Newsletter No. 269
宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 第六十二屆大會典禮特別安排 Arrangements for the Sixty-second Congregation 大學第六十二屆大會(頒授學位典禮)將於十二月八日(星期四)上午十時在 林蔭大道舉行,由大學監督大紫荊勳賢曾蔭權博士主持,頒授榮譽博士學位、高級 學位及學士學位。 十二月八日下午由成員書院各自為所屬學士學位畢業生舉行畢業禮,詳情如 下: 畢業典禮 主禮嘉賓 時間 地點 逸夫書院 王錫基先生 (創新科技署署長) 下午十二時三十分至二時 邵逸夫堂 新亞書院 辛世文敎授 (中文大學生物學講座敎授) 下午一時十五分至三時 林蔭大道 崇基學院 徐立之敎授 (香港大學校長) 下午二時至四時 崇基禮拜堂 聯合書院 何小芳女士 (長春社主席) 下午三時十五分至五時 邵逸夫堂 碩士學位果程畢業典禮於翌日(即十二月九日)在邵逸夫堂按學院分三節舉 行,由研究院院長黃永成教授主持,詳情如下︰ 畢業典禮 主禮嘉賓 時間 第一節 (工商管理學院及理學院) 李乃熺博士 (聯業製衣有限公司董事經理兼 香港紡織業聯會有限公司主席) 上午十時至十一時三十分 第二節 (敎育學院、工程學院及醫學院) 楊日昌博士 (香港應用科技硏究院有限公司行政總裁) 下午一時至二時三十分 第三節 (文學院及社會科學院) 盧景文敎授 (中國廣東國際音樂夏令營校長) 下午四時至五時三十分 交通 十二月八日典禮當日,范克廉樓、富爾敦樓、大學行政樓、中國文化研究所、 田家炳樓及大學圖書館等停車場,皆保留予嘉賓及公務車輛專用。 邵逸夫堂對面停車場暫停開放 邵逸夫堂對面之停車場將闢作畢業生座席,該停車場由十一月二十日至十二月 十一日暫停開放,以便蓋搭帳篷。 停課 十二月八日醫科一、二年級停課,全日制本科課程及研究院課程第一學期科目 考試暫停。 范克廉樓學生餐廳暫停服務 范克廉樓學生餐廳於十二月八日上午七時三十分至下午一時三十分暫停服務, 以便安排典禮後之茶會。 天雨程序 倘若十二月八日天氣非常惡劣、出現暴雨,大學將啟動雨天程序。屆時經正式 公布後,第六十二屆大會將改在邵逸夫堂舉行,並直播到校園內多個演講廳;新亞 書院畢業典禮則改在新亞書院體育館舉行,而在室內舉行的崇基學院、聯合書院和 逸夫書院畢業典禮則不受影響。雨天程序一旦啟動,詳情將在大學火車站及林蔭大 道廣播,並在大學各校門宣布。 The Sixty-second Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees w i l l be held at 10.00 a.m. on 8th December 2005 at the University Mall. Dr. the Honourable Donald Tsang, Chancellor of the University, will confer honorary, higher and first degrees. The graduation ceremonies held by the four colleges for first degree graduates will take place on the afternoon of 8th December 2005 as follows: College Time Guest of Honour Venue Shaw 12.30-2.00 p.m Mr. Anthony Wong Commissioner for Innovation and Technology Sir Run Run Shaw Hall New Asia 1.15-3.00 p.m. Prof. Sun Sai Ming, Samuel Professor of Biology, CUHK University Mall Chung Chi 2.00-4.00 p.m. Prof. Lap-Chee Tsui Vice-Chancellor, The University of Hong Kong Chung Chi Chapel United 3.15-5.00 p.m. Ms. Betty Ho Siu Fong Chairman of The Conservancy Association Sir Run Run Shaw Hall The master's degree graduation ceremony w i ll be held on 9th December 2005 in three sessions at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. The ceremony w i ll be presided at by Prof. Wing Shing Wong, dean of the Graduate School. Session Time Guest of Honour 1 (for Faculties of Business Administration, and Science) 10.00-11.30 a.m. Dr. Harry N.S. Lee Managing Director, TAL Apparel Limited, and Chairman, Textile Council of Hong Kong Limited 2 (for Faculties of Education, Engineering, and Medicine) 1.00-2.30 p.m. Dr. Robert Jih Chang Yang Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited 3 (for Faculties of Arts, and Social Science) 4.00-5.30 p.m. Prof. Lo King Man Principal, Canton International Summer Music Academy Parking Car parks at the Benjamin Franklin Centre, John Fulton Centre, University Administration Building, Institute of Chinese Studies, Tin Ka Ping Building, and the University Library w i ll be reserved for guests with special parking labels on 8th December. Temporary Closure of Car Park Opposite Sir Run Run Shaw Hall The car park opposite Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, to