Newsletter Summer Supplement (1999)

全新網上資料庫 紀錄同人社會暨校內服務資料 A Web based Database to Record Staff Service to the Community and CUHK 簡單方便快捷易用 為全面而有系統地紀錄教職員的各項社會及校內 服務,校方已設立網上資料庫,供同人隨時輸 入及查閱各自的服務資料。 該資料庫系統已於本月正式運作,所有高級導 師,副講師職級或以上的教師,以及甲類(或相類)服 務條款的職員,各有個人戶口,可輸入於一九九九年 八月一日之後生效或仍然有效的校內外服務資料,包 括職銜、任期、服務機構名稱及服務性質等。 資料庫由行政資料處理組開發,出版事務處管 理,網址為 h ttps:// cas.htm。 資料庫的資料全由同人自行提供和輸入, 現階段只會供教職員本人,所屬學系的系主任、學 院/書院院長、部門主管,以及校長室查閱°教學人 員可於年終列印該年輸入的資料,呈交學系主管, 作編纂學系周年紀錄 (Annual Departmental Records) 之用。資料庫日後並可能公開予校內外人士查看, 屆時《中大通訊》內 ' Service to the Community and International Organizations' 一欄亦將取消。 資料庫的設計方便易用,可同時紀錄和顯示中 英文資料。大學同人只需以職員號碼及校園電子郵 件系統密碼登入 (login) 資料庫(如右圖示),便可輸 入、查閱及整理自己的服務資料。 有關成立網上資料庫的通告及介紹單張已分發各 系主任/部門主管,同人可於日內收到。出版事務處 與行政資料處理組亦將於十月及十一月舉行工作坊, 介紹如何在網上把資料輸入資料庫,並解答疑問。 查詢請致電行政資料處理組黃燕容女士(內線八 九三一)或出版事務處陳偉珠女士(內線八五八六)。 A User-friendly System Try Your Hands on If Now A web-based programme has been launched to comprehensively capture data on staff service to the community and the University. With this programme the University hopes to compile an electronic directory on staff service that may eventually be open for public viewing. Developed by the Information Management Unit, the programme is user-friendly and allows individual staff members to input, amend, view, and print their own data via the Internet. A l l teachers of assistant lecturer rank and above, all senior instructors, and all non-teaching staff on terms of service A (or equivalent terms) have their own accounts in this system, the access to which is controlled by their staff ID numbers and campus- wide e-mail passwords. Staff members are requested to enter service data that are effective on or after 1st August 1999. At the end of each academic year, they can print their service record from the database and submit the printouts to their department chairmen for the compilation of annual departmental records. This is an on-going exercise and information is supplied entirely by staff members themselves. The programme currently allows individual staff members to process and view their own data. Later in October the data w i ll also be made available to relevant department chairmen/faculty deans/ college heads/heads of major units and the Vice- Chancellor's Office. When the database is large enough, the University may open it for public viewing. It w i ll then serve as a useful vehicle for publicizing the contribution of CUHK staff members to society and the wide range of their expertise. A separate announcement w i ll then be made and the existing column on 'Service to the Community and International Organizations' in this Newsletter w i ll be cancelled. Circulars to introduce the new database have already been sent to department/unit heads, who w i ll distribute them to relevant staff members. If colleagues have any difficulty using the new system or want to know more about its basic features, they are cordially invited to attend workshops to be organized in October / November. Queries can be directed to Ms Florence Wong of the Information Management Unit (Ext. 8931) or Ms Florence Chan of the Publication Office (Ext. 8586). Maintained by the Publication Office, the database can be reached at https: // 4 暑期特刊 一九九九年八月十九日 Summer Supplement 19th August 1999 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter