Newsletter No. 123

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 講座教授就職演講 Professorial Inaugural Lecture 經濟學講座教授廖柏偉教授將於本月廿六日下午四時 半,假何添樓 B6 演講廳主持就職演講,講題為「激勵、工作 表現與報酬」。歡迎出席。 Prof. L i u Pak-wai, professor o f economics, w i ll give hi s inaugural lecture entitled 'Incentive, Performance and Pay' from 4.30 p.m. t o 5.30 p.m. on 26th March in Auditorium B6 of the Ho Tim Building. The lecture will be given i n English. A ll are welcome. 傳譯學術研討會 Seminar on Interpreting 為慶祝本校創校三十五周年、翻譯系銀禧紀念及逸夫書院成立十周年,翻譯系及逸 夫書院將於本月廿七日假逸夫書院大講堂合辦「傳譯學術研討會」。台灣輔仁大學外國語 文學院翻譯學研究所所長楊承淑教授、加拿大多倫多市政府翻譯及傳譯統籌主任龐林淑 蓮女士及香港法定語文事務署普通話傳譯組總中文主任金郭莉莉女士將應邀出席,並發 表論文。會議歡迎各界人士參加。 The Seminar on Interpreting, jointly organized by the Department of Translation and Shaw College, w i ll be held o n 27th March 1998 a t the Lecture Theatre o f Shaw College t o celebrate the 35th anniversary o f the University, the 25th anniversary o f the Department of Translation, and the 10th anniversary o f Shaw College. Prof. Yang Cheng-shu, director o f the Graduate Institute o f Translation and Interpretation Studies i n the College of Foreign Languages of Taiwan Fujen University, Ms. Pong Lam Shuk-lin, coordinator o f the Translation and Interpretation Service i n The Municipality o f Metropolitan Toronto, Canada, and Ms. Lily King, Chief Chinese Language Officer of the Putonghua Interpretation Section o f the Official Languages Agency i n Hong Kong, will present papers on interpreting. A l l are welcome. 百貨公司禮券 Gift Coupons 校方最近收到十四份由帝都酒店送出之崇光禮券,每份面額總值八百元,隨 時適用。 中大同人可以投標方式購買。有意者請致電商務組曹小姐(內線七八八七)索 取表格,填妥後密封寄往富爾敦樓地下商務組投標箱,截止日期為一九九八年三 月廿六日中午十二時正。投標以價高者得方法處理,結果將於三月廿八日直接通 知各投標者,所有收入將撥歸大學。 The University has been given 14 sets o f Sogo gift coupons, with a face value o f $800 per set, by the Royal Park Hotel under a business incentive scheme. The coupons have no deadlines, and can be used even during sales periods. Members o f staff are welcome t o bid fo r these coupons b y completing a n application form available from the Business Office and returning i t in an envelope to the Tender Box, Business Office, G01, John Fulton Centre, before noon on 26th March. The result o f the bidding will be released on 28th March. The proceeds will go t o the University. Enquiries can be directed to Ms. Jacqueling Cho o f the Business Office at Ext. 7887. 《一九九八年道路(私家路上泊車)(修訂)規例》 Road Traffic (Parking on Private Roads) (Amendment) Regulation 1998 保安組依據《一九九八年道路(私家路上泊車)(修訂)規例》,自本月一日起提 高下列收費: 鎖車 由一百四十元增至三百二十元 移走車輛 由二百元增至三百五十元 存放車輛 由每天五十元增至每天三百二十元 In accordance with the recently amended regulation, the charges fo r impounding, removing, and storing vehicles illegally parked on campus roads have been increased from 1st March 1998 as follows: Impounding $320 Removal $350 Storage $320 per day In line with the law, the Security Officer reserves the right t o release a vehicle to an offender subject to verification o f ownership. 校內超級市場及書店服務問卷調査 Customer Survey on Supermarket/Bookstore Services 師生中心管理委員會諮詢工作小組於三月十至二十日期間開展全校問卷調 查,搜集教職員、學生及校內人士的意見,以考慮需否在校內多設一間不同類型 的書店及一所便利店。所有問卷須於三月二十日(星期五)交回學生事務處(范克 廉樓一樓)或設置於百佳超級市場及大學書店之收集箱,結果將於五月公布。敬 請大力支持。 The Staff/Student Centre Management Committee will conduct a university-wide survey to assess the level o f satisfaction o f the campus community with the services provided by University Park'n Shop and the University Bookstore, and to ascertain the need fo r a second bookstore and convenience store on campus. Questionnaires have been distributed t o staff members through internal mail, and t o students a t college assemblies and hostels. Questionnaires are also available a t Park'n Shop and the University Bookstore. Completed questionnaires should be returned t o the Office o f Student Affairs (1/F, Benjamin Franklin Centre) o n or before 20th March 1998 or to the collection boxes at Park'n Shop and the University Bookstore. Results of the survey are scheduled for announcement i n May. 圖書館系統清明節及復活節開放時間 Library Opening Hours during Ching Ming and Easter Holidays 大學及成員書院 圖書館 UL, CC, NA, UC 大學圖書館 視聽資料組 UL-AV 建築學及 醫學圖書館 ARL, MD 四月六日(星期一) 6th April (Mon.) 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed 四月十至十一日(星期五至六) 10th-nth April (Fri.-Sat.) 上午九時至下午五時 9.00a.m.-5.00p.m. 停止開放 Closed 上午九時至下午五時 9.00a.m.-5.00p.m. 四月十二日(星期日) 12th April (Sun.) 