Newsletter No. 318

第 318 期 2008 年 5 月 19 日 No. 318 19 May 2008 網上平台促進師生交流 Online Forum Initiates Exchange Among Tutors and Students 聯 合書院去年年底發出問卷,調查學生在學業、 交友、經濟以及成長方面所面對的問題,作為 組織導修計劃的基礎。資料顯示約半數回應者對自己 不滿意,常擔心失敗;亦有約半數認為師生關係非常 疏離,過半常為前途憂慮。這反映學生無論在生活或 學業上都充滿壓力。 書院認為必須正視學生的情緒及學業問題,遂成 立「聯合書院張煊昌博士導修計劃」,建立網上平台 「聯合廣場」( ) ,讓 學生發表意見,並與書院及宿舍的導師交流。 「聯合講埸」的討論區由宿舍樓導師與書院導師擔任 版主及顧問,引發學生討論、提供相關資訊及處理查 詢,協助他們解決疑難。書院將按照學生的需求及興 趣,舉辦求職講座和面試工作坊等活動,提高學生對 書院的歸屬感。 (左起)聯合書院院長馮國培教授、聯合書院校董會副主席、書院基金會主 席、書院校友會會長暨導修計劃贊助人張煊昌博士及導修計劃工作小組召集 人張雙慶教授主持4月19日的計劃啟動儀式 The officiating guests at the kick-off ceremony on 19 April comprised (from left) Prof. K.P. Fung, Head of United College; Dr. Thomas H.C. Cheung, vice-chairman of the UC Board of Trustees, chairman of the UC Endowment Fund Committee, president of the UC Alumni Association and donor of the UC Tutorial Scheme; and Prof. S.H. Chang, convener of the Working Group on Tutorial Scheme. 前聯合院長 陳天機教授論人生 Former UC Head Prof. T.C. Chen on Life I n order to help students tackle daily life problems, United College established the Dr. Thomas Cheung Tutorial Scheme to encourage exchange among College tutors, resident tutors, and students via an online forum. To explore the establishment of a tutorial scheme that operates at the residential hall level, the College distributed questionnaires last November to students to find out the problems they most frequently faced in their studies, the difficulties they encountered in making friends, in meeting their financial obligations and the setbacks they experienced in their personal development. The results showed that some 50% of the respondents suffered from low self-esteem, felt alienated, feared that they were doomed to failure, and worried about the future. The College was concerned about these revelations and decided to tackle the problems by establishing the UC Forum ( ucforum ) under the support of the scheme, so College staff and students can speak their minds, vent their feelings, share their experiences and help each other in a tutorial setting. College tutors and resident tutors will serve as moderators of the forum. They will respond to requests or initiate debates and discussions, answer queries and help to collate information relevant to these deliberations. Based on the expressed interests and needs of the forum users, the moderators may organize activities like career workshops and mock interviews relevant to the topics at hand. 《再向林風眠致敬》 鐵料焊接 徐志宇,中大校友,70藝術、06研究院比較及公眾史學 Homage to Lin Fengmian Again Iron welding Tsui Chi-yu, CUHK alumnus, BA in Fine Arts (1970), MA in Comparative and Public History (2006) 聯 合書院邀得陳天機 教授於3月28日於 邵逸夫堂主講「陳天機 院長講座」,講題為 「試說人生路」,吸引 逾1,300位同學和嘉賓 出席,反應熱烈。 陳教授以自由 意志、雜家的 天網、進取的 人生、目的與 手段為綱,引 述古今中外的 理論和具體例子,引發學生反思人生,鼓勵他 們保持一顆好奇心,接納不同事物,並要確定 人生的目的和認清達到目標的方法。 陳教授於1980 – 88年任第五任聯合書院院長, 「陳天機院長講座」乃為表揚其貢獻而設立。 Over 1,300 students attended the Professor T C Chen Lecture, held by United College at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall on 28 March 2008. Prof. T.C. Chen, a former Head of the College, spoke on ‘The Path to Be Taken’, quoting important theories and examples to provoke students’ reflection on their life path. He encouraged them to open their minds and find their own meaning and objectives in life. The Professor T C Chen Lecture was established in appreciation of the contribution of the fifth Head of United College who had served in 1980–88.