Annual Report 2000–01

校園建設與環境保護 campus developmen t and environmenta l protection 今年大學校園的各類工程極多,數目堪稱歷年 之冠。大段的行人路和馬路給翻起,以鋪設水 管、電纜和光纖;多個斜坡上築起了圍板,為大 型的建設及鞏固工程做好安全措施:多幢建築物 也裝上了新的鋁窗,更換了空調設備。此外, 范克廉樓外興建了一個文化廣場,大學游泳池旁 邊的食堂也經全面擴充和翻新。崇基路和崇基學 院的入口正在擴闊,位於新亞和聯合的新學生 宿舍也在動工興建。校園東廓有築路工程,而多 幢樓宇也開展了重新間格的裝修工程。 新批建築項目 三個擱置了年多的建築項目,終獲政府批准興 建。它們是: • 硏究院宿舍設施改善工程; •工程學大樓第二期; •位於威爾斯親王醫院的臨床醫學大樓新翼。 另外,政府亦同意於校本部興建高危度實驗室專 用大樓。 二零零一年三月,政府原則上批准興建大學行政 樓新翼及敎育學院擴建設施的申請。另一方面, 校方亦獲得私人捐款於文物館興建新翼,作為 中國考古文物藝術博物館。 工程進展 已完成的建築工程則包括崇基校園第五期敎學 大樓的重建項目,新建成的利黃瑤璧樓(附設利 希慎音樂廳)及崇基學院行政樓已經啟用;位於 威爾斯親王醫院的公共衛生學院大樓亦已竣工, 並於二零零一年六月舉行開幕典禮:而海洋科 In the 12 months following July 2000, the University campus had more ongoing construction activities than it had had for years. Extensive lengths of pavements and roads were opened up for installation or replacement of water an d drainage pipes and all sorts of cables, PVC ducts, and conductors. Scores of slope features were fenced off to enable the incorporation of temporary safety measures or permanent stability improvement. Deformed and leaking windows were replaced and new air-conditioning units installed in many buildin g blocks. Then there were the construction of a cultural square outside the Benjamin Franklin Centre and more canteen facilities beside the University swimming pool, the widening of the access road at the Chung Chi entrance, the building of new hostel s on the campuses of New Asia College and United College, the construction of a southern access to the Science Park, as well as the renovation and fitting-out of offices in different buildings for spatial reorganization. Major Capital Programme Three major capital projects that had been shelved for ove r 15 months were resuscitated during the year: • major renovation and upgrading of the Postgraduate Hall Complex; • phase II of the Engineering Building Complex; • extension facilities for the clinical departments of the Faculty of Medicine at the Prince of Wales Hospital. A fourth, a purpose-designed building for centralized science (high risk) laboratories, wa s also given the green light to proceed. In March 2001, approval in principle was obtaine d from the UGC for building an extension to the University Administration Building and extension facilities for the Faculty of Education. The University also secured private donations to develop a Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art as an extension to the Art Museum. 工程學大樓第二期(前,電腦模擬) 與何善衡工程學大樓(後) Engineering Building Phase II (front, a computer simulation) and Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building (back) 72 校園建設與環境保護 CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION