Vice-Chancellor's Report 1987-90

Vice-Chancellor's Report Service Provision Capitalizing on the professional expertise of its staff members, the University has begun to provide useful services to local businesses in exchange for fees. One example is an agreement with a firm to provide samples of chemicals for commercial evaluation and to search for new, commercially viable products. Licensing Results of some research activities undertaken by University staff members may benefit mankind and can have commercial value. The University has made licensing arrangements with commercial firms that will package andmarket certain inventions with potential commercial value. Examples include computer software and biotech inventions. It is hoped that income from royalties will in the long run fund further research and provide additional incentive for researchers to be even more productive. Consultancy Faculty members have been encouraged to offer consultancy services to industries and businesses to continually update the relevancy of their teaching material, to contribute directly to the community, and to foster the University's links with the public and private sectors. The University also liberalized its outside practice regulations in early 1990 to encourage more staff members to engage in such activities which can generate more revenue for the University and bring extra income to the staff concerned. d e c e n t r a l i z a t i o n o f A c a d e m i c a n d A d m i n i s t r a t i v e f u n c t i o n s An exercise to redefine the responsibility, authority and accountability of the faculty deans, department chairmen, and boards of studies was carried out in late 1989 and was completed in April 1990 after six months' wide and extensive consultation with the University's academic and administrative staff. The exercise was an important step in the process of decentralization of academic and administrative functions in anticipation of the rapid expansion of the University in the next few years. Under the new arrangement, the responsibility of the dean lies in the overall development of the faculty. He/She has the authority to control the direction and emphasis of the faculty and his/her main concerns will include the introduction or reconstitution of subjects/areas of studies, the allocation of resources to such endeavours, and the control of quality of education through their active involvement in dealing with matters related to staff appointment, substantiation, promotion, and dismissal. The University policy bodies - the Council, Senate, and the Administrative and Planning for the dean's authority. The department chairman is now responsible for all personnel and 13