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Webmasters Forum 2014

The Webmasters Forum 2014 jointly organized by the Information Services Office (ISO) and the Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) took place on 8 August with an audience of about 150. The forum was packed with activities. After welcoming remarks by Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost, Mr. Danny Hui, website development manager, ISO, gave a briefing on the minimum web standards required for all CUHK websites. His briefing was followed by a talk by Ms. Sheila Guo from the ITSC on web content duplication and plagiarism. The third talk was delivered by Mr. Derek Chan from Master Concept, who expounded on using Google Analytics to track traffic and user behaviour on websites and e-newsletters. Last but not least, Mr. Alex Frew McMillan shared with the audience his views on writing for the Web and his '12 commandments'. These talks were followed by a sharing session, in which a number of CUHK units that issue e-newsletters on a regular basis exchanged and shared their experiences.

The PowerPoint files of the talks are available at here.


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