Newsletter No. 495
04 # 4 9 5 | 0 4 . 0 4 . 2 0 1 7 衛博士說:「香港板球的發展方興未艾,我們在國際單日板球賽名列十四,在快閃板 球賽(Twenty20)更名列第十。當我聽聞中大曾經有自己的板球隊,便希望在校園重 燃這股板球熱潮,在1月的賽事是一個好開始。」中大隊和科大隊計劃於5月的聯校賽 事對壘。衛博士希望有更多新血加入中大隊,經驗球手或初生之犢都無任歡迎。 The first recorded cricket match in Hong Kong dates back to 1841. ‘Cricket has a long history, and it’s the world’s second most popular sport. I’ve played cricket here in Hong Kong since I arrived over 10 years ago,’ said Dr. John Wright , lecturer of the Department of Statistics. He has been a member of the Executive Committee of Cricket Hong Kong for nearly six years. Interest in cricket has recently grown on campus, leading to the restoration of the CUHK cricket team. 22 January is a day to remember. CUHK played against HKU at Stanley Ho Sports Centre, which was CUHK’s first cricket game in over 12 years. The match involving a mix of staff, students and alumni from five different countries turned out to be a challenging game in a perfect weather. After the game, everyone enjoyed a hearty chat and some refreshment in the twilight. Their conversation gave rise to some idea for more matches and how to further promote the game of cricket locally. ‘Hong Kong cricket has been growing recently. We’re ranked 14th in the world in one-day cricket, and we’ve been ranked the 10th in Twenty20 cricket,’ said Dr. Wright. ‘When I heard that CUHK used to have a cricket team, I thought we should try to revive it. The match in January is a good start.’ The CUHK and HKUST teams would play against each other in the inter-university competition in May. Dr. Wright looks forward to more members, whether they are old pros or greenhorns, joining the CUHK team. 香港最早的板球比賽可追溯至1841年。統計學系講師 衛約翰 博士說:「板球歷史悠久,而且 是全球第二受歡迎的運動。我自十多年前到香港生活,便一直打板球。」衛博士擔任香港板 球總會執行委員約有六年。大學校園近日掀起一陣板球熱潮,中大板球隊亦因此重新成立。 1月22日是值得記念的日子—中大板球隊打破十二年的蟄伏,再次出戰板球賽,到香港大學 何鴻燊體育中心與港大板球隊對壘。球員來自五個國家,由大學職員、學生和校友組成,他們 在風和日麗的天氣下狀態大勇,令賽事緊張刺激。賽後,球員一同在夕陽的餘暉中享用美點, 言談甚歡,談及籌辦更多比賽的大計,以及推動本地板球發展的策略。 雄心不滅 The Undying Passion for 中大與社企Green Monday於3至4月期間合辦「Veggie Fun @ CUHK 我行我素」素食推廣活動,鼓勵 大學成員多吃素並奉行健康飲食。活動啟動儀式於3月13日舉行,邀得香港特別行政區政府環境局局長 黃錦星先生(左)及校長沈祖堯教授(右)為主禮嘉賓。兩人更即席示範「Smoothie Ride」,以雙腳推動 接駁攪拌器的單車將蔬果攪碎,製成健康沙冰飲品。活動獲校內十一間餐廳及飯堂支持,承諾今後逢星 期一提供最少兩款素食菜式以供選擇。 CUHK and the social enterprise Green Monday co-organized ‘Veggie Fun @ CUHK’. It is a campaign featuring a series of activities from March to April promoting benefits of a vegetarian diet to University members. The campaign’s launching ceremony held on 13 March invited Mr. Wong Kam-sing (left), Secretary for the Environment of the HKSAR Government, and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (right), Vice- Chancellor, as officiating guests. In the ceremony, Mr. Wong and Professor Sung demonstrated a ‘Smoothie Ride’—preparing smoothie drinks by paddling a bicycle-powered blender that churns vegetables and fruits. The campaign has encouraged a total of 11 restaurants and canteens on campus to provide two or more types of vegetarian dishes to diners every Monday from now on. 「Veggie Fun @ CUHK我行我素」啟動儀式 Launching Ceremony of ‘Veggie Fun @ CUHK’ 「可持續農業與糧食安全」研究獲選 教資會卓越學科領域項目 Genomic Studies for Sustainable Agriculture Recognized by UGC as Area of Excellence 由生命科學學院林漢明教授 帶領的「植物與環境互作基因 組研究中心:可持續農業與糧 食安全」研究項目,獲大學教 育資助委員會第七輪卓越學科 領域計劃撥款八千一百萬港 元支持。除中大外,研究團隊 包括香港大學、香港科技大學 和香港浸會大學教授,以及內 地、美國、英國、阿根廷等地的 國際合作夥伴。林教授是大豆 遺傳基因研究的先驅,項目旨 在透過開發改良豆科作物的 技術,增加豆類產量以緩解世 界糧食短缺問題,以及推動可 持續農業發展。 Led by Prof. Lam Hon-ming of the School of Life Sciences, the research project ‘Centre for Genomic Studies on Plant- Environment Interaction for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security’ has been awarded a funding of HK$81 million from the Areas of Excellence Scheme under the University Grants Committee. Apart from CUHK, the research team consists of professors from the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as well as notable institutions in mainland China, US, UK and Argentina. A pioneer in soybean genomic and genetic research, Professor Lam aspires to develop new plant and agricultural technology to alleviate global food shortage and promote sustainable agriculture.
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