Newsletter No. 145

Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .   若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 新書 New Books HKIAPS USC Seminar Series No. 14 Distortions in the Opening: 'Segmented Deregulation' and Weak Property as Explanations for China's 'Zone Fever' of 1992-1993 The East Asian financial crisis has awaken the world to the dangers that irresponsible loaning policies and blind property development can wreak on a country's political economy. Today over-expansion o f rental property i n Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen threatens China's economic reforms. Yet this is not the first time this type of event has occurred i n China. Between Deng's spring 1992 'southern trip' and the summer o f 1993, over 8,000 new zones were created as 'zone fever' swept China. Provinces and localities ignored national laws and sold 47,000 hectares o f state land. Written by David Zweig, this paper argues that 'zone fever' had both policy and institutional roots and was the logical result of incentives facing local officials. First, Beijing opened urban areas to the outside world through a process the author calls 'segmented deregulation', whereby reformers offered 'policies', o r exemptions from regulatory constraints, t o some localities an d economic sectors, even as China's regulatory regime constrained global linkages for other parts of the country. One strategy fo r getting these policies was t o build a zone. Second, domestic economic institutions — urban planning, soft property rights i n land, weak banking regulations, th e normative acceptance o f zone development as a means to link with the global economy, and the local state's predatory strategy towards tax and resource accumulation 一 formed th e institutional bedrock o f 'zone fever'. I t encouraged local officials t o expropriate land, use i t t o get loans from local banks and then sell the land to other officials o r development companies, who followed a similar strategy. In the autumn o f 1993, Zhu Rongji cracked down on this frenzy. But while the policy roots o f 'zone fever' may be gone, it s institutional roots persist and are still fueling a property boom that threatens China's reforms. ISBN 962-441-714-8, paperback, 24 pages, HK$15 Occasional Paper No. 92 The Political Economy of Taiwan's Foreign Policy Written by Timothy Ka-ying Wong, this paper analyses the development of Taiwan's foreign policy since 1979 from the perspective of political economy. I t points out that the breaking off of US-Taiwan diplomatic relations in 1979 was a watershed fo r Taiwan's foreign policy development. Under international diplomatic isolation, Taipei continuously readjusted it s mainland policy i n response t o it s growing economic power and rapid transition to a democratic polity at home on the one hand, and t o changing cross-Strait relations an d th e disintegration o f the Cold-War system abroad on the other. The readjustments have eventually led t o a new stage of cross-Strait relations characterized by economic convergence and political divergence. Proceeding from its uncompromising adherence t o the one-China policy before 1979, Taipei moved gradually towards a position of sticking t o th e one-China policy only i n intergovernmental and international activities, and adopting a flexible 'practical diplomacy' policy i n non- governmental activities. From there, i t moved further towards a 'pragmatic diplomacy' o f not avoiding dual diplomatic recognition of both sides of the Strait. Finally, it explicitly defined 'pragmatic diplomacy' as an active pursuit of the ROC's sovereign status in the international community under the principle of a 'divided nation'. I n the course o f Taipei's progressive readjustment o f its foreign policy, the emergence of a libertarian-civic state in Taiwan obviously played an important role; Taiwan's enormous and fast-growing economic strength provided a powerful means; the loosening and disintegration o f the Cold-War setup also offered a good opportunity. These three factors j o i ned forces t o direct th e development o f cross-Strait relations and Taiwan's foreign relations i n a dialectical way that served t o maximize the political autonomy of Taiwan. ISBN 962-441-092-5, paperback, 76 pages, HK$30 Occasional Paper No. 93 Advertising Modernity: ' Home ,' Space and Privacy For most people i n Hong Kong, buying one's ow n apartment seems t o b e th e biggest purchase, an d conditions t o be measured for the final decision should not be overlooked. Advertisements fo r lifestyles an d living environment have been changing so much, with the ideal always related t o the existing social values. Written by Sidney C.H. Cheung and Eric K.W. Ma, this paper shows how Hong Kong's lifestyles have been changing i n the last five decades based on changes i n housing development and i n the concept o f the 'ideal' lifestyle as presented in housing advertisements. By using data from newspaper and television advertisements, this paper seeks t o understand such changing concepts as 'home', space and privacy in contemporary Hong Kong society as well as t o analyse how the two factors — government policy and media advertisements 一 have contributed to our present ideal of the 'home'. ISBN 962-441-093-3, paperback, 24 pages, HK$15 中文大學出版社 《當代藝術危機與具象表現繪畫》 此書由司徒立和金觀濤合著,是第一本討論當代西 方藝術危機和具象表現vfoma 畫的研究著作,破天荒全面地 介紹自賈克梅第迄今具象表現畫的作品和探索,並透過 研究法國具象表現畫派而鉤勒二十一世紀總畫的方向。 作者認為,現代藝術正陷入喪失公共性的危機,藝 術作品不再表達人與人之間的共同追求與溝通,續畫已 淪為顯露個人隱私的活動。要恢復現代藝術的公共性, 畫家須將總畫變成一項表達「主觀真實」的活動。 全書分為四部分:「藝術與哲學的對話」摘錄兩位作 者長達十萬字的通信,展現當代藝術哲學和繪畫所碰到 的種種問題;「具象表現繪畫研究」勾劃具象表現繪畫精 神之本質,探討其對未來續畫方向的重要性;「畫家介 紹」呈現具象表現畫家的藝術世界;「畫家作品選」收錄 了廿八名具象表現畫家共一百六十二件代表作。 國際統一書號962-201-893-9,平裝本,三百六十 頁,二百八十港元。 大學同人在富彌敦樓大學書店購買此書,可獲八折 優待。 Personalia • 人事動態 • Personalia • 人事動態 • Personalia • 人事動態 • Personalia • 人事動態 • Personalia • 人事動態 • Personalia • 人事動態 中大通訊 3 第一四五期 一九九九年五月四日