Newsletter No. 460
460 • 19.6.2015 5 南海英語教學交流和體驗 A Teaching Practice Tour to Nanhai 翻譯科技新視野國際研討會 Conference on New Horizons in Translation Technology 十六位中大教育學院文學士(英國語 文)及教育學士(英國語文教育)同期結 業雙學位課程學生和老師,於5月11日至 15日到佛山南海參加為期五天的英語教 學交流和體驗活動。是次活動獲中大教 育學院和佛山巿西樵鎮教育局支持,旨 在令學生了解國家英語課程內容和評估 方法,並體驗內地英語教學。 共有六所南海中、小學校參與是次活 動。教育學院學生兩人一組到其中一所 中學和小學觀摩教學,並實習英語教 學。他們生動的教學方式和豐富的教學 內容,讓學生樂在其中,也給當地老師 下深刻印象。 除了教學體驗,教育學院課程與教學 學系秦家慧教授和白蕊博士更為南海區 的中、小學老師舉辦了教師專業工作坊。 翻譯系電腦輔助翻譯文學碩士課程於4月24日舉辦「翻譯科技新視 野」國際研討會。文學院院長梁元生教授和電腦輔助翻譯文學碩士 課程主任陳善偉教授在開幕典禮中致辭。 會議主講嘉賓包括加拿大渥太華大學Lynne Bowker教授,法國貝 桑松大學Sylviane Cardey教授,英國倫敦大學學院 Roc í o Ba ñ os Pi ñ er o博士,厦門大學吳建平教授,上海理工大學姜誠教授及 陳善偉教授。 The Master of Arts Programme in Computer-aided Translation (MACAT) of the Department of Translation held an international conference on ‘New Horizons in Translation Technology’ on 24 April. Prof. Leung Yuen-sang, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, and Prof. Chan Sin-wai, director of the MACAT Programme, gave speeches at the opening ceremony. Keynote speakers of the conference included Prof. Lynne Bowker of the University of Ottawa in Canada, Prof. Sylviane Cardey of the Université de Franche-Comté in France, Dr. Rocío Baños Piñero of University College London, Prof. Wu Jianping of Xiamen University, Prof. Jiang Cheng of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, and Prof. Chan Sin-wai. 兩畢業生獲法國獎學金 Two Graduates Receive French Scholarships 法國駐港澳總領事館頒發獎學金予五名優秀學生往法國深造,當中兩名來 自中大。 剛完成全日制環境科學理學士課程的陳雅君( 左 )獲頒 Alexandre Yersin 獎學金,於2015至16年度於里爾天主教大學修讀可持續污染管理理學碩士 課程。 Alexandre Yersin 獎學金提供每月六百六十歐元作生活津貼,並安排得獎 同學在前往法國前,於法國文化協會修讀法語。 何敏凝( 右 )是兼讀制新聞學文學碩士畢業生。她獲取Studialis Group Graduate Program 獎學金合共五千歐元,將前往巴黎高等藝術研究學院 進修文化企業及旅遊的相關課程。 The Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau offers scholarships to five outstanding candidates for pursuing postgraduate studies in France. Two of the awardees are from CUHK. Miss Chan Nga-kwan Katie ( left ), a full-time undergraduate who has just completed BSc in Environmental Science, has received the Alexandre Yersin Scholarship to study MSc in Sustainable Management of Pollution at Université Catholique de Lille, commencing in the academic year 2015–16. The scholarship includes an allowance of €660 per month and intensive French class at Alliance Française before departure. Miss Ho Man-ying Christy ( right ), a graduate of the part-time MA Programme in Journalism, has won the Studialis Group Graduate Programme Scholarship of €5,000 to study the Graduate Programme in Cultural Entrepreneurship and Tourism at Institut d'Études Supérieures des Arts. With support from the Faculty of Education, CUHK and the Foshan Xiqiao Education Bureau, a group of 16 students of the Bachelor of Arts (English Studies) and Bachelor of Education (English Language Education) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme (ELED) and faculty staff members participated in a teaching practice tour to Nanhai, Foshan from 11 to 15 May. The tour provided students with excellent opportunities to gain a better understanding of the curriculum and assessment methods of English teaching in mainland China, and to obtain first-hand teaching experience in that context. Six primary and middle schools in Nanhai joined the educational exchange activities. The participating students were sent to teach a real class in pairs in a primary and a secondary school. The lessons were full of fun and the teachers were impressed by the teaching performance of our ELED students. Prof. Cecilia Chun and Dr. Barry Bai of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, the Faculty of Education, conducted a professional workshop for the serving English primary and secondary teachers in the Nanhai district.
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