Newsletter No. 339

No. 339, 4.6.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 中大畢業生平均月薪約達萬八元 Average Monthly Salary of CUHK Graduates Reaches $18,000 • 中 大2008年度畢業生的就業及薪酬情況均非常理想。就業策劃及發展中心去年十一月至十二月底進行 畢業生就業情況調查,二千五百多名回應者中,近96%於去年底已就業或升學,平均月入為17,898元, 較去年上升4.5%,當中最高月薪的畢業生為一名醫科生,月入達85,000元。 每名畢業生平均獲兩份聘書,近三成畢業生取得三份或以上聘書。接近95%的受訪畢業生對現職感到滿意。 T he employment rate and salary level of 2008 graduates of CUHK are encouraging. At the end of 2008, about 96% of the 2,567 responding full-time graduates were either employed or pursuing further studies. The average monthly salary for those employed was HK$17,898, representing a 4.5% increase over the previous year. The top monthly salary of HK$85,000 belongs to a medical graduate. The survey was conducted by the CUHK Career Planning and Development Centre from November to December 2008. On average, each graduate received around two job offers. About 30% of the graduates received three or more offers. About 95% are satisfied with their current jobs. 2008年學士學位畢業生主要從事行業 Major Career Fields of 2008 First-Degree Holders 會計/審計 Accounting/Auditing 11.5% 財務/金融/銀行業務 Banking/Finance 9.7% 醫療及護理 Medical and Health Services 9.6% 電腦/資訊科技 Computer Engineering/Information Technology 9.3% 教育 Teaching 9.3% 行政/管理 Administration/Management 7.4% 銷售/市場推廣 Sales/Marketing 6.2% 校長率團訪麻省理工 VC Leads Delegation to MIT • 中 大校長劉遵義教授於5月1日率領訪問團出訪美國 麻省理工學院,除了鞏固現有的工程學合作外,雙 方更在商業管理培訓及癌症研究方面拓展新的合作機會。 訪問團由麻省理工學院管理層接待,包括校長Prof. Susan Hockfield及常務副校長Prof. Rafael Reif。 劉教授亦訪問了哈佛大學並與校長Prof. Drew Gilpin Faust 及協理常務副校長Prof. Jorge Dominguez會面,兩校素 有合作及聯繫,如中國研究領域方面尤其顯著。 訪問團成員包括兩位副校長鄭振耀教授和程伯中教授,工 商管理學院院長黃德尊教授、工程學院副院長(研究)蒙 美玲教授、訊息工程學講座教授楊偉豪教授,以及學術交 流處主任范瑞欣女士。 C UHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau led a delegation to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on 1 May 2009, during which existing collaborations in engineering between MIT and CUHK were consolidated and new initiatives in business management training and cancer research were explored. The delegation was warmly received by senior officers at MIT, including President Susan Hockfield and Provost Rafael Reif. Prof. Lau also paid a courtesy visit to Harvard University and met with President Drew Gilpin Faust and Vice Provost Jorge Dominguez. There are a number of strong ties between the two universities, most notably in Chinese studies. Prof. Lau was accompanied by Prof. Jack Cheng and Prof. Ching Pak-Chung, Pro-Vice-Chancellors; Prof. Wong Tak-jun, dean of the Faculty of Business Administration; Prof. Helen Meng, associate dean (research) of the Faculty 中大訪問團與麻省理工學院校長Prof. Susan Hockfield(右四)會面 CUHK delegation and Prof. Susan Hockfield (4th right), MIT President of Engineering; Prof. Raymond Yeung, Professor of Information Engineering, and Ms. Shally Fan, senior programme manager of the Office of Academic Links. 亞洲首個電腦輔助骨科手術中心成立 Asia’s First Computer-assisted Orthopaedics Laboratory • 為 慶祝中大矯形外科及創傷學進修培訓中心成立十 周年,中大正式成立亞洲首個電腦輔助骨科手術 及應用中心,為本港及世界各地的骨科外科醫生提供優越 平台,模擬練習複雜的骨科手術,以提升手術的精確度和 成功率,惠澤病人。 中大矯形外科及創傷學系至今已進行過千宗電腦輔助骨科 手術,並為世界各地的骨科醫生舉行了二十三項培訓課程, 其在電腦輔助骨科手術的先導地位,實植根於1999年成立 的中大矯形外科及創傷學進修培訓中心。該中心過去十年 為世界各地近六千名骨科外科醫生開辦了一百五十二項培 訓課程,並已獲ISO-9001認證。 T he state-of-the-art Computer Assisted Orthopaedics (CAOS) Laboratory was inaugurated on the 10th anniversary of the Orthopaedic Learning Centre at CUHK. The laboratory enables orthopaedic surgeons from Hong Kong and the world to plan, simulate and execute difficult surgical operations. It will bring great benefits to patients, particularly those who undergo surgical operations in which precision is critical. CUHK plays a leading role in CAOS internationally. The Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology has performed more than 1,000 computer-assisted operations and organized 23 training courses for surgeons around the globe. The achievements and developments in CAOS will not be possible without the solid foundation laid by CUHK’s Orthopaedic Learning Centre. Ever since its establishment in 1999, the centre has provided the global orthopaedic community with top quality education and training programmes. The centre has obtained ISO-9001 certification and total quality management capacity. To date, the centre has organized 152 training courses and provided learning opportunities for 5,833 orthopaedic surgeons all over the world. 矯形外科及創傷學系名譽臨床助理教授黃國全醫生示範操作嶄新 的電腦導航骨科手術系統 Dr. Wong Kwok-chuen, clinical assistant professor (honorary), Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, demonstrating the system