Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 5 Jan 1971

• The International Computers Limited has offered to set up scholarships for full-time students at the University taking an undergraduate degree or a postgraduate degree, diploma or certificate and who are studying Computer Science or applications as part of their curriculum. The amount offered for 1970-71 and 1971-72 is HK$3,000 per annum, and for 1972-73 and subsequent years, HK$6,000 per annum. • A donation of a two-year scholarship, amounting to HK$3,000 per annum, has been received from the American University Club of Hong Kong to provide a deserving student seeking a degree of Master of Business Administration with an opportunity to study at the Lingnan Institute of Business Administration of the University. The formal presentation of the award took place on 30th October, 1970 at the Benjamin Franklin Centre by Mr. John A. Holt, President of the American University Club of Hong Kong. • Chung Chi College has accepted a scholarship of HK$2,500 per annum from the Union Carbide Asia Limited for a first-year student reading for a B.Sc. degree with Chemistry as the major subject. The scholarship will be awarded to a Chung Chi student on academic merit as shown in the results of the University's Matriculation Examination or other examinations as recognized by this University for admission purposes. • Other gifts to the University include: 1) 203 volumes of books from the Japanese Government; 2 ) A complete selection of Reader's Digest books (20 copies, 17 titles) from Reader's Digest Asia Limited for the use of the students at the Benjamin Franklin Centre; 3) 74 volumes of books in Chinese (9 titles) including "Sze-Shih" printed in the Min g and Ch'ing Dynasties from Mr. Ho Wai- Man to Chung Chi College Library. Mr. Ho' s son, Mr. Ho Shiu Foon, is a 1965 graduate of the College, majoring in Chinese; and 4) A large collection of books, papers and journals (95 titles) on Oceanography and Fisheries in English, Chinese and Japanese from Mr. Watt Kwan Yuen to Chung Chi College. Un i v e r s i t y ' s F i r st T r a c k a nd F i e l d Meet The first Track and Field Meet of this University was held at Chung Chi College Sports Field, Shatin, on 5th December, 1970 with 322 students participating in 26 events. Undergraduates of the three Foundation Colleges of the Universit y took part in this university-wide Meet. Dr. the Hon. Sir Cho-Yiu Kwan, Chairman of the University Council, officiated at the opening ceremony. Prominent members of the local community and parents of the undergraduates were invited to attend. Mr. D. S. Adams presenting medals The one-day programme began with the passing of a torch in the Olympic style at the opening ceremony and band performances by the New Method College Band. Mrs. Choh-Ming L i concluded the programme by presenting prizes. Prizes for the Track and Field Meet were donated by Dr. the Hon. Sir Cho-Yiu Kwan; Dr. Choh-Ming L i, Vice-Chancellor of the University; Dr. C.T. Yung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University and President of Chung Chi College; Dr. Y.P. Mei, President of New Asia College; Mr. T.C. Cheng, President of United College ; members of the staff of the University and Rotary Club o f New Territories, Hong Kong. — 7 —