Newsletter No. 520

# 5 2 0 | 1 9 . 0 6 . 2 0 1 8 06 中大與埃克塞特大學聯手促進全球可持續發展 Joining Hands with University of Exeter to Promote Environmental Sustainability 中大與英國埃克塞特大學聯合成立「香港中文大學–埃克塞特大學環境持續與應變聯合研 究中心」(ENSURE),將投放二千萬港元作研究經費,旨在促進大型及具影響力的跨學科 研究,以應對環境變化和人類健康與福祉的議題。ENSURE啟動禮於6月5日舉行,由段崇智 (左一)校長及埃克塞特大學校長史蒂夫.史密斯爵士(右二)擔任主禮嘉賓。 ENSURE不但是本港首個同類型環境聯合研究中心,亦為促進國際學術交流及拓展相關政策 的平台,並培育新一代的年輕研究員,解決可持續發展面臨的挑戰。 兩校最近於埃克塞特大學舉行聯合工作坊,逾三十名來自廣泛領域的研究員探討未來的大型 合作項目。 CUHK and the University of Exeter launched a new HK$20 million joint research centre named CUHK–University of Exeter Joint Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Resilience (ENSURE). Officiating at the launch ceremony on 5 June were Prof. Rocky S. Tuan (1st left), Vice-Chancellor, CUHK and Prof. Sir Steve Smith (2nd right), Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of the University of Exeter. The first of its kind in Hong Kong, the joint centre aims to embark on large, impactful interdisciplinary collaborations to tackle emerging issues related to a changing environment and human health and wellbeing. ENSURE will serve as a platform for international academic exchange, promoting policy related works, and nurturing the next generation of young researchers to address sustainable development challenges. A workshop was recently held at the University of Exeter, bringing together over 30 researchers from a wide range of disciplines to discuss the forming of large-scale collaborative projects in the coming years. 段崇智校長談一帶一路 Vice-Chancellor on the Belt and Road Initiative 段崇智校長出席5月25日於澳洲西澳大學舉行 的世界大學聯盟(簡稱WUN)大學校長論壇, 並就「一帶一路」於地區政策的重要性發表演 說,出席者包括逾百名大學領導、高層管理人 員、研究員及業界人士。 段校長指出,儘管「一帶一路」政策為經濟及可 持續發展帶來許多合作機遇,但同時亦構成財 務、社會及環境等方面的風險。他強調各地大 學有責任及能力評估相關風險,並在政策制定 中擔當關鍵角色。本港及中大憑藉其獨特性和 優勢,可為政策研究作出貢獻,以減低風險,並為各界帶來裨益。 WUN由遍及六大洲的二十三所院校組成,是次論壇旨在探討高等教育及研究在制定和參與 國際政策的角色,並特別集中討論可持續發展目標、氣候協議和「一帶一路」等議題。 Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky S. Tuan spoke on the importance of the Belt and Road Initiative as a regional action plan at the Presidents Forum of the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) held at the University of Western Australia on 25 May. In attendance were some 100 university leaders, members of the senior management, researchers and industry practitioners. Professor Tuan acknowledged that while the Belt and Road Initiative will bring opportunities for economies and joint efforts in achieving sustainable development, it also poses a number of risks, including financial, social and environmental issues. He emphasized the responsibility and capability of universities to investigate these risks and to play a pivotal role in policy making. With their uniqueness and strengths, Hong Kong and CUHK can contribute to policy research that will mitigate the risks and maximize benefits for all. WUN is an exclusive network of 23 research-led universities across six continents. The forum aimed at examining the role of higher education and research in international policy development and engagement, specifically in light of the sustainable development goals, climate accords, and the Belt and Road. 研究生專研項目廣介紹 Broadening the Reach of Postgraduates’ Research 由中大圖書館舉辦,研究院及自 學中心協辦,第三屆「研究海報展 覽」於5月9至24日假大學圖書館舉 行。展覽不但讓研究生藉海報向大 學社群展示其研究工作,亦有助他 們提升設計海報簡報技巧。 是次展覽反應熱烈,共展出二十二 張來自五個學院及跨系的研究生 海報,其中十五人為博士生。參展 者須於5月16日的簡報會介紹他們的研究成果,互相交流,並競逐三項「最佳海報及簡報」大 獎。最終由那打素護理學院哲學博士候選人Jenniffer Paguio(中)榮獲冠軍,亞軍及季軍分 別為政治與行政學系哲學博士生Mohid Iftikhar(右)及賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院哲學 博士候選人孫日揚(左)。此外,評判團特增設一項優異獎,授予新聞與傳播學院文學碩士生 曹澤宇。 Organized by the CUHK Library, the third Research Poster Exhibition for CUHK postgraduates was held in the University Library from 9 to 24 May. With the support from the Graduate School and the Independent Learning Centre, the exhibition aimed at broadening the reach of postgraduates’ research to the university community and enhancing their poster presentation skills. This year, the exhibition attracted 22 posters from our postgraduates across five Faculties and also on inter-faculty programmes, of whom 15 are at PhD level. The participants presented their research to the audience and competed for three Best Poster Presentation Awards in the oral presentation held on 16 May. The champion was awarded to Ms. Jenniffer Paguio (centre), PhD candidate, the Nethersole School of Nursing; the first runner-up and second runner-up were Mr. Mohid Iftikhar (right), PhD student, Department of Government and Public Administration; and Ms. Riyang Sun (left), PhD candidate, the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, respectively. The judges also decided to award honourable mention to Mr. Zeyu Cao, MA student, School of Journalism and Communication. 崇基學生發展綜合大樓動土 Groundbreaking Ceremony for Chung Chi Student Development Complex 崇基學院於5月28日舉行崇基學生發展綜合 大樓動土典禮,預計於2021年啟用,為學生 增加最少一千二百平方米的活動與學習空 間,豐富校園生活,發揮個人成長的潛力。 綜合大樓以雙子樓的形式,屹立於教職員宿 舍 D 座和 G 座的原址,由學生發展中心(低 座)和多功能大樓(高座)組成,經雙層行人 天橋連接。大樓將設有小型劇院、身心靈關 顧中心、音樂練習室、多用途活動室、屬會室 等,並備有多個學習共享空間、休閒角及天台花園等設施。 Chung Chi College held the groundbreaking ceremony for the Chung Chi Student Development Complex on 28 May. The complex, expected to come into service in 2021, will provide students with at least 1,200 m 2 of area for learning and activities, enriching the students’ experience and personal growth. As a redevelopment of Staff Quarters Blocks D and G, the complex is of a twin design, consisting of a Student Development Centre (the Low Block) and a Multifunctional Building (the High Block) connected by two foot bridges. The complex offers a wide range of facilities, including a mini theatre, a caring centre, music practice rooms, multipurpose activity rooms, society rooms, learning commons, leisure corners and a roof garden. 校 園 消 息 / C ampus N ews