Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2001

•Activities fo r the Outstanding S u m m e r Class i n L a n g u a g es a n d G e n e r a l E d u c a t i o n Starting from 1997, the University has been organizing the summer class i n languages and general education for outstanding Secondary 6 students, and enrolmen t has expanded f r om 100 annually to 150 as a result of a significant increase i n the number of applicants. Participating students spend a week on the campus to fully experience University life and to familiarize themselve s w i t h facilities such as the Un i v e r s i t y L i b r a ry and the language laboratories. The general education componen t features interesting lectures b y the vice- chancellor, the University registrar, and other professors, whil e the language componen t offers courses i n putonghua, Cantonese, and English proficiency. The success of the summer class spurs the University on to expand its course offerings. From mid-2002, the programme w i l l provide a diverse range of university-level credit-bearing courses to outstanding senior secondary students. A special committee has been appointed to advise the University Senate on the mechanism for implementin g the scheme. (Top) Prof. Arthur K.C. Li speaking on surgery 一 a talk described as 'eye-opening’ by the participants (Middle] Prof. Hoyan Hang Fung of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature on correct Cantonese pronunciation (Bottom)Dr. Kenneth Leung from the School of Journalism and Communication discussing journalistic ethics using a case study approach Students competing in small groups at the evening gala of the summer class Understanding University Education and Campus Life 5