Calendar 2006–07

Research Institutes and Centres 347 Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences E-mail: Website: The institute was set up inApril 2005 with a donation from the Li Ka Shing Foundation. Research foci include early detection of severe diseases (e.g. cancers, genetic diseases, common urban health problems, infectious diseases), innovative therapeutics, and disease prevention through understanding of genetic susceptibility. The institute will also seek multi-disciplinary collaboration with private and public partners in research projects related to personal health and health education. A distinguishing feature of the institute is the innovative and interdisciplinary approach emphasizing research projects aimed at translating advances in basic and molecular sciences into tests and treatments that will benefit patients and promote health. The institute will be housed in the Li Ka Shing Medical Sciences Building at the Prince of Wales Hospital. It is anticipated that the construction of the building will be completed by early 2007. Research Institute for the Humanities Tel.: 2609 8698 Fax.: 2609 7722 E-mail: Website: Established in August 1991, the Research Institute for the Humanities has three main objectives: to encourage and coordinate collective, especially interdisciplinary, research in the humanities at the University; to identify areas suited to long-term strategic research; and to organize regional and international conferences on the humanities. Currently, there are five research centres under the institute. It is hoped that all humanities projects funded by the UGC/RGC and other sources will be housed under the institute, which will in turn provide clerical and logistic support, serve as an information clearing house, and organize events such as small workshops, lectures, and brain-storming sessions for possible research topics. The institute is primarily supported by private funds and external research grants. Its activities are governed by a management board comprising senior members of the University. Centre for Hong Kong Cultural Studies Tel.: 2609 7536 Fax.: 2609 7722 E-mail: Website: The missions of the Centre for Hong Kong Cultural Studies, formerly the Programme for Hong Kong Cultural Studies, include promoting studies in Hong Kong culture and helping researchers develop interest in Hong Kong culture. The centre organizes