Newsletter No. 495

07 # 4 9 5 | 0 4 . 0 4 . 2 0 1 7 中 大 品 牌 誌 / A natomy of a B rand 瀛寰互繫:地球系統科學課程 The Correlated Dynamics: Earth System Science Programme 理學院於2012年開辦地球系統科學課程,提供數理分析、研究訓練、野外考察和實習經 歷,讓學生全面認識地球系統,深入研究切身的議題,比如自然災害、氣候變化、生態健 康、能源問題及可持續發展等。 葉燕盈 是地球系統科學課程的首屆學生,也是課程標誌的設計者。她解釋,課程聚焦於系 統性及跨學科的地球研究,以助學生從大氣、地質、水和生物等不同圈層了解地球的運作 原理,故此,她用白線勾畫出白雲、地殼、波浪和綠葉的輪廓,着以天藍、土赭、海藍和葉綠 色,將四瓣圖案拼合為一圓形,緊貼並存,寓意地球系統的各個圈層環環緊扣,互為影響。 課程的標誌採旋轉型設計,這設計巧妙地產生互動感,乍看之下如同四瓣圖案在旋轉着, 貌似轉動中的地球,而這自然的動感一如課程內緊密的師生互動。葉同學萌生設計課程標 誌的念頭,老師和行政人員都十分支持,她於是把地球系統中的其中四個主要圈層融入設 計初稿。「我的初稿像素描似的, 戴沛權 教授建議我改用簡潔、自然的線條;起初我以幾座 山代表岩石圈,後來 張健 博士提議我改用一塊具有『轉換斷層』結構的地殼。沒有他們的 意見,就沒有現在這個精美而簡約的標誌。」 在美學領域,圓形和球形是完美的幾何圖形,而公元前五百年的古希臘人畢達哥拉斯早認 為地球和天體都是球形的,他認為一切立體圖形中最美的是球形,平面圖形中最美的是圓 形。中國自古以來亦以圓為美,「圓」是圓融,是追求和諧的處世之道。地球系統科學課程 的圓形標誌,豈非承載一種人與自然和諧共處之意? The Earth System Science Programme was launched by the Faculty of Science in 2012. Equipped with training in quantitative analysis, research methodologies, fieldtrip and internship experiences, its students would be able to deepen their understanding of the Earth system and delve into crucial issues such as natural hazards, climate change, ecological health, energy resources and sustainability. Miss Yvonne Ip from the first cohort of the programme is the designer of its logo. She explained that the curriculum focuses on systemic and interdisciplinary research of the Earth, which helps students understand its operation from spheres such as the atmosphere, the geosphere, the hydrosphere, and the biosphere. Accordingly, she outlined a cloud, the Earth’s crust, water and a leaf in white strokes, and coloured them in sky blue, ochre brown, ocean blue and green, respectively. As the four constituents are entwined into a circle, the interrelatedness and mutual influence of these spheres of the Earth system are vividly demonstrated. The dynamic rotary logo design gives a touch of interactiveness. Its four constituents seem to be rotating at a glance, like the Earth in rotation. Such a natural dynamics echoes how everyone in the programme works together. When Yvonne began to design the logo for the programme, she received the full support from the faculty and administrative staff. She included the four cornerstone spheres of the curriculum in the first draft for their review. ‘My first draft was like a sketch, so Prof. Amos Tai suggested that I should use plain and natural strokes; Dr. Jason Zhang also advised me to characterize the Earth’s crust with “transform faults” instead of the clichéd mountain tops. Without their advice, we wouldn’t have a logo that captures our mission so sophisticatedly and so simplistically.’ Circles and spheres are perfect geometrical shapes. As early as 500 B.C., Pythagoras had already proposed a spherical Earth and other spherical celestial bodies. Like many Greeks, he believed the sphere and the circle were the most perfect forms. The ancient Chinese also equated circles with beauty. Rotundity implies ‘harmony’ in Chinese culture, which is the way of life commonly pursued. The round logo of the Earth System Science Programme imparts a sense of harmony of Man and Nature, doesn’t it? 如 琢 如 磨 / D raft C raft 題辭漫談 題辭言簡意賅,應是書信以外最常見的應用文體,表達稱頌、祝賀、悼念等。 公營機構舉辦活動,常常邀請社會名人題辭,刊登於場刊,以示隆重。一般應用文書籍,載 有不同場合適用的題辭,供讀者按圖索驥。題辭一般只有四個字,似乎簡單不過;可是邀請 別人題辭的函件,也有一些應注意事項。要談這個題目,我們先從題辭格式說起。 題辭講究場合,作者和受者的關係也不能弄錯。題辭應具上下款,上款顯示受者或機構的 稱號,以及致送題辭的原委,譬如「誌慶」、「雅正」、「千古」等。下款則是自稱(如兄、弟、 晚、受業等)。如代表機構,則須寫明機構名稱,以及撰寫者職銜、姓名。最後,不可忘記具 名語,譬如「敬書」、「恭賀」、「哀輓」等。如受者為平輩或知交,用「書」字便可。以下為題 辭一例: [例一] 香江大學社會學系三十周年誌慶 樂育菁莪 濠江大學社會學系主任李正敬賀 我們簡略地說過題辭格式,現在看看怎樣邀請別人撰寫題辭。 假設某甲為香江大學社會系職員,負責籌辦學系成立三十周年慶祝典禮和編纂典禮場刊, 發信給素有往來的教研機構,邀請他們的負責人出席典禮及題辭。濠江大學李正教授就是 收信人之一。以下是某甲替系主任陳山教授撰寫的邀請函: [例二] 李教授講席: 睽違雅範,倏忽經月。今值敝系成立三十周年,特於五月二十日 假香港金碧大酒店敬治菲筵,尚祈惠降為荷。又第二十五屆系友會執 委會即將就任,將於宴上舉行交接儀式。晚宴場刊現正編寫,倘蒙賜 下題辭,以光篇幅,不勝感紉。耑此奉約,敬頌 文祺 香江大學社會學系主任 陳山教授謹啟 收信人讀過信後,知道香江大學邀請他參加晚宴和撰寫題辭。但他不可能肯定晚宴的主旨 是慶祝學系成立三十周年,還是系友會交接儀式,還是兩者兼備。請求別人貽贈題辭,必 須清楚說明活動原委,收信人才能把上款和題辭寫得恰當。故此,信中第二句可改寫如下: 「今值敝系慶祝成立三十周年暨系友會新幹事會就任,特於……」;如此,晚宴的主題便一 目了然。李教授寄給陳教授的題辭如下: [例三] 香江大學社會學系成立三十周年暨 第二十五屆系友會幹事會交接典禮誌慶 濟濟多士 濠江大學社會學系主任李正敬賀