Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 5 Jan 1971

from the point of view of literary criticism, comparative literature and philology. Careful survey of the whole field of study and selection of appropriate articles by the Committee members are now under way. In addition to the above-mentioned works, the Translation/Publication Projec t will also include two volumes of books under the name of A Reader of Social Science Studies. One volume will centre on theories of social science and the other on methodology. Members of the Committee for this project will be announced later. Translation Programme Planning Committee The Committee members, appointed by the Vice-Chancellor i n November 1970, are: Chairman: Dr. Phillip Sun Members: M r . T . C. L a i Dr. Joseph S.M. Lau Mr. P.C. Yao Mr. Stephen C. Soong (Secretary) Dr. L i attended the first meeting of the Committee held on 4th November, when he explained the policy of the University in regard to the translation programme and what was expected of the Committee. He made the following four points: 1) In principle, the three Foundation Colleges will continue to offer a general course in translation up to University's Intermediate level to be elected by first-year and second-year students. 2) Courses in translation offered to the third- year and fourth-year students will be conducted on an inter-collegiate basis. It is hoped that the courses will develop into a minor subject in the first degree examination. 3) According to the above principles, the Committee should make a complete inventory of the present translation courses offered by the Departments of English Language and Literature of the three Foundation Colleges, the Department of Journalism of New Asia College and the Department of Extramural Studies. The Committee should study the translation courses now offered, the staff situation and the number of students electing the courses. The Committee should also make a recommendation of the future programme of translation with a view to pooling of resources and avoiding duplication. 4) A Translation Centre may be set up to conduct research and coordinate with the future inter-collegiate teaching and the Translation/Publication Project . To date, two meetings of the Committee have been held. Detailed data regarding the translation programme have been collected and the report will be submitted to the University in due course. Work in Progress With the planning of the translation programme, an advanced translation certificate course was started by the Department of Extramural Studies in December 1970. Many applications were received and thirty-one candidates from various cultural organizations were selected after an entry examination. Five teachers have been engaged to teach the course, including members of the staff of the University and translation experts from other organizatio A n intermediate examination will be held in June 1971 and a final examination will be held at the end of the two-year study. Passing of the final examination and presentation of a substantial essay on translation, equivalent to a thesis, are prerequisite to the award of a certificate. This certificate course will not only provide teachers of translation wit h more practical experience; but will also serve to ease the urgent demand of the community for trained translators. With the establishment of a Translation Centre in the near future and with the Translation/Publication Project and the work of the Translation Programme Planning Committee in progress, the University once more manifests its keen awareness of its role to serve the community. G i f t s to t he Un i v e r s i ty • Mr. Hung Ling-Pan has made a generous donation of HK$ 100,000 to the University Library. The donation, named "Hung On-To Memorial Fund", will be used to develop, promote, improve and maintain the University Library. — 6 —