Newsletter No. 339
No. 339, 4.6.2009 liberal studies since 2004. He also promotes English teaching and learning. The foundation has provided scholarships for New Asia College students, and sponsored the Chinese Universities Shakespeare Festival. 關信基教授─才通古今,兼擅政治與行政學 Prof. Kuan Hsin-chi—eminent scholar in and beyond academia 關信基教授現任中大政治與行政學榮休講座教授, 1973年加入中大政治與行政學系,歷任大學多項要職,並 設立「關信基獎學金」及「關信基論文獎」,對中大貢獻 卓越。 Prof. Kuan Hsin-chi joined the Department of Government and Public Administration at CUHK in 1973. He contributed significantly to the University by serving in different important positions and establishing the Professor Kuan Hsin Chi Scholarship and Professor Kuan Hsin Chi Best Thesis Award. Prof. Kuan was awarded an Emeritus Professorship of Government and Public Administration upon his retirement. 李紹鴻教授─濟世澤民,促進公共衞生 Prof. Lee Shiu-hung—seeking well-being for all people 李紹鴻教授是中大社區醫學榮休講座教授、公共衞生學院 和中醫中藥研究所的名譽顧問(外務)。他於1989至94年 出任衞生署署長,其後加入中大擔任社區及家庭醫學系系 張文光議員─致力推展優質教育 The Honourable Cheung Man-kwong— committed to quality education 張文光議員1978年畢業於中大,三十多年來,他對香港優 質教育的發展貢獻重大而深遠。他由1998至2008年出任 中大校董,積極關心大學的發展,經常提出寶貴意見,貢獻 良多。 The Honourable Cheung Man-kwong graduated from CUHK in 1978. For over 30 years, he has consistently strived for the development of quality education in Hong Kong. Mr. Cheung has made significant contribution to the University by serving on the University Council from 1998 to 2008 and offered very useful advice on the development of the University. 鍾永珏先生─仁風廣被,弘揚教育 Mr. Chung Wing-kok Leslie—philanthropist and dedicated supporter of higher education 鍾永珏先生是田長霖博士科技創新基金會(基金會)董 事,他由2004年起支持教育學院舉辦語言教育及通識教 育講座,並積極推動英語教育。基金會除了為新亞書院學 生成立獎學金外,亦贊助中大「中國大學莎劇比賽」。 Mr. Chung Wing-kok Leslie is director of the Dr. Tien Chang Lin Technology Innovation Foundation Limited. Mr. Chung has supported the Faculty of Education in organizing a lecture series on language education and 續向大學吐心聲 Continue to Share Their Joy 在 中大工作悠悠廿五載的感受,非片言隻語可完全表 達。本刊上期邀請了於五月上旬獲頒長期服務獎的 員工分享心得,於截稿後仍陸續收到回應,特於本期補載, 同時刊載化學病理學系副教授潘力行教授未經編輯感情 洋溢的想懷。 S ince the CUHK Newsletter invited the recipients of the Long Service Award to speak about their CUHK experiences in the last issue, we have been receiving feedback. In this issue, we will share some more of their responses with you, including the unedited thoughts of Prof. Nirmal Singh Panesar of the Department of Chemical Pathology on his arrival in Hong Kong and years at CUHK. 光蔭荏苒,轉眼二十五年已過。當年抵達啟德機場,然後 往大學教職員會所,過程仍歷歷在目。我有幸在天氣開 始轉涼時的11月(1983年)抵港,第一眼看到立法局大 樓,便想起童年時光,心想這裏真像肯尼亞首都內洛比。 我起初沒想到香港竟那麼潮熱(跟肯尼亞蒙巴薩市何其 相像),在這裏未滿一年,我已淌汗淌掉了四十磅。現在 我已完全(身心俱然)適應香港的天氣,以及在中大 的教學及起居生活。中大仍是香港最佳的地方。 The emblem on our grandfather clock says ‘Tempus Fugit’—Time Flies and 25 years have flown. It seems just yesterday that I came to Hong Kong, for the memory of the journey from Kai Tak to SCR is still fresh. It was fortuitous I came here in November (1983) when it was starting to cool, and with my first sight of the Legco Building, brought memories of my childhood, and I whispered ‘Just like Nairobi.’ Little did I realize then that Hong Kong could be so hot and sticky (just like Mombasa), and before the first year was over I had sweated away 40lbs. I am now fully acclimatized to Hong Kong (weight wise too), and the 25 years teaching and living at the Chinese University— ‘still the best place in Hong Kong’. 