Annual Report 2000–01

左圖:音樂系在利希慎音樂廳舉行試用演出 中圖:海洋科學研究中心新廈 右圖︰有表層保護並經綠化的斜坡 Left: A trial performance at the Lee Hysan Concert Hall by the Department ofMusic Middle: The newly relocated Marine Science Laboratory Right: A slope with surface protection and soft landscaping 學硏究中心及其配套設施現已矗立於吐露港畔的 新址。 此外,逸夫書院第二學生宿舍低座宣告落成, 崇基學院神學樓已徹底翻新,而敎職員宿舍第五 至九苑也已改成研究生宿舍二至六座。 新亞書院三百個宿位的新學生宿舍工程進展良 好,但聯合書院的新宿舍則因數度遇上技術及合 約問題,進度未如理想。 至於新敎學酒店的規劃,則已於二零零一年四月 正式獲城市規劃委員會批准,即將動工興建。 雖然二零零一年降雨量甚高,但校內多個斜坡經 鞏固後,今年再沒有錄得新的山泥傾瀉個案。大 學每年平均為十二幅斜坡進行詳細的穩定性評 估,並為相約數量的斜坡進行鞏固工程。展望未 來數年,該等工程的數目有增無已。 大學為了要綠化校園,更開展了不少有關斜坡表 層保護及綠化的硏究,包括生物工程的運用、 有機纖維表層的培植,以及如何大規模栽種植 被。 提高安全 保護環境 大學安全事務處於今年改名為大學安全及環境事 務處,並增聘一名環境事務主任,協助監察相關 的校園活動,以改善校園環境並加強校園的安 全。一年下來,該處取得的成績包括: •促使有關學科的硏究生必須接受實驗室安全 訓練及考試。 On-going and Completed Works The Esther Lee Building (incorporating the Lee Hysan Concert Hall) and the new Administration Block for Chung Chi College, which together formed Stage B Extensio n and Phase V Redevelopment of Teaching Buildings on Chung Chi campus, were fully ready for use. The School of Public Health Building and Auditorium at the Prince of Wale s Hospital were completed and formally opened in June 2001. The Marine Science Laboratory and associated facilities were relocated to a site near the waterfront. Also completed during the year were the construction of a n extension to Hostel II of Shaw College, the renovation o f the Theology Building on Chung Chi campus, and the conversion of University Residence Nos. 5 to 9 into Postgraduate Hall Nos. 2 to 6. Construction of the new 300-bed student hostel on New Asia campus was progressing satisfactorily, but its counterpart on United College campus was afflicted with some technical and contractual problems. Also worth noting was the formal approval by the Tow n Planning Board in April 2001 of the planning application of the University's new teaching hotel. The assessment and improvement of slope stability was heightened during the year and no fresh landslips were recorded despite torrential rain. In recent years, an average of 12 slope features were investigated for stability eac h year and an equal number underwent improvement construction. The numbers are expected to increase in the coming years . In response to the University's green campus policy, considerable research was conducted on surface protection and soft landscaping of the slopes, including bioengineering and geo-fibre applications and extensive vegetation re- cultivation. CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 校園建設與環境保護 73