Newsletter No. 472

10 472 • 4.2.2016 ’ 口談實錄 Viva Voce 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 戴漪晨 Serena Yichen Dai • 生命科學學院分子生物技術學課程四年級生 • 2016 羅德學人 • Final Year Student of the Molecular Biotechnology Programme of the School of Life Sciences • 2016 Rhodes Scholar Congratulations on becoming Rhodes Scholar 2016. Is there anyone you wish to thank at CUHK? I’d like to thank Prof. Jimmy Yu , Head of United College, who encouraged me to apply for the Scholarship and introduced me to Dr. Timothy Cheng , CUHK alumni and 2010 Rhodes Scholar. Dr. Cheng shared with me lots of interview tips regardless of his busy schedule as a physician. Last but not least, I’d also like to thank my four referees. Can you tell us about your experience studying in the US, China and Hong Kong? I spent my elementary school years in New York, where I was trained to read the newspaper almost every day and express my opinions on social issues. Then, I went to Beijing for secondary school. I was so behind in maths that my teacher had to give me extra lessons after class. For my Bachelor’s degree, I applied for CUHK because I like the humanistic culture here, as well as its academic excellence. You are very active in voluntary activities. Is scientific research very different from voluntary work? They are actually very similar, as both of them require good communication skills and team spirit. Scientists nowadays are required to work closely with one another, even with experts from a different field, in order to share research findings and draw larger conclusions. Voluntary services can be more challenging as I have teammates with different backgrounds, serving people from all over the world. The diversity fascinates me and makes everything fun. As an emerging female scientist, do you think women have equal opportunities as their male counterparts nowadays? The chance for education is becoming relatively equal in Chinese societies. However, I have heard a few comments on successful female scientists who ‘spend too much time at the laboratories and neglecting their husbands and children’. I hope that in the future, family responsibilities can be equally shared among its members and the society would recognize and support all deserving scientists regardless of their gender, as they have worked so hard to make this world a better place. Photo by ISO staff 恭喜你成為2016年度羅德學人!你最感謝中大哪些人? 首先當然是聯合書院院長 余濟美 教授,他一直鼓勵我攻讀 博士學位,提醒我盡早了解申請羅德獎學金的事宜。當我 準備最後一輪面試時,余教授向我介紹2010年度羅德學人 鄭華哲 師兄。鄭師兄是一名醫生,在百忙之中抽空打電話給 我,告訴我面試要注意的地方。最後我還要感謝幫我寫推薦 信的四位中大教職員。 可否談談你在美國和北京的學習經驗?為何選擇來中大 讀書? 在紐約讀小學時幾乎沒有功課,但每天放學要看報紙,從 那時起,我學會了關心社會及參與時事討論。在北京讀中 學時,除了功課比較多,更發現自己的數學竟是全班最後 幾名,幸好老師願意為我補課,讓我追回進度。至於選擇 來中大讀書,除了科研出色外,我還特別喜歡中大的人文 精神。 你非常積極參與義務工作,做義工和在實驗室從事科研 工作有甚麼不同? 義務工作和實驗室的科研工作一樣,需要很強的溝通技巧 和團隊精神。很多人以為科學家都把自己關在實驗室裏,不 見人也不跟別人說話,這絕對是個誤解。現今科研講求跨 部門合作,需要不停交換意見、集合所有人的實驗成果,才 能得出最終結論。做義工則需更高的溝通技巧,團員來自 不同學系,年齡也不一樣,服務對象更可能來自不同階層和 文化背景,要達到和而不同是最大的挑戰,也是最好玩的 地方。 身為年輕的女科研學者,你認為男女在科研領域是否享 有平等的機會? 男女受教育的機會在華人社會漸趨平等,但還會聽到不少科 研人員私下議論一些成就非凡的女同行「花太多時間做實驗 室的工作,忽略對丈夫和兒女的照顧」。我希望將來社會能 給予所有熱愛工作、願意投身科研的女科學家應有的支持和 尊重,其實男女均可分擔照顧家庭的責任,而每個人都有權 投入做自己喜愛的工作,不必因性別限制他們為科研,甚至 整個人類社會所作的貢獻。 「義務工作和實驗室的科研工作一樣, 需要很強的溝通技巧和團隊精神。」 ‘ Scientific research and voluntary work are actually very similar, as both of them require good communication skills and team spirit. ’