be used as a seating area for graduates, w i ll be temporarily closed from 20th November to 11th December for the erection of a canopy for the ceremony. Suspension of Classes Classes for Medical Years 1 and 2 and first-term course examinations for full-time undergraduate programmes and postgraduate programmes w i ll be suspended on 8th December. Temporary Closure of BFC Student Canteen The Benjamin Franklin Centre student canteen w i ll be closed on 8th December from 7.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. for the tea reception of higher degree graduates after the congregation. Wet Weather Contingency In the very unlikely event of heavy rain on 8th December, the University w i ll launch a wet weather contingency plan. Upon an official announcement, the congregation would be moved to Sir Run Run Shaw Hall and simultaneously broadcast to lecture theatres on campus. The graduation ceremony of New Asia College would take place in the New Asia Gymnasium, while the indoor ceremonies for Chung Chi, United, and Shaw Colleges would not be affected. I f a contingency plan was to be launched, details would be broadcast at the University Train Station and the University Mall, and also announced at entrances to the University. 職員審議事宜 Annual Staff Review 大學已函邀各學系及部門主管,就二零零六至零七年度職員審議有關(甲) 類、(乙)類及(丙)類服務條款非教學僱員之退休、延任或擢升事宜,提供意見。 各學系/部門提交有關函件之截止日期為二零零五年十二月三十日(星期五)。所有 提名或申請,請送交大學行政樓三樓人事處行政事務委員會秘書譚壽森先生。查詢 請電內線七二六九。 The University has invited department chairmen/unit heads to make recommendations concerning the retirement, extension of service or promotion of non-teaching staff members on Terms of Service (A) , (B) and (C) for the 2006-07 staff review exercise. The deadline for submission of recommendations is Friday, 30th December 2005. Applications and nominations should be sent to Mr. S.S. Tam, Secretary, Administrative Affairs Committee, c/o Personnel Office, 2/F, University Administration Building (Ext. 7269). 圖書館聖誕及新年開放時間 Library Opening Hours During Christmas and New Year Holidays 日期 Date 大學、崇基、新亞及 聯合圖書館 UL, CC, NA, UC 建築學圖書館 Architecture Library 醫學圖書館 Medical Library 22.12.2005 8.20a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 8.30a.m.-5.00 p.m. 23.12.2005 8.20 a.m.-10.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m.-9.00 p.m. 8.30 a.m.-9.00 p.m. 24.12.2005 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m.-12.30 p.m. 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 25-27.12.2005 閉館 Closed 閉館 Closed 閉館 Closed 28-30.12.2005 9.00 a.m.-7.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m.—5.00 p.m. 8.30a.m.-9.00 p.m. 31.12.2005 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m.-12.30 p.m. 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 1-2.1.2006 閉館 Closed 閉館 Closed 閉館 Closed 註︰所有圖書館由二零零六年一月三日起恢復正常開放時間。 Note: Regular opening hours for all libraries will resume from 3rd January 2006. (下接背頁 To be continued overleaf) 5 No. 269 4th December 2005
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