Newsletter No. 528

06 # 5 2 8 | 0 4 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 8 守護兒童 Children’s Keeper 香港兒童醫院將於12月投入服務,處理嚴重、複雜及罕見的兒 科病症,收集的病例及數據有助推動兒科疾病的研究。有見於 此,中大成立「香港中文大學卓越兒童健康研究所」。此跨專 業、跨學科和跨國平台雲集醫學院、文學院、教育學院、工程學 院、理學院及社會科學院六個學院的學者以及全球多個合作 夥伴研究中心的專家,將在五個專題領域開展尖端研究,即兒 童癌症和新生兒學、微生物群與兒童健康、遺傳學和基因組 學,罕見病以及幹細胞和再生醫學。  In view of the opportunity to obtain a vast amount of valuable information on a wide range of complex, serious and uncommon paediatric diseases from the Hong Kong Children’s Hospital that will open in December, CUHK established the Hong Kong Hub of Paediatric Excellence (HK HOPE). Comprising scholars from the Faculties of Medicine, Arts, Education, Engineering, Science and Social Science as well as experts from international partner institutions, this unique platform works on five cutting-edge thematic areas, including paediatric oncology and neonatology, microbiome and child health, genetics and genomics, undiagnosed disease network and stem cells and regenerative medicine. 深造金融科技 Stay on Top of Financial Technology 繼本科課程,工程學院於2019至20年度開辦金融科技理學碩 士課程,首屆名額約五十個。課程由人工智能、網絡安全及金 融工程學等範疇的專家設計和任教,內容涵蓋金融基建、電 子支付系統、量化交易和算法交易、互聯網金融以及金融信息  學等。 Following the introduction of the undergraduate programme, the Faculty of Engineering is minting a newMaster of Science in Financial Technology (FinTech) to be launched in the 2019–20 academic year, admitting about 50 students in the first cohort. Backed by experts in artificial intelligence, cyber securities and financial engineering, the programme encompasses topics like FinTech infrastructures, electronic payments systems, quantitative and algorithmic trading, internet finance and financial informatics. 可持續發展的營商之道 Negotiating Business and Sustainability 聯合國可持續發展解決方案網絡香港地區分會 與賽馬會氣候變化博物館於11月10日合辦可持 續發展目標論壇系列之「商業與可持續發展」論 壇,廣邀專家分享將聯合國「可持續發展目標」 融入商業策略的良策。論壇講者包括政治與行 政學系系主任盧永鴻教授、香港公平貿易聯盟 行政總監古偉牧先生、香港海洋公園保育基金 科研副經理黃偉浩博士、本識顧問創辦人黃有 傑先生和「SDSN香港」青年網絡統籌劉霆鋒  先生。  The Hong Kong Chapter of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN Hong Kong) and the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change jointly organized a forum titled ‘Business and Sustainability’ under the Sustainable Development Goals Forum Series on 10 November. Speaking at the forum were Prof. Carlos Lo, chairman and professor of the Department of Government and Public Administration, Mr. Prentice Koo, Executive Director of Fair Trade Hong Kong, Dr. Simon Wong, Assistant Scientific Manger of the Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong, Mr. Tony Wong, Founder of Alaya Consulting and Mr. Toby Lau, Youth Network Coordinator of SDSN Hong Kong. 攜手推動創科教育 Joining Forces for STEM Education 由中大學習科學與科技中心與 香港教育工作者聯會合辦的香 港STEM教育聯盟成立典禮暨 第一屆香港STEM教育論壇於 11月3日在中大舉行。聯盟旨在 推動和引領本港STEM教育發 展,以及孕育具創意、擅長協作 和解難的科技人才。典禮主禮 嘉賓包括行政長官林鄭月娥女士(左六)、香港中聯辦主任王志民先生(右六)、港科院院長、香港STEM教育聯盟會 長徐立之教授(右五)、教育局副局長蔡若蓮博士(左三)、中大常務副校長華雲生教授(右三)及中大學習科學與科 技中心總監莊紹勇教授(左一)等。在香港STEM教育論壇上,著名學者和中小學校長均就「科學科技應用對人類生 活的重要性」和「培養年青人科學素養」深入討論和交流。此次活動共有超過七百名校長、師生及教育界代表參與。 Co-organized by CUHK’s Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies (CLST) and Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers, the Founding Ceremony of Hong Kong STEM Education Alliance cum The 1st Hong Kong STEM Education Forum was held at CUHK on 3 November. The Alliance aims at promoting and leading the development of STEM education in Hong Kong, as well as nurturing science and technology talents with creativity, strong collaborative and problem-solving skills. Officiating at the ceremony were Mrs. Carrie Lam (6th left), Chief Executive of HKSAR; Mr. Wang Zhimin (6th right), Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR; Prof. Tsui Lap-chee (5th right), Chairman of the Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong and President of the Hong Kong STEM Education Alliance; Dr. Choi Yuk-lin (3rd left), Under Secretary for Education; Prof. Benjamin W. Wah (3rd right), Provost of CUHK, and Prof. Morris Jong (1st left), Director of CLST. At the Hong Kong STEM Education Forum, renowned academics and school principals were engaged in discussions around ‘The Significance of Science and Technology Applied to Human Life’ and ‘The Cultivation of Teenagers’ Scientific Literacy’. The event drew a full house of over 700 participants comprising principals, teachers, students and education practitioners. 喜動計劃起動 Time to Get Up and Move 中大與香港賽馬會慈善信託基金(馬會)攜手推出為期五年的  「賽馬會家校童喜動計劃」,冀透過家校合作及科技應用,提升 學童做運動的興趣,令他們健康成長。此計劃獲馬會撥款逾九千 七百萬港元,吸引合共三十五間小學參與,將惠及約三萬名學童 及其家長。 CUHK and The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (HKJC) have joined hands to roll out Fun to Move@JC, a five-year pilot project aiming to heighten primary students’ motivation to participate in sport and promote their all-round development. With a funding of over $97 million from HKJC, the pilot project serves 35 primary schools and is expected to reach over 30,000 primary school students and their parents.