下午一時至七時 1.00p.m.-7.00p.m. 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed 四月十三日(星期一) 13th April (Mon.) 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed 停止開放 Closed Bewar eo f th eUniversa l Y2 KProble m At the turn of the millennium, all computer users in the world will face the same danger — the danger of having their computer systems not working properly. Cause and Scope In order to save disk storage and speed up program execution, most computer programs, especially those that have been around for a long time, use only two digits to represent the year, e.g. '97' fo r '1997', when dealing with calendar dates. The two-digit year field can be found in operating systems, microcodes, compilers, middlewares, application packages, in-house developed applications, screen formats, and databases. At the turn of the millennium, problem programs will not be able to interpret the digits '00' as year 2000 (Y2K), but will interpret i t as year 1900 instead. Subsequently, these programs, which we describe as 'non-Y2K compliant', will fail. To further complicate the problem, some programs do not recognize year 2000 as a leap year and, hence, cannot handle '29th February 2000' properly. In fact, the Y2K date problem i s not confined t o software. Hardware devices which use a n internal electronic logic to handle dates may encounter the same problem. Examples include computer hardware, such as PCs and workstations, medical devices, automated systems, video cassette recorders, security systems, and fax machines. What Should Be Done? For a computer program o r system to survive Y2K, you have t o make sure that the computer hardware, e.g. PC, UNIX-based workstation, in which the program is running, the operating system, e.g. DOS, Windows, AIX, and your self-developed programs are all Y2K compliant. There is no quick and easy solution. You must first identify all problem software and hardware items, then either fix them, e.g., modify program codes, or replace them with year 2000 compliant products. To start with, we recommend that you make an inventory of your existing computer system(s) according to the following: • Machine type and model; • Operating system and its version number; • Tape management system, i f any; • Licensed application programs and their version numbers; ‧Public domain shareware/freeware and their version numbers; • Self-developed programs with program logic to manipulate dates. Once you have finished taking inventory, you should check with your software/hardware vendors on the status o f their products regarding Y2K compliance. For licensed products, you may need t o apply patches o r to perform a complete version upgrade t o make the product Y2K compliant. For public domain software, you will have to consult the author or check the source code yourself. For self-developed programs, you must locate the problem codes and make them Y2K compliant, test them, and finally put them back into your production environment. Act Now Beware that some programs will fail long before year 2000, fo r example, a program which handles dates one year ahead will encounter problems at the start o f 1999. Therefore take action now. CSC/ITSU will provide technical information and render help as much as possible. However, CSC/ ITSU will not perform the actual work for you. You must allocate your own resources to solve the Y2K date problem and replace with your own budget software and hardware items which cannot be made Y2K compliant. For further information, refer to the Y2K web page at, or contact the following CSC/ITSU staff: Microcomputer systems and network: Mr. Roger So, Ext. 8836 Microcomputer applications: Ms. Judy Cheung, Ext. 8920 UNIX-based systems: Ms. Carol Chiu, Ext. 8823 and Ms. Suet Yi-fung, Ext. 8832 Academic computing system applications (e.g. SAS, IMSL, MATLAB): Mr. Thomas Tsui, Ext. 8844 Registry applications: Mr. Chong Wing-kong, Ext. 8915 and Mr. Lawrence Leung, Ext. 8990 SAP accounting applications: Ms. Anita Kwong, Ext. 8872 and Mr. Edmund To, Ext. 8843 New funding model system: Ms. Mei Yin Leung, Ext. 8840 Admission system: Ms. Sally Wong, Ext. 8871 Personnel and payroll systems: Mr. Michael Chan, Ext. 8809 and Mr. Edmund To, Ext. 8843 Nelson Ngan Computer Services Centre 中大通訊 第一二三期 一九九八年三月十九日 4