Newsletter No. 237

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任梁元生教授為歷史學講座教授,任期由二零零四年 四月一日起生效。 梁教授為本校校友,先後於一九七二及七四年取得文學士和 哲學碩士學位,其後負笈聖巴巴拉加州大學,一九八零年獲授哲 學博士學位。 梁教授八零年起受聘於新加坡國立大學,八七年轉赴美國加 州州立大學任教,九二年加入中大歷史系。 他集中研究現代中國歷史、中國的儒學及基督教、中國與西 方關係、海外華人社會(東南亞及美國),以及上海、香港和新 加坡的歷史等;已出版的專著及譯作逾十種。梁教授亦為多種學術期刊的主編或編委。 Prof. P h i l ip L e u ng Yuen-sang has been appointed professor o f history f r om 1st A p r i l 2004. Prof. Leung obtained his B A and M . P h i l, f r om The Chinese University in 1972 and 1974 respectively, and his Ph.D. f r om the University o f California, Santa Barbara in 1980. Prior to j o i n i ng C U H K in 1992, Prof. Leung had taught at the National University o f Singapore f r om 1980 to 1987, and at California State University f r om 1987 to 1992. Prof. L e u n g 's research interests are mo d e rn Chinese history, C o n f u c i a n i sm and Christianity in China, Sino-Western relations, overseas Chinese communities in Southeast Asia and America, and the history o f Shanghai, Ho ng Kong, and Singapore. 新設課程 Introduction of New Programmes 教務會於二零零三年十二月十日的會議,通過開設下列新課程: 二零零四至二零零五年起開設 •教育博士修課式課程(自資;並取消教育博士研究式課程) •英語教學文學碩士課程(自資) •音樂文學碩士課程(自資) •學校諮商與輔導文學碩士課程(自資) •社會服務管理文學碩士課程(自資;並取消自資的社會工作文學碩士課程) •針灸學理學碩士課程(自資) •數據科學及商業統計理學碩士課程(自資) •內分泌及糖尿治理理學碩士課程(自資) •地理信息科學理學碩士課程(自資) •生態旅遊學學士後文憑課程(自資) •體育運動科學學士後文憑課程(自資) •將六項自資的文憑課程提升為學士後文憑課程 -臨床老人學學士後文憑課程 -醫療管理學及預防醫學學士後文憑課程 -職業健康護理學士後文憑課程 -職業環境衛生學士後文憑課程 -職業醫學學士後文憑課程 -婦女健康學士後文憑課程 •教育副修課程 由公共衛生學院於二零零三至二零零四年起開設 •傳染病流行病學及控制證書課程(自資) •傳染病的流行病學文憑課程(自資,兼讀制) •基層健康護理專業文憑課程(自資,兼讀制) 由校外進修學院於二零零四年起開設 •企業傳意專業文憑課程 •環球物流及採購管理專業文憑課程 •知識管理高級文憑課程 •網絡服務專業文憑課程 •香港手語語言學文憑課程 •教授香港手語文憑課程 •圖書資訊分類與編目證書課程(遙距教育) The Senate approved the introduction o f the f o l l o w i ng self-financed programmes ( w i th the e x c e p t i on o f the M i n o r P r o g r a mme i n E d u c a t i o n) at its me e t i ng h e ld on 10th December 2003: To Be Offered in 2004-5 • Taught Postgraduate D o c t or o f E d u c a t i on P r o g r amme (phasing out the Research Postgraduate Doctor o f Education Programme) • Master o f Arts Programme in English Language Teaching • Master o f Arts Programme in Music • Master o f Arts Programme in School Guidance and Counselling • Master o f Arts Programme in Social Service Management (phasing out the self-financed Master o f Arts Programme in Social Work) • Master o f Science Programme in Acupuncture • Master o f Science Programme in Data Science and Business Statistics • Master o f Science Programme in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism • Master o f Science Programme in Geoinformation Science • Postgraduate D i p l oma Programme in Ecotourism • Postgraduate D i p l oma Programme in Exercise Science and Physical Education • U p g r a d i ng o f six s e l f - f i n a n c ed D i p l o ma P r o g r ammes to Postgraduate D i p l o ma Programmes -Postgraduate D i p l oma Programme in Clinical Gerontology -Postgraduate D i p l oma Programme in Health Services Management and Public Health -Postgraduate D i p l