Newsletter No. 495
05 # 4 9 5 | 0 4 . 0 4 . 2 0 1 7 On 8 March, the Task Force on Women and Family-Friendly Policies (WFFP) organized the ‘International Women’s Day Celebration Luncheon 2017—3 VPs and You in Conversation’ at CUHK. In attendance were Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor (1st right), Fanny M.C. Cheung (1st left), Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Co-convenor of the Task Force on WFFP, Prof. Terry Au (2nd right), Vice- President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic Staffing and Resources) of the University of Hong Kong and Prof. Nancy Ip (2nd left), Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, together with over 70 colleagues. The luncheon also featured a discussion on the ‘Challenges Faced by Female Academics and Measures Initiated by the Three Universities to Support the Special Needs of Women Faculty Members and Those with Family Responsibilities’. 中大女性及家庭友善政策小組於3月 8日舉辦國際婦女節午餐會。校長沈 祖堯教授(右一)、副校長及中大女 性及家庭友善政策小組召集人張妙 清教授(左一)、香港大學副校長(學 術人力資源)區潔芳教授(右二)、香 港科技大學副校長(研發及研究生教 育)葉玉如教授(左二)與超過七十 位教職員共進午餐,分享現今女性學 者所面對的挑戰及三所大學在支持 女性教職員方面所推行的措施。 國際婦女節午餐會 The International Women’s Day Celebration Luncheon 中大得獎同學致送感謝信予可蘊基金 Scholarship recipients from CUHK present their thank-you letters to Ho & Ho Foundation The ‘Ho & Ho Foundation Scholars Tea Gathering’ was held on 25 February at CUHK. Miss Yvonne Chan (3rd right, front row), Chairman of the Ho & Ho Foundation, members of the Foundation, Prof. Wong Suk-ying (4th right, front row), Associate Vice-President and Director of Admissions and Financial Aid of CUHK, over 20 Ho & Ho Foundation Scholars from CUHK and two other local universities, and representatives of the three institutions attended the event. In the welcoming address, Professor Wong expressed her gratitude to the Foundation for their ongoing support towards higher education in Hong Kong. She also encouraged all scholarship recipients to seize this opportunity to exchange ideas with guests and fellow students. Established by Mr. Ho Ming-sze in 2004, the Ho & Ho Foundation aims to support students from the ‘Red Triangle Region’ of China, namely Shaoguan in Guangdong, Ganzhou in Jiangxi, and Chenzhou in Hunan, to pursue tertiary education in the three Hong Kong institutions. 中大於2月25日舉行「可蘊基金獎 學金生茶聚」,可蘊基金會主席 陳可殷小姐(前排右三)、一眾基金 會代表、中大協理副校長及入學及 學生資助處處長王淑英教授(前排 右四)、二十多位中大及另外兩所本 地大學的可蘊基金獎學金生,以及三 所院校的代表出席茶聚。王淑英教 授於致辭時感謝可蘊基金對香港高 等教育的支持,並鼓勵獎學金生把 握這個平台與各嘉賓及同學互相 交流。可蘊基金會由何銘思先生於 2004年成立,旨在資助「紅三角」地 區(即廣東韶關、江西贛州及湖南郴 州)的內地學生來港入讀三所院校 的本科課程。 可蘊基金獎學金生茶聚 Ho & Ho Foundation Scholars Tea Gathering The first ‘The D.H. Chen Foundation Scholars Roundtable Discussion’ was held on 23 February. The event was graced by the presence of Ms. Karen Cheung (front row, 2nd left), member of The D.H. Chen Foundation Board of Trustees, Mr. Alan Chow (front row, 2nd right), Executive Director of The D.H. Chen Foundation, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice- Chancellor of CUHK (front row, middle), Prof. Wong Suk-ying (front row, 1st left), Associate Vice-President and Director of Admissions and Financial Aid of CUHK, and Ms. Janet Chow (front row, 1st right), Director of Institutional Advancement of CUHK. CUHK scholarship recipients (back row, 2nd to 6th left) shared their university life and future career plans with guests during the event. Professor Wong expressed her gratitude to the Foundation for their staunch support towards the University over the years. She also encouraged the awardees to connect and interact with people from all walks of life through active participation in the Foundation’s activities. Established in 2015, the D.H. Chen Foundation Scholarship aims to promote all-round development by subsidizing outstanding local university students’ tuition fees, living and overseas exchange costs. Partnering closely with local universities, the Foundation will organize a wide range of activities for awardees, including social services, mentorship programme, and annual dinner. 生活以及未來規劃。王教授致辭感謝陳廷驊基金會一直以 來對中大的支持,同時寄語得獎同學積極參與基金會活動, 與社會各界交流。「陳廷驊基金會獎學金」於2015年成立, 透過提供學費、生活和海外交流津貼,鼓勵本地多所大專院 校的傑出學生擴闊國際視野,並舉辦各類活動包括社會服 務、師友計劃、周年晚宴等,讓得獎同學參與。 中大於2月23日舉行首次「陳廷驊基金會獎學金生圓桌聚 會」。出席嘉賓包括陳廷驊基金會董事會成員張添珞女士 (前排左二)及執行董事鄒秉基先生(前排右二)、校長沈祖堯 教授(前排中)、協理副校長及入學及學生資助處處長王淑英 教授(前排左一),以及拓展及籌募處處長周瑤慧女士(前排 右一)。獲獎中大生(後排左二至六)與嘉賓分享他們的大學 陳廷驊基金會獎學金生圓桌聚會 The D.H. Chen Foundation Scholars Roundtable Discussion
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