化學病理學系副教授 潘力行教授(左) Prof. Nirmal Singh Panesar (left) Associate Professor Department of Chemical Pathology 我1983年入職生物系,在這段日子內體驗到古今之分:由傳統的實驗室改建成 現代化的實驗室,老師的教學質素亦不斷提高,課程更變得多元化;此外,生物 系的規模由科學館彈丸之地,發展到海洋實驗室、科學館東翼、實驗室專門大 樓。同事亦一團和氣,如一個大家庭。在九十年代,我記得老師每逢升職,必請 各位同事吃海鮮宴。 在這段時間,大學亦遇到高低時刻,如實施自負盈虧、減薪、推行「肥雞餐」政策 等。但慶幸的是校長提出共渡難關,不實施裁員政策,所以不少員工能夠服務大 學三十多年之久。在此呼籲各中大同事,以服務大學作為終生職業。 I joined the Department of Biology in 1983 and witnessed its changes over the years. The traditional laboratories were modernized, teaching quality was raised and the curriculum was diversified. The department also expanded from the Science Centre to the Marine Science Laboratory, Science Centre East Block, and the Centralized Science Laboratories Building. The close relationship among colleagues turned the University into a home away from home. I remember in the ’90s, whenever people got promoted, they had to treat us to a seafood dinner. The University experienced many ups and downs in the last 25 years brought about by events including the launch of self-financed programmes, pay cuts, and introduction of the voluntary separation scheme. However, the Vice-Chancellor ruled out lay-offs and advocated weathering tough times together. Eventually we overcame the economic downturn. I hope my colleagues can see serving the University as a lifelong career. 生物系實驗室助理 郭漢文先生 Mr. Kwok Hon-man Laboratory Assistant Department of Biology 在一所機構工作二十五年,很有家的感 覺,跟同年代的同事有着兄弟姊妹的感 情,常常希望這個家興興旺旺,大家和 睦相處。值得回憶的是大學給從事研究 的同事購置了一台高性能電腦,讓他們 可以在研究領域內獲得好成績;還有, 每年在辦公室窗邊聽着大學畢業典禮 中學者和嘉賓的演說,獲益良多。 It is my blessing to have worked in the same organization for 25 years. CUHK is a homely place. There’s brotherly and sisterly love among colleagues, especially those joining the University at about the same time. We hope this home of ours will continue to flourish. The most memorable thing was that the University acquired a very high-tech computer for researchers to help them in their work. I’ve also learned a lot from the speeches of the guests and scholars, heard through the windows of my office during the annual congregation. 資訊科技服務處二級高級電算師 徐耀明先生 Mr. Tsui Yiu-ming Senior Computer Officer II Information Technology Services Centre 主任,並協助中大成立公共衞生學院兼出任首任院長,對 中大貢獻傑出。 Prof. Lee Shiu-hung is currently an Emeritus Professor of Community Medicine, adviser (honorary) at the School of Public Health, and honorary adviser for External Affairs at the Institute of Chinese Medicine, CUHK. He was Director of Health in Hong Kong in 1989–94. He then joined CUHK as chairman of the Department of Community and Family Medicine and has made significant contributions to the University. He initiated the establishment of the School of Pubic Health and served as its founding director. 莫華釗先生─鑑古惜珍,傳承文物 Mr. Mok Wah-chiu Christopher—preserving cultural memory and identity 莫華釗先生是著名中國古董文物收藏家和鑑賞家。他自 1982年起出任中大文物館管理委員會委員,多年來鼎力支 持文物館的工作,捐贈多項文物,又慷慨借出珍藏供教研 及展覽之用。 Mr. Mok Wah-chiu Christopher is a famous Chinese art collector and connoisseur. He has been a generous benefactor and patron to the Art Museum of CUHK since becoming a member of its Management Committee in 1982. He also loaned his valuable collection to the Art Museum for teaching, research and exhibition purposes. (接上頁 Continued )
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