Newsletter No. 528

07 # 5 2 8 | 0 4 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 8 全球專家並肩護腦 Global Experts Meet on Brain Health 醫學院腦神經科主辦2018年國際血管行為和認知 障礙學會國際會議,邀請了全球逾四十位權威專 家,就腦血管疾病、預防和醫治認知障礙症的新方 向等各方面分享成果。會議於11月14至17日期間 假香港科學園舉行。是次會議的組委會主席、莫 慶堯醫學教授莫仲棠教授,亦於會上分享預防及 治療認知障礙症的洞見。 The Division of Neurology from the Faculty of Medicine hosted the 9th International Conference of The International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders, VasCog 2018, inviting more than 40 top experts over the world to share their findings on cerebrovascular diseases and the breakthroughs in prevention and treatment of dementia. The Conference was held at Hong Kong Science Park between 14 and 17 November. Prof. Vincent Mok, Chair of the VasCog 2018 Local Organizing Committee, Mok Hing Yiu Professor of Medicine, also shared his visions on the prevention and treatment of the disease. 共組一帶一路國際科學組織聯盟 Joining the Belt and Road League for Science and Technology 中大與全球近四十間國家、地區及國際科研組織和機構在11月攜手於 北京成立「一帶一路國際科學組織聯盟」。聯盟為中國科學院倡議成 立的非牟利及非政府國際科學組織,旨在探討及應對「一帶一路」地 區經常面對的問題和推動地區科學和科技合作。創盟成員分別來自 俄羅斯、巴基斯坦、波蘭、匈牙利、尼泊爾、肯亞、荷蘭、紐西蘭及巴西 等地,中大為聯盟唯一的香港院校。 CUHK has joined hands with nearly 40 national, regional and international scientific and research organizations from around the world as one of the founding members of the Alliance of International Science Organizations in the Belt and Road Region (ANSO). Initiated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, ANSO is an international, non- profit and non-governmental scientific organization for identifying and addressing common issues in the Belt and Road Region and promoting science and technology cooperation. Among the founding members are scientific bodies from Russia, Pakistan, Poland, Hungary, Nepal, Kenya, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Brazil, with CUHK being the only institution from Hong Kong. 表彰優秀科研 Synergized Efforts Bear Fruit 中國科學院(中科院)與本港高等院校共建的二十二所聯合實驗室早 前接受評核,全港獲得「優秀」評級的四所實驗室中,中大佔其三,即 高密度電子封裝材料與器件聯合實驗室、深港生物材料聯合實驗室及 滬港化學合成聯合實驗室。中科院院長、中大榮譽理學博士白春禮教 授於11月8日蒞臨中大會見四十多名聯合實驗室的研究人員,表彰其工 作和科研成果,並頒授嘉許獎狀。白院長此行亦應邀主講傑出學人講 座,講題為「創新科技發展新態勢:中國與世界」,吸引近二百名學者、 學生、校友以及公眾人士參加。 Among the four laboratories that earned the ‘Outstanding’ ranking, the best possible grade, in an evaluation of 22 joint laboratories run by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and local institutions, three are with CUHK. They are Joint Laboratory for High Density Electronic Packaging Materials and Devices, Joint Laboratory for Biomaterials SIAT–HKU–CUHK and Shanghai-Hong Kong Joint Laboratory in Chemical Synthesis. To recognize the work and achievements of the CUHK research community, Prof. Bai Chunli, CAS President and Honorary Doctor of Science, honoris causa of CUHK came to the campus on 8 November to meet with over 40 researchers working at the joint laboratories and present certificates. During the visit, Professor Bai also delivered a Distinguished Lecture on the topic of ‘New Trends in Innovation and Technology Development: China and the World’, which was attended by over 200 scholars, students, alumni and members of the public. 中大(深圳)成立生命與健康科學 學院 CUHK (SZ) Establishes School of Life and Health Sciences 中大(深圳)11月14日成立生命與健康科學學院。 學院將推動生命與健康科學的教研及創新,開設 結合生命科學、健康科學、科研與生物工程設計 等領域的課程,並與理工學院和三所由諾貝爾獎 科學家帶領的研究院緊密合作,開展教學和科 研。國際知名藥理學家葉德全教授將擔任該院創 院院長,於2019年2月1日履新。 CUHK (SZ) established its School of Life and Health Sciences on 14 November to advance teaching, research and innovation in life and health sciences, and to develop and offer curricula that integrate life sciences, health sciences, research and bioengineering design. It will also work closely with the School of Science and Engineering and the three Institutes led by Nobel Prize laureates in teaching and scientific research. The world-leading pharmacologist Prof. Ye Dequan Richard is appointed as the founding Dean of the School, and will assume office on 1 February 2019. 悅目賞心 Feast for Eyes and Heart 文物館現時展覽「雪漠玲瓏:喜馬拉雅與 蒙古珍品」的展覽海報入選由文博新媒體 協作平台主辦的「2018繆斯慕海報推介」 十佳博物館海報,負責海報設計的文物館 平面設計師梁超權先生,同獲十佳設計師 殊榮。 主辦單位是次共收到二百六十多幅作品, 均為內地及香港博物館今年的展覽及文 化活動海報。經專家與媒體挑選及網絡投 票,文物館脫穎而出,成為唯一入選的香港 博物館。 The poster of Art Museum’s current exhibition ‘Jewels of Transcendence: Himalayan and Mongolian Treasures’ is listed among the top 10 posters in the 2018 Museum Poster Award organized by Arts, Museum and New Media Collaboration Platform. The designer of the poster, Art Museum Graphic Designer Mr. Eric Leung is also named one of the top 10 designers. This year the Award saw over 260 entries from mainland China and Hong Kong, all of which being posters of exhibition and cultural events held in 2018. After selection by experts and media representatives and online voting, Art Museum emerged as the only awardee from Hong Kong.