Newsletter No. 318

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter (接上頁 Continued ) 國際中國古文字學研討會 Conference on Chinese Paleography 第 五屆國際中國古文字學研討會於4月8至10日在 安徽大學舉行,由中大中國語言及文學系與 安徽大學中文系合辦。該研討會在1983年首辦,今屆 首次於內地舉行,出席者包括安徽大學校長黃德寬教 授、副校長吳春梅教授、中文系主任朱萬曙教授,以 及中大中文系主任陳雄根教授、著名古文字學家裘錫 圭教授及曾憲通教授等,中大中文系研究教授張光裕 T he fifth International Conference on Chinese Paleography, jointly organized by the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of CUHK and the Chinese Department of Anhui University, was held on 8–10 April at Anhui University. This was the first time the conference took place on the mainland since its inception in 1983. In attendance were Prof. Huang Dekuan, President, Anhui University, Prof. Wu Chunmei, Vice-president, Anhui University, Prof. Zhu Wanshu, chairman of the Chinese Department, Anhui University, Prof. Chan Hung-kan, chairman of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, CUHK, as well as renowned paleographers Prof. Qiu Xigui and Prof. Zeng Xiantong. Prof. Cheung Kwong-yue Alex, research professor at CUHK, was the moderator of the conference. The topic was about inscribed bronze characters and bamboo slip and silk scriptures. Over 50 scholars from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Russia, the US and Canada presented their papers, which have since been compiled in a book and published. The participants exchanged views on the difficulties of decoding bronze characters and bamboo slip and silk manuscript texts. Main Areas of Support for Established Researchers Prof. Wong explains that the University’s incentives, like those of many other universities, consist basically of money (or help in attracting money) and honours. In terms of the former, the most important incentive scheme the University runs is the Focused Investments Scheme. This substantial funding initiative is divided into four main categories, Schemes A to D (see chart below). All applications to these schemes are carefully scrutinized and the size of the grant is determined by the Resource Allocation Committee. Incentives for Attracting Fresh Research Talent According to Prof. Wong, two schemes exist to make it easier to recruit promising research staff. They are: A central budget enabling departments to appoint more Research Assistant Professors—supports the creation of 30 posts a year and meets half the cost of their appointment for up to three years. • Target Total allocation per year Objective Scheme A Major Areas Key areas of strategic research investment Unspecified amount of new resources To develop centres and areas of excellence that over the next decade will be recognized as among the best in Asia and possibly the world Scheme B Specialized Areas Groups/individuals of national/ international stature, who are likely to attract major external research grants and donations. HK$10 million To develop the University’s actual and potential areas of strength and to raise its profile both inside and outside China. Scheme C Groups and Individuals Groups/individuals who have achieved a high level of excellence and have the potential for achieving even greater impact and excellence. HK$4 million (limited to HK$1 million/ project) To support activities that external grants normally fail to take into account Scheme D One-off Support Academic units HK$5 million To enhance quality and build capacity in scholarship. Responds to exceptional rather than routine requests.* Support for the appointment of Postdoctoral Fellows— funding equivalent to 43% of the total appointment cost for up to two years for each appointment. Support for External Funding Applications Prof. Wong points out that one of the most important sources of external grant funding is the Research Grants Council (RGC)’sGeneral ResearchFund (GRF, grants from this source used to be known as Competitive Earmarked Research Grants) and the University is anxious to secure as much funding as possible from this source. Under the new Research Incentive Scheme, every Principal Investigator of a successful GRF project will receive a grant of HK$20,000 as a top-up fund. Appointment of Academic Editor within the Research Administration Office to edit GRF and other external grant applications. Funding for Principal Investigators to seek an external review and to use an external editing service for their applications. • • • • Researchers are also encouraged to compete for funds from the RGC’s Collaborative Research Fund (CRF, formerly Central Allocation). Funding by Group Research Scheme of successful CRF projects, or shortlisted projects that were not ultimately funded for improving their proposals for future bids (up to HK$500,000 for the latter). Provision of grants of up to HK$250,000 to shortlisted applicants for out-of-Hong Kong liaison expenses to help them improve their RGC presentations. To encourage researchers to present papers at conferences and seminars both in Hong Kong and overseas, the University also provides conference grants that cover air fare, registration fee and daily expenses. Non-monetary Incentives Every year the University recognizes and encourages outstanding research performance through a number of Research Excellence and Young Researcher Awards. These awards, as a formal tribute from the University, carry a certain amount of prestige and look good on a researcher’s CV. Prof. Wong adds that besides giving successful researchers a public pat on the back, these awards also come with grants of HK$100,000 or HK$200,000 to help the recipients with their research. Suggestions Welcomed While the academic climate is necessarily competitive at a university of the Chinese University’s calibre, a comprehensive range of incentives and support exist to encourage researchers in their work. Prof. Wong concedes that some researchers may think that the University should be doing more in certain areas, and he welcomes constructive suggestions for improvement. ‘The incentives I have mentioned were introduced to help the University further its general aspirations and achieve its stated research goals. It is in all our interests that they succeed in doing so.’ (The article is adapted from an interview report, the full text of which can be accessed at newslter/issue/318/main/e_research.pdf .) • • * Enables departments to employ distinguished scholars, purchase research equipment, or fund start- up costs for a national centre at CUHK. To encourage collaboration with mainland researchers and to support high-impact research, by providing matching funding for 973/863 projects. Under the Focused Investments Scheme 教授擔任大會主席。 會議以青銅器銘文及新出簡帛材料為主題,來自中、 港、台、日本、新加坡、俄羅斯、美國及加拿大五 十多位學者發表的論文,已輯成《古文字學論稿》出 版。會議上,一眾學者就近出青銅器銘文釋讀的疑難 點和出土簡帛文字所涉及的問題發表意見,又展示了 新見青銅器,引來熱烈討論。