Annual Report 2018–19
6 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2018–2019 Hong Kong. CUHK’s strengths in healthcare related technology and artificial intelligence and robotics technology have enabled the University to engage in two innovative clusters, namely, Health@InnoHK and AIR@ InnoHK. Both clusters will be based at the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks. Another noteworthy piece of good news is that, with the launch of the University Grants Committee’s Eighth Matching Grant Scheme on 1 July 2019, CUHK has already successfully reached its Matching Grant ceiling of HK$600 million. This achievement speaks volumes about the strength of the community’s support for the University, as well as our success in inspiring society’s confidence in higher learning and research. A testimony of CUHK’s commitment to social betterment is the co-hosting of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Hong Kong Chapter by CUHK and The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. It is our firm conviction that universities not only create new technologies and knowledge, but should also work towards inspiring future generations of leaders in sustainable development, an urgent 21st century global challenge. The year under review also saw the second and third convening of the Global Alumni Advisory Board and the inauguration of the Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence Programme, which tap into the best of our talent pool. The Board consists of successful alumni from different professions and parts of the world, who work together to provide strategic advice and recommendations to the University for translation into actionable initiatives and directions. The Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence Programme is an interactive forum that features alumni who have made notable societal contributions to return to CUHK to deliver lectures, and engage with staff and students to share their wisdom and experience. We pay tribute to our staff, students, alumni, donors, and stakeholders and supporters of the University, whose InnoHK及AIR@InnoHK兩個創新平 台,發展醫療相關的技術、人工智能、 機械人科技等。 同樣值得鼓舞的,是大學教育資助委員 會2019年7月1日推出第八輪配對補助 金計劃,中大迅即籌募得六億港元配 對補助金上限。這印證了社會各界對中 大的支持,也顯示大學佳績贏得大眾 對高等教育和研究的信心。 中大一直不遺餘力,為建設更美好的社 會及提升生活質素作出貢獻。中大與 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金成立聯合國 可持續發展解決方案網絡香港地區分 會,說明了我們的決心。我們深信大學 不僅是創造新技術和知識的地方,更 應積極回應廿一世紀的全球挑戰,致 力培育及啟迪引領可持續發展的新一 代領袖。 本年度內「環球校友諮詢委員會」舉行 了第二及第三次會議,「傑出校友訪問 計劃」亦正式開展。兩項計劃充分發揮 了中大優秀的人才資源,讓大學廣納言 路。「環球校友諮詢委員會」的成員來 自全球不同專業的成功校友,為大學提 供策略建議,並化為具體計劃及行動。 「傑出校友訪問計劃」則邀請對社會 有傑出貢獻的校友蒞臨校園,與員生分 享及互動,使員生受益於他們的智慧 和人生經驗。 中大員生、校友、捐贈者、友好和支持 者眾志成城,對中大貢獻良多,使大學 不斷進步,我謹此向他們致以由衷謝 意。中大獨特的文化、使命及目標,有
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