Newsletter No. 520

07 # 5 2 0 | 1 9 . 0 6 . 2 0 1 8 慷慨解囊 Act of Largesse 李兆基博士(右)承諾透過李兆基基金捐贈一億一千萬港元鉅款,支持中大整體發展。 段崇智校長(左)在捐贈典禮上感謝李博士由中大成立初期至今的長期眷顧,不斷推動 中大強化教與研。 Dr. Lee Shau-kee (right) pledged to donate a whopping HK$110 million through the Lee Shau Kee Foundation to support the general development of CUHK. Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky S. Tuan (left) thanked him at the donation ceremony for his ‘longstanding support since the early days of CUHK’s establishment’ which enables the University to keep strengthening its research and teaching. 綠色嘉年華 Green Carnival 賽馬會氣候變化博物館5月中在尖沙咀 一商場舉辦「賽馬會中大氣候行動— 環保嘉年華2018」,向公眾傳遞氣候變 化和綠色生活資訊。同場正式啟動「綠 識追蹤網上環保平台」,鼓勵市民記錄 自己的碳足印,建立綠色生活習慣。 The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change held the ‘JC–CUHK Climate Action’ Green Family Day 2018 on 19–20 May at Mira Place I to convey knowledge about climate change and green messages to the local community, which coincided with the official launch of the ‘Action Monitor’, an online tool for tracking one’s carbon footprint and establishing green-living habits. 社交小幫手 Social Robots to Help Autistic Children 中 大 與 日 本 電 氣 香 港 有 限 公 司 (NECHK)簽署合作備忘錄,攜手推動 中大社交機械人教學計劃。教育心理學 系蘇詠芝教授(左)團隊設計的介入治 療方案將應用在NECHK最新的社交機 械人HUMANE,幫助改善自閉症兒童的 溝通技巧和自理能力。 CUHK and NECHong Kong Ltd (NECHK) signed a memorandum of understanding to promote the University’s robot-based intervention programme to autistic children. Training programmes designed by Prof. So Wing-chee’s (left) team from the Department of Educational Psychology will be deployed with NECHK’s latest social robot ‘HUMANE’ to provide language communication, self-care and behavioural training. 「碩」果累累 Master Pieces 建築學院月初在中環舉辦第二十二屆碩 士畢業作品展,第二期展覽在中大綜合 教學大樓公開展出至6月24日。以「Make Some Noise」為主題的設計圖和模型探 討各類社會問題,希望喚醒公眾意識並 為環境帶來正面影響。 The School of Architecture presented its 22nd Master of Architecture Graduation Show earlier this month in Central, which is now open to visitors at the AIT Building on CUHK campus until 24 June. Under the theme of ‘Make Some Noise’, design panels and models on display address different societal issues, with the hope of raising awareness and eventually making a positive impact on the environment. 梁安裕《橫渡泰晤士河防洪閘—氣候變化下 基礎建設的舊建加新》 Crossing the Thames Barrier: Adaptive Reuse of Existing Infrastructure under Climate Change, by Derrick Leong 腦細胞再生 Reversing Brain Damage 生命科學學院劉國輝 教授(坐者)的研究團 隊發現一種有望刺激 神經細胞生長、治療 腦損傷的新機制。只 要將兩種名為FE65和 ELMO1的蛋白引入神 經元,其相互作用可促 使神經細胞之間的神 經突增長至少兩倍,幫 助神經網絡再生。 A team of scientists led by Prof. Lau Kwok-fai (sitting) of the School of Life Sciences has discovered a novel mechanism that can potentially stimulate the growth of nerve cells and treat brain damage. As long as two specific proteins, named FE65 and ELMO1, are introduced into the neuron, their interactions can at least double the length of neurites, which connect nerve cells, and help neural networks to regrow. 當好「超級聯繫人」 Hong Kong as ‘Super- Connector’ 香港亞太研究所、全球中國研究計劃與 政治及行政學系合辦「永續與一帶一路: 香港與世界互動」國際會議,探討「一帶 一路」國家及地區推行可持續政策帶來 的機遇與挑戰,重點討論香港應怎樣發 揮好聯繫中國與世界的角色。 The Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Global China Research Programme and the Department of Government and Public Administration co-hosted the ‘International Conference on Global Sustainability and the Belt and Road Initiative: Engaging the World from Hong Kong’ to explore the opportunities and challenges in connection with sustainable development projects in the Belt and Road regions, with special emphasis on the roles Hong Kong can play in the Belt and Road Initiative by serving as a point linking China and the rest of the world. 早期肺癌新療法 Pioneering Early Lung Cancer Treatment 醫學院外科學系胸腔外科團隊使用「混合手術室」先進的實時影像掃描,配合「電磁導 航支氣管鏡」微創技術,協助外科醫生精確找出肺部小至兩亳米的病變組織,並即時移 除。團隊早前發表全球首份相關技術研究報告,至今已為五十多名患者移除肺部可疑組 織,當中超過七成確診早期肺癌。 The thoracic surgical team of the Faculty of Medicine combines the use of Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy (ENB), a minimally invasive innovation, with ‘Hybrid Operating Room’ which allows real-time imaging of lesions as small as 2mm in size to remove lung lesions once found. The team has published the world’s first research paper on this surgical approach. It has helped over 50 patients to have their lesions removed, over 70% of whom were diagnosed with early lung cancer.