Annual Report 2000–01

文 學 院 Faculty of Arts 翻譯與政治:清末民初翻譯活動研究 Translation and Politics: A Comprehensive Study of the Translation Activities of the Late Qing and Early Republican China 這研究計劃由王宏志敎授主持,旨在探討中國近 代(一八四零至一九一九年)翻譯與政治之間的微 妙關係,更全面及深入地闡述這一時期的翻譯活 動。研究人員並不是就個別原著或譯文作表面的 文本對比,而是以西方最新翻譯研究理論為基 礎,強調「外在」力量對翻譯活動的影響,探討一 些過去不為翻譯學者所重視的課題,包括譯者、 贊助人、讀者、批評家、翻譯機構、該時期的意 識形態及詩學觀念,以及這些力量相互作用的權 力關係。初步成果已在十個國際及本地學術研討 會上宣讀,而所發表的論文獲研究資助局評定為 「卓越」。此外,兩本有關這研究項目的專著也即 將完成。 Funded by the RGC and conducted by Prof. Lawrence Wong Wang-chi, the project investigated the intricate relationship between politics and translation in China's early modern period (1840-1919), in the hope of providing a more comprehensive and thorough understanding of the translation activities of the time. It derived its theoretical framework from the most recent translation studies theories in the west, which emphasize the 'external' forces that shape translation activities. Instead of making superficial textual comparisons between the originals and the translations, the project looked into issues which had not been much dealt with in Chinese translation studies, including the translators, the patrons, the readers, the critics, the translation institutions, the ideology and poetics of the period, as well as the power relations between these factors. The initial findings have been presented in up to 10 international and local conferences, and its publications have been rated 'excellent' by the RGC. Moreover, two books on the subject will soon be completed.