Newsletter No. 475
4 475 • 4.4.2016 我輩責無旁貸— 毋忘母校 集腋成裘 It’s Up To Me and You: pitch in to support your alma mater 特寫 Feature P erhaps not many students and alumni realize that all students graduating from CUHK shall become members of the CUHK Convocation automatically. So if you happen to be an alumnus or alumna, you should count yourself a member of this 180,000-strong organization. Established in 1993, the Convocation is an open organization that welcomes and serves every alum. It has committed itself to a variety of activities and functions crucial to the interests of the University, such as giving out awards and scholarships to outstanding students, fundraising, conducting research on the development of Hong Kong’s higher education, etc. At the kickoff ceremony of the Convocation’s annual fundraising campaign on 26 January, the Newsletter talks to the convenor and associate convenors of the Convocation’s fundraising sub-committee to talk about the role played by the mega organization and what makes giving to their alma mater a meaningful thing to do. The Convocation’s annual fundraising campaign this year is designated to support the CUHK Medical Centre and the I ‧ CARE Programme. The CUHK Medical Centre, a not-for- profit private hospital, is scheduled for completion in 2019. It is expected to provide affordable medical services to the middle-class and relieve the pressure on the public health care sector. The I ‧ CARE Programme supports students’ engagement in public services to round out their education and personal development. Chairman of the Convocation as well as convenor of the fundraising sub-committee, Dr. Chan Chi-sun , said he was thrilled to see more alumni giving to their alma mater. Dr. Chan is concurrently a CUHK Council member and trustee of the New Asia College. Together with Dr. Chan, Mr. Arthur Lee and Mr. Simon Wong , both members of the Standing Committee, serve on the fundraising sub-committee. The Convocation has six sub-committees taking care of fundraising, liaison and promotion, public affairs, education affairs, the review and drafting of the Convocation’s constitution and rules, and the future development of the Convocation. ‘All the sub-committees are channels for alumni to serve the University. Take, for example, the fundraising sub-committee which must have the best interests of the University in mind. The sub-committee comes up with fundraising proposals after a series of meetings, and they must be approved by the Standing Committee,’ Dr. Chan said. When asked if they had set any fundraising targets, Dr. Chan said, ‘We won’t set any targets. As you can see, to build the hospital requires HK$6.3 billion, and I ‧ CARE Programme is a long-term project of continuous engagement. I would say “the more the merrier”.’ They all live their lives on the fast lane, and apparently their involvement in the Convocation calls for considerable commitment in time and effort. To them, being an active member offers the opportunity to work with like-minded alumni and to experience first-hand the contentment of seeing how charity can give rise to life-changing possibilities for many. The Rehabus is perhaps one of the best examples of how a successful charity project can spur the fundraisers on to achieving even more. ‘It is quite touching to see the van bearing the name of the Convocation weave its way up and down the hilly campus to transport students with disability,’ Mr. Lee said. To Mr. Wong, the Convocation offers an ideal platform for giving to CUHK. He also adds that the Convocation welcomes alumni from different backgrounds to get involved. ‘The committee members are elected, meaning that everyone, including you and me, enjoy an equal chance to serve on the committee.’ The fundraising team unanimously attributes the characteristics of CUHK to civic responsibility and collegial solidarity. Through fundraising and charity, the three alumni spare no effort in preserving the CUHK ethos as a tradition we cherish, exemplifying the spirit of giving that binds the CUHK community together. 也 許不少中大人都不曉得,中大學生一畢業,即自動成 為香港中文大學校友評議會的成員。假若你也是中 大畢業生,你便是校友評議會十八萬會員之一。 每一位中大校友不但是校友評議會的成員,也是其服務對 象。校友評議會成立於1993年,服務繁多,俱以大學的福祉 為依歸,譬如頒授獎項及獎學金予傑出學生、籌款、就香港 高等教育發展作出研究等。 校友評議會在1月26日舉行2016年度籌款計劃啟動典禮, 《中大通訊》訪問了校友評議會屬下「籌募策劃小組」的召 集人及兩位副召集人,談談校友評議會的工作,以及他們對 回饋大學的感想。 校友評議會決定把今年籌得的善款,用於支持籌建中的 中大醫院和博群計劃。中大醫院屬非牟利私家醫院,預計 2019年竣工,將為中產人士提供收費合理的優良醫療服務, 以及紓緩公共醫療系統的壓力。博群計劃則支持學生參與 社會服務以促進全人教育。 校友評議會主席暨籌募策劃小組召集人 陳志新 博士,在典 禮致辭時,表示樂見愈來愈多校友捐助母校。陳博士現為 中大校董會成員及新亞書院校董。 校友評議會常委 李健 先生及 黃顯榮 先生,與陳博士皆為籌 募策劃小組成員。校友評議會轄下共有六個小組,負責籌 款、聯絡推廣、社會事務、教育事務、檢討及草擬會章、擘劃 校友評議會未來發展等。 陳博士說:「校友可藉着參與小組的活動服務母校。以籌募 策劃小組為例,我們訂立的籌款目標均以大學利益為重。我 們小組經過連串會議所定出的籌款意向,須得常務委員會 核准方可作實。」 我問籌募策劃小組可有定下籌款目標,陳博士說:「我們不 曾設下目標。你也知道,籌建中大醫院須募集六十三億港 元,而博群計劃則是長期項目,營運資金不能中斷。故此,我 認為善款應是『多多益善』才對。」 他們都是日理萬機的專業人士,兼顧校友評議會會務,勞心 勞力,不問而知。然而,踴躍參與校友評議會的工作,接觸志 同道合的校友,行善助人,使他們從中領略到難得的滿足感。 中大復康巴士是鼓舞他們再接再厲的慈善項目之一。 「看見髹上校友評議會名字的復康巴士,在校園宛延陡斜的 路上行走,頗覺感動。」李先生說。 黃先生認為投入校友評議會的工作,是他回饋中大的好方 法。他說校友評議會十分歡迎不同背景的校友出一分力。 「校友評議會委員會成員都是經過選舉選出,你和我以及每 一位校友,都有同等機會加入委員會。」 這三位為大學籌款的校友,一致認為中大的特色是社會責 任感和團結;藉行善和籌款,他們傳揚大家所珍視的中大傳 統,印證中大善與人同,眾志成城的精神。 讀者欲捐款予 2016 校友評議會籌款計劃,請於 下載單張連捐款表格或掃描右方二維碼 Readers who wish to support the Convocation Fundraising Campaign 2016 can download its leaflet and donation form at or by scanning the QR Code on the right 左起:李健先生、陳志新博士及黃顯榮先生 From left: Mr. Arthur Lee, Dr. Chan Chi-sun and Mr. Simon Wong 校友評議會捐贈的復康巴士 The Rehabus donated by the Convocation 文/資訊處陳莊麗 By Eliza Chan, ISO
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