Sustainable Campus Summer‧Autumn 2008

� 校園發展 Campus Development M s. Gloria Siu, one of the external members of the CLEC, has had a long and close relationship with plants that began in childhood when she gorged on Rose Myrtle berries during walks in the hills and slept on pillows stuffed with fragrant Myrobalan leaves. ‘All living things have the right to live. Plants can’t talk, so I will speak for them,’ she had thought growing up. Today she is a member of the China Plant Specialist Group, Species Survival Commission, World Conservation Union. ‘When people look at a university, the first thing they see is the campus. It is the earliest reflection of its substance. Therefore it is of critical importance that CUHK takes inventory of its trees. The University has a comprehensive tree policy. This is an important first step. I would like to see CUHK become, with further finetuning and regular review of its policy, a model for Hong Kong or even China.’ The other two external members of the CLEC are Mr. Heung Wai- kin from the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects, and Mr. Cheung Yiu-fai from the Institute of Horticulture (Hong Kong). The student members are Mr. Chan Chun-ho (Biology) and Ms. Wan Lai-ying Samantha (Architecture). 往聯合書院沿路的一道石面斜坡,現在長滿了綠葉 A rock surface slope on the road to United College now teems with green 蕭 麗萍女士是校園景觀美化委員會的校外成員,從孩提時代 起,即與植物為伴,緊密相隨。她在山間散步時,會大啖 崗棯莓﹔晚上又會睡在散發天然幽香的油柑子葉枕頭上。她自小 便冀盼當樹木的代言人,「所有生物都有生存的權利。植物不能 說話,我要為她們發言。」目前,她是世界自然保護聯盟物種生 存委員會中國植物專家小組的成員。 「人們看一所大學時,首先是看大學的校園。校園最先反映大學 的內涵,因此中大詳錄校內的樹木是至為重要的。中大有全面的 植樹政策,這是關健的第一步。藉着進一步調校和定期檢討政 策,我盼望中大成為香港、甚至是中國大陸的模範。」 校園景觀美化委員會的另外兩名校外成員,是香港園景師學會的 向偉健先生和香港園藝學會的張耀輝先生。學生成員是生物系的 陳雋浩先生和建築系的尹麗瑩女士。 植物不能說話,我要為她們發言 Plants Can’t Talk, So I Will Speak for Them 蕭女士在海南的一個森林進行植物調查 Ms. Siu in a forest during a plant survey in Hainan (續上頁 Continued ) T orrential rain lashed Hong Kong in the month of June, and the Hong Kong Observatory issued rainstorm and landslide warnings. But despite the downpour, no landslidewas registered at the Chinese University, save a couple of wash-outs. For a campus with some 300 registered slopes and a large number of natural slopes, this was no easy feat. Weeks later, the skies cleared and the slopes turned a luxuriant green. This, too, was no easy feat. Safe and beautiful slopes are the result of constant vigilance and meticulous efforts at slope improvement. Safety and More In 1997, weeks of heavy rain triggered major landslides on our campus. But the number started steadily decreasing shortly after that. By 2000, there were very few large-scale slippages even during the rainy season. The trend owed itself to the policies of the Standing Committee on Campus Geotechnical Matters, set up in 1998, their implementation by the Campus Development Office and the Estates Management Office. For these administrators and professionals, safety was important but something more had to be done. Landscaping Treatment after Slope Works Landscaping treatment on stabilized slopes falls roughly into two categories—hard surface and soil surface. Hard surface 安