Newsletter No. 464

464 • 4.10.2015 7 宣布事項 Announcements 公積金計劃投資回報成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Scheme 基金 Fund 8.2015 1.9.2014–31.8.2015 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 增長 Growth –7.75% –7.46% –4.80% –7.03% 平衡 Balanced –6.58% –5.55% –2.59% –6.93% 穩定 Stable –2.87% –2.19% –3.95% –7.33% 香港股票 HK Equity –11.92% –11.43% –10.94% –10.75% 香港指數 HK Index-linked –11.44% –11.82% –9.35% –9.59% A50中國指數 A50 China Tracker –15.79% –12.36% 25.32% 35.49% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.06% 0.004% 1.03% 0.04% 美元銀行存款 * USD Bank Deposit* 0.03% –0.017% 0.93% 0.09% 澳元銀行存款 * AUD Bank Deposit* –3.05% –3.13% –22.00% –24.52% 歐元銀行存款 * EUR Bank Deposit* 1.50% 1.47% –14.98% –14.88% 人民幣銀行存款 * RMB Bank Deposit* –2.47% –2.64% –0.22% –1.46% 強積金數據請參閱: For MPF Scheme performance, please refer to: * * 實際與指標回報已包括有關期間內之匯率變動。 Both actual and benchmark returns include foreign currency exchange difference for the month. 教職員公積金計劃(1995)─投資簡報會 Staff Superannuation Scheme (1995)—Investment Forum 財務處安排於10月16及19日舉行投資簡報會。詳情如下: Two investment forum sessions are scheduled for 16 and 19 October. Details are as follows: 16.10.2015(星期五Friday)12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. 李兆基樓2號演講廳LT2, Lee Shau Kee Bldg. •香港股票基金 Hong Kong Equity Funds •香港指數基金 Hong Kong Index-linked Fund •A50中國指數基金 A50 China Tracker Fund •穩定基金 Stable Fund •東方匯理資產管理香港有限公司 Amundi Hong Kong Limited •JF資產管理有限公司 JF Asset Management Limited •增長基金 Growth Funds •JF資產管理有限公司JF Asset Management Limited •景順投資管理有限公司 Invesco Hong Kong Limited 19.10.2015(星期一Monday)12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. 李兆基樓2號演講廳LT2, Lee Shau Kee Bldg. •平衡基金 Balanced Funds •穩定基金 Stable Funds •霸菱資產管理(亞洲)有限公司 Baring Asset Management (Asia) Limited •研富資產管理RCM Asia Pacific Limited •富達基金(香港)有限公司 FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited •香港股票基金 Hong Kong Equity Fund 施羅德投資管理(香港)有限公司 Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited 薄備簡餐。請各成員踴躍出席。參加表格可於財務處網頁( eng/index.html )下載。查詢請致電薪津及公積金組電話:3943 7236/7244。 Light lunch will be provided. Your attendance at the forum is highly recommended. The enrolment form can be downloaded from the Bursary website ( eng/index.html ). For enquiries, please contact the Payroll and Superannuation Unit at 3943 7236/7244. uBuddies 2015投入服務 uBuddies 2015 in Action 學生事務處學生輔導及發展組成立的中大朋輩輔導聯網,旨在推廣關顧互助的校園文化,培 養一群熱心的本科生以同路人的身分,與朋輩分享校園生活的體會,以及成長的經驗和智慧。 第六屆的 uBuddies 朋輩輔導員在過去半年已接受了連串系統培訓,包括基本心理輔導技 巧和精神健康急救基礎課程,並在專業督導下進行輔導實習。他們亦於這學年開始,為同學 策劃和提供各種服務和活動,並透過uBuddies E-box ( 與本科生 聯繫及提供適切支援。 新一屆的朋輩輔導員的招募行動亦已開展,詳情請閱 , 查詢請致電3943 1804與江小姐聯絡。 