Newsletter No. 213

二零零二年榮譽博士學位領受人簡介 Profiles of 2002 Honorary Degree Graduates 榮譽社會科學博士 李麗珊女士 李麗珊女士享譽國際,是香港 最傑出的運動員之一,她於一九九 六年勇奪阿特蘭大奧運滑浪風帆金 牌,並於本屆韓國釜山亞運會再奪 滑浪風帆金牌。她全情投入滑浪風 帆運動,表現卓越,多次在國際賽 取得殊榮,有「風之后」的美譽。她 對運動的熱愛和在比賽時表現的毅 力及挑戰自我的精神,為香港的青 年帶來重要的啟發。 李女士生於離島長洲,十二歲 開始參加滑浪風帆運動,中學畢業 後成為全職運動員。她十九歲起代表香港出賽,在 一九九零年的北京亞運奪得一面銀牌,嶄露頭角; 其後屢在國際女子滑浪風帆賽事中揚威,奪得多項 大賽的獎項,包括奧運會滑浪風帆冠軍(1996)、亞 運會滑浪風帆冠軍(1998及2002)、世界錦標賽冠軍 (1993,1997及2001)、歐洲錦標賽冠軍(1993及 1994)、亞洲錦標賽冠軍(1993-1996,1998- 2001)、新加坡公開賽冠軍(1991,1993及1994)及 香港公開賽冠軍(1988,1990-1994及1997)等。李 麗珊女士為香港奪得首面奧運金牌,並為第一位以 中國香港代表的身分贏得亞運金牌的運動員。 一九九六年,李麗珊女士當 選香港「十大傑出青年」;同年, 獲國際帆船總會選為「世界最佳 舵手」,成為第一個奪得此獎項 的亞洲運動員。一九九七年,她 更獲頒授英帝國員佐勳章,以表 揚她在國際體壇的傑出成就。 李女士又積極協助香港提倡 體育活動,貢獻良多。她鼓勵運 動員參與體育競賽,爭取佳績, 以提升香港在國際體壇的地位。 李女士熱心社會公益事務的健康 形象,以及不斷追求卓越成績的 精神,與中大平素致力提供優質 敎學及研究,大力培育在體育、運動科學及醫學方面 的人才,以促進社會人士身心健康的宗旨不謀而合。 Doc t or of Soc i al Sc i ence, honoris causa Ms. Lee Lai Shan Ms. Lee Lai Shan is a world-renowned windsurfing athlete, who has won numerous awards in international competitions including the gold medal in the Olympic Games and the Asian Games. Born in Cheung Chau, an outlying island of Hong Kong, Ms. Lee started windsurfing at the age of 12. She became a professional athlete upon leaving secondary school, joining the Hong Kong team at the age of 19, and winning her first silver medal in the Asian Games in Beijing in 1990. Since then, Ms. Lee has won many international windsurfing competitions. In 1996, Ms. Lee received the Ten Outstanding Young Person's Award. She was awarded the ISAF Rolex World Sailor of the Year Award in the same year, the first Asian athlete to be bestowed the honour. In 1997, she was made a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in recognition of her outstanding achievements in international sports. Over the years, Ms. Lee has made tremendous contributions to sports development in Hong Kong. She encouraged the Hong Kong athletes to participate actively in sports and excel, aiming at enhancing and consolidating the position of Hong Kong in the international sports arena. Ms. Lee's distinguished achievement in sports and her positive image in community service are in keeping with the University's undertakings in the promotion of and research in sports science and physical education, as well as its campaign for public health. 榮譽社會科學博士 呂志和博士 呂志和博士為本港的傑出商人及著名慈善家。 由呂博士一手創立的嘉華集團,現已發展成為一個 業務多元化的大型機構,業務範圍包括建築材料、 地產及酒店等業務,附屬公司超過二百間,投資遍 布世界各地。 呂博士為現任嘉華國際集團有限公司、嘉華建 材有限公司、嘉華地產(集團)有限公司及仕德福國 際酒店集團主席。呂博士除致力於開拓集團業務, 促進本港經濟繁榮以外,平素亦熱心公益,數十年 來積極參與社會事務,曾擔任的公職包括東華三院 辛酉年主席、香港酒店業主聯會主席、香港防癆心 臟及胸病協會董事、穗港經濟發展協會創會會長、 香港中華科學與社會協進會主席及滬港經濟發展協 會名譽會長等。呂博士於一九九六年獲委任為香港 特別行政區第一屆政府推選委員會委員,並於一九 九八年獲委任為第九屆全國政協委員。 呂博士不但積極贊翊本港的公益事務,對推動 內地的敎育及慈善事業亦不遺餘力。呂博士擔任多 所內地大學的名譽敎授、校董及名譽院長,服務院 校包括上海復旦大學、廣州華南理工大學、五邑大 學及揚州大學等。 呂博士一直大力支持本港大專敎育,對香港中 文大學及聯合書院尤其貢獻良多。呂博士自一九九 五年起出任中大聯合書院校董及基金委員會委員, 並慷慨迭捐巨款贊助大學及書院,用以栽培傑出人 才和促進學術發展,包括捐款設立「香港中文大學/ 康乃爾大學酒店及旅遊管理學生交換計劃呂志和博 士獎學金」。 呂博士仁風廣被,他的 卓越貢獻惠澤本港、內地以 至海外,備受推崇,屢獲獎 譽。呂博士於一九八二年獲 英女皇頒授英帝國員佐勳 章,並於一九八六年獲委為 太平紳士。他亦獲南京市、 廣州市及江門市榮譽市民名 銜。中國紫金山天文臺,更 於一九九五年將一顆小行星 命名為「呂志和星」;一九九 六年,呂博士獲頒「廣州市 傑出貢獻獎」,二零零一年 復獲加拿大卑詩省維多利亞 大學頒授榮譽法學博士銜。 Doc t or of Soc i al Sc i ence, honoris causa Dr. Lui Che -woo A distinguished entrepreneur and philanthropist, Dr. Lui Che-woo runs a group of companies which have now expanded and diversified into aworldwide conglomerate of over 200 subsidiaries whose businesses cover construction materials, property development and hotel operation. A staunch supporter of education and welfare both in Hong Kong and on the mainland, Dr. Lui has served as a member of the Board of Directors of Fudan University, Shanghai; honorary chancellor of the Material Science and Engineering College of the South China University of Technology; honorary professor of Wuyi University, Jiangmen; and honorary dean o f the Business Faculty, Yangzhou University. Dr. Lui has also been very supportive o f higher education in Hong Kong, especially of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and its constituent college, United College. He has served as a member of the Board of Trustees of United College and the college's Endowment Fund Committee since 1995. The college and the University have benefited tremendously from his support for academic development and training. The Dr. Lui Che Woo Awards for CUHK/Co r ne ll Student Exchange Programme in Hosp i t a l i ty Management was established with a generous donation from Dr. Lui to promote the academic exchange activities of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management. Dr. Lui was made aMember of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 1982. In 1986 he was appointed a Justice of the Peace. In 1995, an asteroid was named 'Lui Che Woo Star' by the International Asteroid/Comet Naming Committee. He was awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award in Guangzhou in 1996 and in 2001, he received the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, from the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. (more overleaf 下接背頁) 5