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Six Research Projects Receive Grants

  1. Monitoring Recent Changes of Cross-Border Drug Use and Their Implications for Prevention/Control Strategies (HK$630,890)
    Sponsors: Beat Drugs Fund
    Principal investigator: Prof. Hua Zhong (Department of Sociology)
  2. Impact of Urban-rural Return Migration on Rural Development in China-with Implications for Vietnam (GBP34,500)
    Sponsors: Economic and Social Research Council
    Principal investigator: Prof. Shen Jianfa (Department of Geography and Resource Management)
  3. International Convention of SPM/SMI 2014 (HK$100,000)
    Sponsors: The Croucher Foundation
    Principal investigator: Prof. Charlie C. L. Wang (Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering)
  4. First International Conference on Organelle Biogenesis and Function in Hong Kong (HK$100,000)
    Sponsors: The Croucher Foundation
    Principal investigator: Prof. Jiang Liwen (School of Life Sciences)
  5. Rational Design of Plasmonic Thin Film Solar Cells for Enhanced Efficiency (HK$1,383,330)
    Sponsors: Innovation and Technology Fund
    Principal investigator: Prof. Ong Hock-chun Daniel (Department of Physics)
  6. The Cultural Shaping of Leadership Judgments: The Role of Ideal Affect (US$13,120)
    Sponsors: National Science Foundation
    Principal investigator: Prof. Fung Hoi-lam (Department of Psychology)