Newsletter No. 527

07 # 5 2 7 | 1 9 . 1 1 . 2 0 1 8 前瞻素食生活 Vegan Living for the Future 和聲書院推出名為「Future of Food: Plant-based Living」的通識課程。 課程理論與實踐並重,除了一般授 課,還加入烹飪和外展課,豐富學生 的學習體驗,讓他們認識飲食習慣 與環保、健康及動物的關係。 Lee Woo Sing College students are introduced a new General Education course ‘Future of Food: Plant-based Living’. Besides lecturing, cooking elements and field trips are included to spice up students’ learning experience. Students will look into the correlations between diet and the environment, food and health, as well as humans and animals. 中大實習生的環宇視野 An Extra Mile of CUHK Interns 本年約有六百五十名學生參與「寰宇暑 期實習計劃」,分別於全球四十四個國 家實習,涉獵行業廣及銀行金融、審計與會計、P2P電子商務、法律服務、房地產、廣告 傳媒、物流、零售、社會服務及一些駐內地城市的香港經濟貿易辦事處等。汲取工作經 驗之餘,亦提升了語言及人際相處技巧,擴闊了世界視野。 This summer, around 650 students were placed in 44 countries under the Global Internship Programme. Interns looked into various industries including banking & finance, auditing & accounting, P2P e-commerce, legal services, advertising & journalism, real estate, logistics, retail, social service and Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices in some Mainland cities. They have improved their language and interpersonal skills, gained workplace exposure and widened their horizons through the programme. 首位「聯合書院傑出 青年學者」 First Recipient of United College Early Career Research Excellence Award 聯合書院在10月19日慶祝第六十二周年院慶,同時頒發新設的「聯合書院傑出青年學者 獎」,獲獎人為機械與自動化工程學系盧怡君教授(左二)。獎項旨在鼓勵書院成員追 求研究卓越,並嘉許研究成果傑出的年青學者。 United College celebrated its 62nd anniversary on 19 October. The newly established United College Early Career Research Excellence Award was presented to Prof. Lu Yichun (2nd left) of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering. The award was founded to promote research excellence and recognize outstanding College members for their independent research careers. 有害物質無所遁形 Harmful Substances Uncovered 傳統的食品檢測方法有一定局限,理學院助理院長(教 育)、物理系王建方教授(左)開發了一種低成本、高精 度、用於拉曼光譜儀的納米芯片,能更有效、更準確地 檢測食品中的有害物質。 Traditional food testing methods have limitations in detecting harmful substances. Prof. Wang Jianfang (left), Assistant Dean (Education) of the Faculty of Science and professor of the Department of Physics, has developed a low-cost, high-precision nano chip for Raman spectroscopy which enables more effective and accurate detection of harmful substances in food. 到 任 同 仁 / N ewly O nboard Information in this section  can only be accessed with  CWEM password .  若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸入 中大校園電子郵件 密碼 。