Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 5 Jan 1971

Indonesia University of Indonesia Malaysia University of Malaya University of Penang The Philippines Adamson University Ateneo de Manila University De La Salle College University of the East University of the Philippines Philippine Women's University Saint Louis University University of San Carlos University of Santo Tomas Silliman University Singapore Nanyang University University of Singapore Thailand Asian Institute of Technology Chiengmai University Chulalongkorn University College of Education Kasetsart University Mahidol University National Institute of Development Administration Vietnam University of Hue University of Saigon Van Hanh University Hong Kong University of Hong Kong The Chinese University of Hong Kong Vice-Chancellor Choh-Ming Li addressing the Eighth General Conference of the ASAIHL, with Dr. Toh Chin Chye on the left and Dr. Prachoom Chomchai on the right Other participants were from the following institutions: The Asia Foundation The Association of Commonwealth Universities The British Council The Danforth Foundation Davidson College East-West Center The Ford Foundation University of Hawaii Institute of International Education International Association of Universities Inter-University Board of India and Ceylon Inter-University Counci l for Higher Education Overseas Keio University T r a n s l a t i o n P r o g r amme In a speech delivered at the University's Eleventh Congregation, for the conferment of honorary degrees and other degrees, on 16th October, 1970, Vice-Chancellor Choh-Ming L i expounded the importance of the role of translation — 4 —