Newsletter No. 527

06 # 5 2 7 | 1 9 . 1 1 . 2 0 1 8 衝線人生 Pedal to the Metal 學生事務處舉辦首場  「名人講堂」,由單車 手黃蘊瑤小姐(中)擔 任主講嘉賓,分享她在世界盃勇奪冠軍的勵志故事,逾 六十位中大師生出席活動。黃蘊瑤勉勵年青人應逆境 自強,並要發掘個人興趣及奮力追尋夢想。 In the first session of Celebrity Talk organized by the Office of Students Affairs, Ms. Jamie Wong (centre) shared her life story as the first Asian female cyclist clinching the gold medal in the World Cup series. Over 60 students and staff attended the talk. She encouraged young people to stay positive when facing challenges, cultivate their hobbies and try their best in pursuing dreams. 銀屑病關節炎患者的新希望 New Hope for Psoriatic Arthritis Patients 銀屑病關節炎患者罹患心血管疾病的風險較一般人高 四成。中大醫學院發表一項研究,指患者的炎症綜合 指數如能持續達標,即其發炎指數一直維持在最低水 平,他們罹患心血管疾病的風險會因而降低,研究結 果已發表於醫學期刊 Arthritis & Rheumatology 。 The risk of cardiovascular diseases in psoriatic arthritis patients is 40% higher than that of healthy individuals. A recent study by the Faculty of Medicine shows that such risk can be lowered by achieving sustained minimal disease activity, which is the world’s first study in the area. The study results have been published in the medical journal Arthritis & Rheumatology . 中大表揚過百傑出學生 Over a Hundred All-rounders Recognized 中大設立「傑出學生 獎」以表揚及肯定學 生的優異成就、社會 貢獻,以及有勇於接 受挑戰的精神。今 年共有一百二十七名 學生獲獎,他們在創新及發明、體育、藝術、社會服務 及特殊成就五個類別表現出色。大學希望這些傑出學 生能樹立榜樣,勉勵更多同學在面對挑戰時保持樂觀 心境,帶着正能量迎難而上。 The University established the Outstanding Students Awards to recognize students’ outstanding achievements, contributions to the community, and the courage to face challenges. This year, 127 students have been awarded in five areas, namely Innovation and Invention, Sports, Arts, Social Service, and Special Achievement. Awardees shall lead by example having a flourish life, and encourage their schoolmates to be optimistic when facing big challenges ahead. 腸胃科專家獲中國科學界 權威獎項 Gastroenterologist Receives Major Award in the Chinese Community 何梁何利基金向中大內科及藥物治療學系于君教授頒 發「2018年度科學與技術進步獎(醫學藥學獎)」,表 揚其消化道和肝臟病變的研究碩果累累,讓醫學界了 解相關疾病的機制、診斷、治療及預防。于教授對獲 獎深感榮幸:「在科研的路上,我們會繼續精進創新, 悉力作更多高質素的研究,並將成果轉化作臨床應 用,以提升醫療質素,讓病人能得到更佳治療。」 The Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation presented to Prof. Yu Jun of CUHK’s Department of Medicine & Therapeutics the ‘2018 Scientific and Technological Progress Prize (Medicine)’ for her groundbreaking gastrointestinal research in understanding the pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of lesions in digestive system and liver. Professor Yu was honoured to receive the prize and said, ‘We will continue to seek scientific advancement and to conduct more researches of high quality in order to transform research results into clinical applications and, most importantly, to improve medical standards and provide patients with better treatment.’ 研究資助局表揚兩位 中大學者 Two CUHK Scholars Recognized by RGC 研究資助局對音樂系喬曼教授和 語言學及現代語言系黃俊文教授 的研究成就予以肯定,喬曼教授獲 頒「傑出青年學者獎」,何鴻燊認 知神經科學講座教授兼中大大腦 與認知研究所所長黃教授則獲頒  「人文學及社會科學傑出學者獎」。 Prof. Adam Kielman of the Department of Music and Prof. Patrick Wong of the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages have received Research Grants Council awards in recognition of their excellent research achievements. Professor Kielman was given the Early Career Award and Professor Wong, Stanley Ho Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Director of CUHK’s Brain and Mind Institute, received the Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship. 糖尿病專家獲海外榮譽院士名銜 Diabetes Expert Receives Honorary Fellowship Overseas 中大臨床科學家陳重娥教授專門研究糖尿病及其在華 人患者的合併症,研究成果享譽國際,獲澳洲蒙納士 大學頒發榮譽院士名銜。陳教授是內分泌科醫生兼臨 床科學家,早前成立了亞洲糖尿病基金會並擔任行政 總裁,也在專注於糖尿病基因檢測及疾病管理的基琳 健康擔任董事及主席。 Prof. Juliana Chan, CUHK’s clinician scientist renowned in the field of diabetes and its co- morbidities in Chinese population, has received an Honorary Fellowship from Monash University. As an endocrinologist and clinician scientist, Professor Chan founded the Asia Diabetes Foundation as the CEO and is the Director-cum-Chairman of GemVCare, a biotech company specialized in genetic evaluation and management of diabetes. 首位華人獲歐洲腫瘤學會頒發「終身成就獎」 First Chinese Bestowed with ESMO Lifetime Achievement Award 腫瘤學系系主任兼李樹芬醫學基金腫瘤學教授莫樹錦教授(左二)的研究改寫全球肺癌治療的準則,獲歐洲 腫瘤學會頒發「終身成就獎」。學會形容莫教授是「腫瘤學的傳奇」,是全球首位將「個人化治療」應用在晚 期肺癌患者身上的學者。他多年來致力研究肺癌的生物標記及分子標靶治療,其研究成果扭轉了肺癌治療 的方向,訂定肺癌治療的新準則。 Prof. Tony Mok (2nd left), Chairman of the Department of Clinical Oncology and Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation Professor of Clinical Oncology, received the award for his contribution to and leadership in lung cancer research worldwide. Considered as ‘a legend in medical oncology’ and ‘the first one to put personalized medicine in advanced lung cancer’, Professor Mok’s main research interest focuses on biomarker and molecular targeted therapy in lung cancer. Much of his research has shifted the treatment paradigm and defined the current management of lung cancer. Source: ESMO 黃俊文教授 Prof. Patrick Wong 喬曼教授 Prof. Adam Kielman