Newsletter No. 475
475 • 4.4.2016 7 到任同仁 Newly Onboard 教學人員年度考績(2014 – 15) Annual Appraisal Exercise for Teaching Staff (2014 – 15) 2014 – 15年度工作表現評審已完成,有關薪金組別A2級的教授或以下的教學人員年度考績 (2014 – 15)亦已展開。相關資料和年度考績指引,請參閱人事處網頁。其他有關年度考績 的詳情,已透過電郵方式通知有關教學人員。 Following the completion of the Annual Performance Assessment (2014–15), the Annual Appraisal Exercise for Teaching Staff (2014–15) up to Professor on Pay Band A2 or equivalent has commenced. Information about the annual performance assessment and the appraisal guidelines can be found at the Personnel Office website. Other details on the Annual Appraisal have already been covered in a mass e-mail separately sent to relevant staff members. 暑期運動訓練班招生 Summer Sports Programme 體育部將於5至8月開辦多項暑期運動訓練班供教職員及學生參加,另組織四項教職員球拍 類比賽,以鼓勵校內同仁培養運動習慣。暑期運動訓練班網頁 ( summersports/indexc.htm )將於4月7日下午5時推出,4月13日上午9時起接受報名,先到 先得,額滿即止。如有查詢,請聯絡吳國輝先生(3943 6092)。 To arouse staff and students' interest in physical exercise, the Physical Education Unit will organize summer sports courses from May to August. In addition, four racquet sport tournaments will be organized for staff. The Summer Sports Programme webpage ( www. ) will be launched at 5:00 p.m., 7 April. Enrolment starts at 9:00 a.m., 13 April, on a first-come first-served basis. For enquiries, please contact Mr. Tony Ng at 3943 6092. 腦前行2016 Brain Trekking 2016 中大王連大腦腫瘤中心將於4月23日舉辦第九屆「腦前行」慈善步行籌款,藉此提高 公眾對腦腫瘤的關注及病患者的支持,所得善款全數用作中心之研究及教學經費。 詳情如下: CUHK Otto Wong Brain Tumour Centre will organize the 9th charity walkathon, ‘Brain Trekking 2016’, on 23 April. The event aims at raising public awareness of brain tumours and supporting brain tumour patients. All funds raised will be used for research and education undertaken by the centre. Details are as follows: 日期 Date 2016年4月23日(星期六) 23 April 2016 (Saturday) 時間 Time 早上8時30分至中午12時 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 nn 地點 Venue 山頂廣場 The Peak Galleria 捐款方法 Donation Methods •支票捐款 Cheque Donation •銀行存款 Bank Deposit •網上捐款 Online Donation 活動網頁 Event Website Information in this section can only be accessed with CWEM password . 若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。
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