In order to promote a caring and supportive culture on campus, the Student Counselling and Development Service of the Office of Student Affairs established the ‘uBuddies’ Peer Counselling Network. The project is aimed at nurturing carefully selected non-final-year undergraduate students to serve as peer counsellors who can share their experiences and wisdom with fellow students. The latest batch, uBuddies’ 15, have completed systematic training in peer counselling skills and mental health first aid as well as practised under supervision in the past six months. With the commencement of the new academic year, they have also been providing various peer support services and activities for the benefit of the student community, as well as managing the uBuddies E-box ( ). The seventh batch of ‘uBuddies’ is now open for recruitment. Details are available at . For enquiries, please contact Ms. Kong at 3943 1804. 聯合書院到訪傑出學人講座 United College Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lectures 聯合書院邀請美國加州大學柏克萊分校大氣科學講座教授馮又嫦,擔任該院2015 – 16年度 到訪傑出學人講座,並以英語主講兩場公開講座,歡迎各界人士出席,詳情如下: Prof. Inez Yau-sheung Fung, Professor of Atmospheric Science, University of California, Berkeley, will visit United College as its 2015–16 Distinguished Visiting Scholar. Professor Fung will deliver two public lectures as follows: 講題Topic 日期Date 時間Time 地點Venue 二氧化碳的奇妙生命:全球碳循環 CO 2 Life Fantastic: the Global Carbon Cycle 15.10.2015 星期四Thursday 4:30 p.m. 康本國際學術園1號演講廳 LT1, Yasumoto International Academic Park 植物、水和氣候 Plants, Water and Climate 20.10.2015 星期二Tuesday 李兆基樓7號演講廳 LT7, Lee Shau Kee Bldg. 查詢:學生輔導處林先生(3943 7598)或楊小姐(3943 7455) For further information, please contact Mr. George Lam at 3943 7598 or Ms. Amy Yeung at 3943 7455 of the Dean of Students’ Office. 文物館展覽 Art Museum Exhibition 北山汲古:碑帖銘刻拓本 The Bei Shan Tang Legacy: Rubbings of Stone Engraving and Model Calligraphy 日期 Date :17.10.2015 – 31.1.2016 地點 Venue :文物館展廳I Gallery I, Art Museum 碑帖是碑和帖的合稱,泛指古代書法家流傳後世的書蹟,供收藏及作為臨寫的範本,是中國 書法中重要的載體。碑帖拓本不僅承載了豐富的歷史資料,更保存着各個時代、眾多名家的 墨蹟,極具文化藝術價值。 利氏北山堂由1970年代至今捐贈文物館約共二千零九十件拓本,是次展出七十件精品,當中 二十件是宋拓名品,包括東漢《夏承碑》(華氏真賞齋本)、宋刻《淳化閣帖》泉州本卷六至 八集王書(陸恭舊藏本)、宋刻米芾《英光堂帖》(徐渭仁舊藏本)等。展覽期間並播放拓印 碑銘示範片段。 In Chinese, the term beitie combines stele ( bei ) and model calligraphy ( tie ), generally referring to the extant works of ancient calligraphers. Such works are often collected by connoisseurs, and as exemplary models of the written script, they are studied and imitated by later generations. They are important vehicles of Chinese calligraphy. Not only are steles and model calligraphies embedded with rich historical information, but they also carry artistic and cultural value by preserving the masterpieces of the past ages. Since 1970s, the Bei Shan Tang has donated about 2,090 pieces of ink rubbings to the Art Museum. This exhibition features 70 exquisite specimens from the collection, 20 of which are notable ink rubbings dated from the Song dynasty, including such unique copies as the Eastern Han’s Stele for Xia Cheng (once in the collection of Hua Xia’s True Connoisseurship Studio, Zhenshangzhai ), Wang Xizhi’s works featured in the Quanzhou version of the Song-engraved Model Calligraphies from the Chunhua era ( Chunhua ge tie, juan 6–8 , once in the collection of Lu Gong) and the Song-carved Model Calligraphies of Yingguang Hall ( Yingguangtang tie ) of Mi Fu (once in the collection of Xu Weiren). The exhibition will also show video to demonstrate the techniques of rubbing.