the School of Journalism and Communication, the Department of Sociology and the Department of Social Work to investigate the youth issue from different perspectives. The Master of Social Science Programme in Public Policy, the Public Policy Research Centre and the Youth Studies Programme were co-organizing partners of the event. The success of the event would not have been possible without their efforts.
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