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Spanish Galleon

(Photo by ISO staff)

Spanish cuisine is known for being flavourful and visually rich. Seafood, pork, and lamb are common ingredients. Nevertheless, in response to the 'Meatless Monday' campaign launched by 'Green Monday', the dining hall at Morningside College introduces the dish eggplant stuffed with vegetarian paella so members of the campus can enjoy Spain-inspired flavours in a more environment-friendly way.

According to the manager, the dining hall serves only a dozen portions of the eggplant dish every day because the cooking method is time-consuming. To prepare the dish, first scrape out the pulp of the eggplant then bake the boat-shaped eggplant until tender. Heat a little oil in a frying pan and slowly stir in short-grain 'pearl' rice, bell pepper, tomato, and mushroom. This will be the filling. When the filling is ready, stuff it into the eggplant and put it in the oven to bake again. When ready, top the eggplant with tomato sauce and powdered parmesan. The eggplant is served with a salad.

As a final flourish, a tortilla chip is stuck on the stuffed eggplant. This makes it look like a Spanish galleon in the Age of Discovery shipping treasures from the Americas. It is a good idea to enjoy the dish at the outdoor dining area of the said dining hall with the beautiful scenery of Ma On Shan, Tolo Harbour, and salt-scented breeze as your company.


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