Newsletter No. 318

第 318 期 2008 年 5 月 19 日 No. 318 19 May 2008 Similarity in Difference The partners each have something unique to offer yet they also share common areas of interest. Despite its size, the Sociology Department has several teachers whose expertise covers the intersections of law and society, such as criminology. ‘We will provide LLB–BSSc (Sociology) students taking courses in the Sociology Department with a very concrete and broad-based sociological training plus specialized knowledge in crime and law. Several of our faculty members specialize in these areas and they will give close supervision to the students,’ says Prof. Cheung. The School of Law also has criminologists and experts in criminal justice on its staff, such as Prof. Mike McConville, its Director. And one of the unique elements of the School’s LLB programme is the year-long compulsory course ‘The Individual, the Community and the Law’. This course requires students to go into a community to conduct in-depth research on a core social issue, which can be, for example, migrant workers, the environment, domestic violence, or prisoners’ rights. ‘The focus is not on law,’ remarks Prof. Scully-Hill. ‘Law is only one of the possible responses to those social problems. If you undergo a legal education, it becomes very easy to think that the only solution to any problem is law. We are trying to get the students to think about it more broadly. There are other—sometimes better— solutions.’ A Promising Future The double-degree options in law/ sociology will aim to produce sociologists with intimate knowledge of the law, legal experts who get to the heart of social problems, and individuals passionately involved in both areas, and both students and society will stand to benefit. 法學士—社會科學學士(社會學) LLB–BSSc (Sociology) 社會科學學士(社會學)— 法律博士 BSSc (Sociology)–JD 修讀年期 Duration 4 + 1 3 + 2 每年學額 Annual intake 15 5 收生對象 Source of intake 法律學學生 LLB students 社會學學生 BSSc (Sociology) students 收生要求 Requirement 3.0 累積整體平均積點 cumulative overall GPA 3.3 主修科平均積點 major GPA 第二課程資助類別 Funding for degree 2 自負盈虧 Self-financed 自負盈虧 Self-financed 5 月2日的香港,十多萬人夾道歡迎聖火的傳遞,同心迎接 2008北京奧運。多位中文大學師生也榮列火炬手,在群眾歡 呼聲下高舉聖火,接力共證歷史時刻。 曾於2004年雅典傷殘奧運會中 取得女子擊劍項目四面金牌的地 理與資源管理學三年級同學余翠 怡,將出戰北京殘奧會。余同學 表示:「傳聖火時在尖沙嘴看見市 民在兩旁搖旗吶喊,作為運動員代 表香港的使命感便油然而生。」 保險、財務與精算學一年級同學姚 俊勤,因其發奮圖強的求學經歷和 積極的服務精神,獲推選為火炬手, 他視傳送聖火為人生最光榮的任務。雖然他負責的汲水門橋至青 馬大橋之間的公路段沒有群眾,但他仍邊跑邊熱情揮手,讓歡欣 和喜悅感染電視機旁的觀眾。 擔任火炬手的中大成員還有心理學三年級學生、香港三項鐵人香 港隊運動員麥素寧,以及中大眼科及視覺科學學系系主任林順潮 教授。 中大師生傳聖火迎奧運 CUHK Members Pass OlympicsTorch 余翠怡 Yu Chui-yee 姚俊勤 Yiu Chun-kan 熱誠投入,不分遠近。中大體育部亦於4月12日在大學體育中心舉辦「中大迎 奧運–運動嘉年華」,設有多種運動攤位,為300位師生、家眷及校友帶來一 個健康的周末。100位學生更在開幕禮上拼砌出奧運五環圖案。 T he Olympic torch made its way to Hong Kong on 2 May amidst a hearty welcome by thousands. Among the 120 torchbearers were a handful of CUHK students and staff. Yu Chui-yee, a Year 3 student in geography and resource management who won four gold medals in wheel-chair fencing in the 2004 Athens Paralympic Games, carried the torch from the Hong Kong Cultural Centre to Nathan Road. She will represent Hong Kong again in the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games. Yu said: ‘When I was advancing with the torch in hand, I saw the crowd on both sides of the road shouting and waving the national flag. It was a thrilling moment and it gave me a sense of mission to do Hong Kong proud in the Games.’ Yiu Chun-kan, a Year 1 student of insurance, financial and actuarial analysis, was also a torchbearer. Yiu was nominated because of the perseverance and commitment he has demonstrated in his studies and his service to society. He said it was a great honour to carry the torch. He kept beaming and waving at the camera all the way to share his joy with television viewers. Other CUHK torchbearers included Mak So-ning Tania, a Year 3 student in psychology and an athlete on the Hong Kong triathlon team, and Prof. Lam Shun-chiu Dennis, chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. In support of the Beijing Olympics, the Physical Education Unit of CUHK held the CUHK Sports Carnival on 12 April at the University Sports Centre. There was a simple opening ceremony followed by the formation of the Olympic Rings by 100 students. The carnival, with various specially designed fun game booths, attracted more than 300 students, colleagues and their family members. 課程結構 Programme Mechanics 法學士—社會科學學士(社會學) LLB–BSSc (Sociology) 學生完成四年制法學士課程,並修讀了若干社會學系科目,可隨 即或在三年內修讀一年的社會學系科目,達到要後可即獲頒社會 科學學士學位。 Students complete all the requirements for the LLB in the first four years and also take a number of courses within the Sociology Department. At the end of the fourth year, they receive the LLB. They then continue into the fifth year or defer doing so for up to three years. In the final year, they take additional courses in the Sociology Department and receive the BSSc at the end of it. 社會科學學士(社會學)— 法律博士 BSSc (Sociology)–JD 在第一年學期末,社會學系與法律學院挑選合要求的社會學一年 級學生,入選者完成三年課程,獲得社會科學士學位後,可隨即 或在三年內修讀兩年的法律課程,獲得法律博士學位。 The Department of Sociology will select students from among its freshman class towards the end of their first year at the university and the School of Law will participate in the selection process. Students complete the BSSc in the first three years, then continue directly into fourth and fifth years or defer doing so for up to three years. They will be awarded the JD upon completion of the final two years.