Newsletter No. 472

Editorially Speaking 1
Cover Photo 1
All about Pension Plans 1
Fine Folks Fine Deeds 2
Charity Begins at Home: An Entrepreneurial Couple who Sponsors CUHK Sports Uniforms 2
Feature 4
Taking the University Out into the World 4
Campus News 5
Seminar on COP21 and Paris Agreement 5
Nobel Laureate Peter A. Diamond on ‘Good Pension Design’ 6
The 20th International Conference on Yue Dialects 6
Student of WYS College Becomes Champion in Half Marathon Challenge 6
Tech Talks 7
Shades of the Shadow 7
Wealth In Health 7
Food for Fault 7
Newly Onboard 8
11/2015 8
12/2015 8
01/2016 8
Announcements 9
Re-elected Council Members 9
Reappointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor 9
New Associate Vice-President 9
Reappointed Dean of Faculty of Education 9
Election for Change of MPF Scheme w.e.f. 1 April 2016 9
Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Scheme 9
Art Museum Exhibition 9
Viva Voce 10
Dare to Dream 10