oma Programme in Occupational Health Practice -Postgraduate D i p l oma Programme in Occupational Hygiene -Postgraduate D i p l oma Programme in Occupational Medicine -Postgraduate D i p l oma Programme in Women's Health Studies • M i n or Programme in Education By the School of Public Health in 2003-4 •CertificateProgramme in Epidemiology and Control o f Infectious Diseases • Part-time D i p l oma Programme in Epidemiology o f Infectious Diseases • Part-time Professional D i p l oma Programme in Primary Health Care By the School of Continuing Studies in 2004 • Professional D i p l oma Programme in Corporate Communication • Professional D i p l oma Programme in Global Logistics and Procurement Management • Advanced D i p l oma Programme in Knowledge Management • Professional D i p l oma Programme in Web Services • D i p l oma Programme in Linguistics o f Hong K o ng Sign Language • D i p l oma Programme in Teaching o f Ho ng K o ng Sign Language • Certificate Programme in Classification and Cataloguing (Distance Education) 圖書館系統復活節及清明節假期開放時間 Library Opening Hours During Easter and Chin g Ming Holidays 大學、崇基、新亞、 聯合圖書館 建築學、醫學圖書館 ARL, ME L UL, CC , NA , U C 5.4.2004 閉館 Closed 閉館 Closed 9-10.4.2004 9.00 a.m.-5.0 0 p.m . 9.00 a.m.-5.0 0 p.m . 11.4.2004 1.00 p.m.-7.0 0 p.m . 閉館 Closed 12.4.2004 閉館 Closed 閉館 Closed 粵曲教學講座及粵曲演唱實習 戲曲資料中心將於本月二十七日(星期六)下午二至五時在利希慎音樂廳舉辦「粵 曲教學講座及粵曲演唱實習」,由中大音樂系粵曲班學生演唱多首粵曲,陳守仁教授主 講中大的粵曲教學概況,黃綺雯女士講述粵曲教學心得。黃女士並與中大博士生陳澤蕾 小姐示範演唱《打金枝》;廖漢和先生及方文正先生分別出任音樂領導及擊樂領導。 詳情可上網( ) 瀏 覽。歡迎各界人士出席,費用全免,名額一百四十人,查詢及留座請致電二六零三五零 九八。 戲曲表演硏討會:回顧、現況與前瞻 粵劇研究計劃獲香港藝術發展局資助,將於四月三十日至五月二日假香港中央圖書 館舉行「戲曲表演研討會:回顧、現況與前瞻」,以推動海內外戲曲從業員及研究者的 交流。多位中外學者、評論員、演員及戲曲行內人士應邀出席演講,歡迎公眾參加。 研討會主題為戲曲演出,主要環繞粵劇,也論及潮劇,京、崑及上海越劇。 查詢或留座請電戲曲資料中心(二六零三五零九八),或瀏覽該中心網頁( http:// c o r p . mu s . c u h k . e d u . h k )。 傳經講座 Theology Lectures 崇基學院神學組第八屆傳經講座主題為「智慧與神學:以神學角度讀以色列的智慧 文學」,由蕭俊良教授主講。 講座一「箴言」於三月十九日晚上七時半至九時半,假中華基督教青年會二樓水晶 廳舉行;講座二「約伯記」及講座三「傳道書」於三月二十一日下午二時至六時半’假 循道衛理聯合教會安素堂舉行。費用為一百港元(包兩日講義);神學學生或五人以上 集體報名者,每位七十五元。 查詢請電神學組張小姐(二六零九六七一一)或瀏覽htt p:// theology/。 The Theology Division of Chung Chi College w i ll hold three Chuen K i ng Memorial Lectures 2004 in March under the theme ' W i s d om and Theology: Reading Israel's W i s d om Literature Theologically'. The lectures w i l l be delivered by Prof. Choon Leong Seow. The first lecture on the Proverbs w i l l take place f r om 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. on 19th Ma r ch in the Crystal Room, 2/F, Chinese Y M C A . The second lecture on Job and the third lecture on the Ecclesiastes w i l l take place from 2.00 to 6.30 p.m. on 21 st March at the Ward Memorial Methodist Church. Admission is $100 per head ($75 for full-time theology students and groups o f five or more). Please direct enquiries to Miss Cheung at 2609 6711 or visit Corrigendum The price for the Renditions special issue 2003 should be H K $ 1 50 instead o f H K $ 9 9 as announced by the Research Centre for Translation in Issue 235 o f the CUHK Newsletter. 3 第二三七期 二零零四年三月十九日