Newsletter No. 242

Mor eFundin gSuppor t fo r Researc h Project s an d Relate dActivitie s The following research projects and related activities undertaken by faculty members of the University have attracted funding support from different quarters: • Globalization, Institution and the Real Estate Sector (HK$450,000) Sponsor: Fulbright Hong Kong Scholar Programme Principal investigator: Prof. Charles Leung (Department of Economics) • Frontiers of Photonics Research: Nanophotonics, Femtosecond Photonics and Biophotonics (HK$600,000) Sponsor: Croucher Foundation Principal investigator: Prof. L in Chinlon (Department o f Information Engineering) • Third International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians 2004 (HK$100,000) Sponsor: Croucher Foundation Coordinator: Prof. Lau Ka Sing (Department o f Mathematics) • Prevention Effectiveness for Combatting Emerging Infectious Diseases in the 21st Century (HK$100,000) Sponsor: Croucher Foundation Coordinator: Prof. Suzanne Ho (School o f Public Health) Supportive Therapy for Cancer Treatment-induced Complications C hemotherapy i s one o f the mainstays o f therapy for cancer patients. In Hong Kong, 10 pe r cent o f cancer patients carry th e Hepatitus B vims. Chemotherapy may lead t o reactivation, resulting i n varying degrees o f liver damage and death. A study b y th e Department o f Clinical Oncology, recently published i n the Journal of Clinical Oncology, shows that the anti-viral drug, lamivudine, can reduce the incidence o f both hepatitis and it s reactivation during and after chemotherapy. I t also appears that lamivudine can prevent reactivation-associated mortality. Breast cancer patients suffer from a higher risk o f lymphedema, which i s the accumulation of lymph i n the interstitial spaces of the body, a frequent complication of cancer and its therapies. The Department o f Clinical Oncology set up i n 2003 a service dedicated t o the prevention and management of lymphedema in breast cancer. The service takes a multidisciplinary approach involving doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists etc, and comprises regular arm exercise, a patient support group, and a Lymphedema Clinic for those requiring complex physical therapy. The department has also begun research studies on the risk factors o f lymphedema and the quality o f life of patients undergoing breast cancer treatment. Health information on Chinese populations w i ll be collected to provide relevant data fo r developing a n evidence-based an d feasible model of prevention and management. CUHK Students Help Recovered Drug Addicts Start Business F ive teams o f 21 M B A students from th e University competed on 8th May to design the best business venture for former drug addicts with entrepreneurial ambitions. The plans had to b e economically viable and practicable fo r members o f St. Stephen's Society, a local charity that helps rehabilitated drug addicts t o return t o society. The B o o z A l l e n H a m i l t o n S o c i al Entrepreneurship Challenge Business Plan Competition was a joint initiative between the CUHK Faculty of Business Administration and renowned international management consultant Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH). The contest took place i n the CUHK M BA Town Centre i n the Bank o f America Tower. Proposed ventures include a unique cleaning service, artistic and cultural products, a trendy restaurant i n Causeway Bay, recycled paper products a s corporate gifts, and a composting service that turns vegetable and fruit waste in hotel kitchens into fertilizer for landscaping projects. The winner was a business venture offering affordable cleaning and home improvement services to median income working families using state-of-the-art appliances. Prizes included a cash award for the winning team and internships with BAH's Greater China operations. The panel of judges comprised Dr. Edward Tse an d Mr . Patrick Ts e f r om Booz A l l en Hamilton and Ms. Margaret Kendall from Help Mobile Training. An awards presentation dinner was held on the same evening a t th e Ame r i c an Club. Dignitaries included senior representatives from BAH, CUHK, and St. Stephen's Society. Members o f the winning team (from left): Dubey Vaibhav, Brenda Leung, and Freda Ho with Dr. Edward Tse (right 2), managing director (Greater China) o f Booz Allen Hamilton CEO o fHK Monetary Authority Shares Insight J oseph Yam, chief executive o f the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, was the latest guest of the Talking to CEOs: CEO in the New Century radio/TV series. On the show which was broadcast on 23rd May 2004 on RTHK Radio 1 , Mr. Yam explained what makes Hong Kong an important financial centre and what impact globalization and th e opening o f China's market w i ll have on the local market. M r . Y a m ha s a l wa ys been considered a confident leader, most memorable in the way he handled the financial crisis o f 1998. I n the programme h e explained the rationale behind his decision for market intervention six years ago. Recalling his feelings a t the time, h e said, 'I was always a f i rm believer i n the free market but when I discovered that the system did not work and saw how it became harmful t o public interests, I was disappointed.' He gave advice to the EMBA students in the audience about handling challenges. They must first understand th e larger environment an d prevalent trends, so that they could choose an area i n which t o develop their talents. 'Do not enter into an industry just because i t i s the subject of your studies,' cautioned Mr. Yam. 中大通訊 CUHK NEWSLETTER 網址 website / 1.本刊逢四日及十九日出版。 2.來函或投稿請寄沙田香港中文大學秘書處出版事務處《中大通訊》 編輯部(電話 2 6 0 9 8 5 8 4 ,圖文傳真 2 6 03 6864 ,電郵 pub2@uab. )。 3. 投稿者須附真實姓名、地址及聯絡電話,文章則可用筆名發表。 4. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿,不欲稿件被刪者請預先聲明。 5. 本刊所載文章只反映作者之觀點和意見,並不代表校方或本刊立場。 6.所有內容未經編者書面准許,不得轉載。 7. 本刊每期發行三千八百份,免費供校內教職員索閱,部分郵寄本地教 育機構及與大學有關人士。私人索閱,請致函本刊查詢。 1. The Newsletter is published on the 4th and 19th o f each month. 2. A l l contributions and suggestions should be sent t o the Editor, CUHK Newsletter, Publication Office, University Secretariat, The Chinese University o f Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8584; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail 3. Contributions should bear the writer's name and contact telephone number, and may be published under pseudonyms. N o anonymous letters will be published. 4. The Editor reserves the right t o reject contributions and t o edit al l articles without notice for reasons of clarity, length o r grammar. Those who do not want to have their articles amended should indicate clearly i n writing. 5. The views expressed i n the CUHK Newsletter are those o f the authors, and are not necessarily those of the University o r the Editor. 6. No part of this newsletter may be reproduced without the written consent of the Editor. 7. This publication has a circulation of 3,800 and is primarily intended for staff members of CUHK. Copies are also sent t o local educational institutions and individuals associated with the University. Those who wish t o be included on the mailing list please contact the Newsletter direct. 截 稿 日期 Deadlines fo rContributions 期數 Issue no. 出版日期 Issue date 截稿日期 Deadline for contributions 243 19.6.2004 4.6.2004 暑期特刊 Summer Supplement 19.8.2004 6.8.2004 244 4.9.2004 19.8.2004 245 19.9.2004 3.9.2004 246 4.10.2004 17.9.2004 247 19.10.2004 6.10.2004 248 4.11.2004 20.10.2004 249 19.11.2004 5,11.2004 香港中文大學出版事務處出版 編輯:梁其汝 助理編輯:蔡世彬 李琪 陳偉 珠 製作:林綺媚 Published by the Publication Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Editor: Amy K.Y. Leung Assistant Editors: Piera Chen, Lawrence Choi Graphic Designer: Ada Lam 印刷:鮑思高印刷有限公司 Printing: Don Bosco Printing Co. Ltd. 2 No. 242 4th June 2004