Newsletter No. 339

No. 339, 4.6.2009 FokTaiFai 霍泰輝 霍泰輝教授為兒科講座教授,以及新界東醫院聯網兒科名譽顧問和兒科統籌專員。他先後 出任醫學院助理院長及副院長,自2004年起兼任醫學院院長,2008年11月1日起獲大學校董會 委任為全職學院院長。 Prof. Fok Tai-fai is Professor of Paediatrics, and honorary consultant and cluster coordinator in paediatrics of the New Territories East Cluster. Prof. Fok served as assistant dean and associate dean before he took up the concurrent position of dean of Medicine in 2004. He has been appointed full-time Faculty dean by the University Council with effect from 1 November 2008. (續下頁 To be continued ) 1 你為何矢志行醫,且專攻兒科? Why did you choose to be a doctor specializing in paediatrics? 中學時選了理科,但對數學和物理興趣和天份都不高,醫科 是自然的選擇。是唸了醫後,才對之產生濃厚興趣。當實習 醫生時,只能選擇到兩個專科部門實習,不像現在有四個選 擇,當時我選了兒科和外科。在伊利沙伯醫院實習時便愛上 了兒科,對小孩哭我不但不感厭煩,能夠幫他們消除病痛, 更感欣慰,所以便決定專攻兒科。 I was a science student in secondary school. As I was not particularly good in mathematics and physics, medicine was the best choice. I became very interested in medicine once I started studying it. In my days, there were only two options for specialist internship as opposed to four today. I underwent paediatrics internship at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and became very fond of it. I was not at all annoyed by crying kids and felt gratified when I cured them of illnesses. So I decided to specialize in paediatrics. 2 是甚麼原因令你執起教鞭? What made you take up teaching? 那時我在瑪麗醫院兒科部任職,當政府醫生,亦兼教港大醫 科生。後來港大醫學院招聘教師,因為兒童醫學系系主任夏 志深教授的鼓勵,在1977年轉職為兒科講師。就工作來說, 其實沒有太大改變,大部分時間都是當全職的前線醫生、教 學和做研究。1984年,威爾斯親王醫院正式啟用,可以看病 人了,我便轉職至中大。 I was working for the paediatrics department of the Queen Mary Hospital as a government medical officer and teaching medical students at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). Encouraged by Prof. J.H. Hutchison, chairman of the Department of Paediatrics at HKU, I applied for a lectureship in paediatrics and was hired in 1977. Though the posts were different, the jobs were similar. I was a frontline doctor, teacher and researcher. In 1984, the Prince of Wales Hospital started treating patients, and I transferred to CUHK. 3 你曾獲校長模範教學獎、醫學院傑出教學獎,又 五次榮獲醫學院全年最佳教師獎,請問有何教學 心得? You received the VC’s Exemplary Teaching Award, Master Teaching Award of the Medicine Faculty, and were named the Best Teacher of the Faculty five times. What are the secrets to successful teaching? 我喜歡教書,與學生相處是互動的,你對他們好,他們也對 你好,滿足感就在此。教學的心得是,第一,上課時,我會向 學生發問,這樣既避免打瞌睡,也有助加深了解。第二,不會 教得太深,着重理解,注重為甚麼。我沒有講義,也不限定 學生的提問範圍。 I like teaching. The teacher-student relationship is interactive. If you are nice to students, they will be nice to you. This is where the satisfaction lies. My tips for teaching are, first, I ask questions during class. This way, students will not fall asleep; it also helps to reinforce their impression of the material taught. Second, I emphasize understanding and downplay the teaching of cutting-edge knowledge. I don’t have lecture notes and don’t limit the scope of students’ questions. 4 醫學院1981年成立,三年後你便加入,親歷其成長, 請問這些年來醫學院有甚麼重要的改變? You joined the Faculty of Medicine in 1984, three years after its establishment. What have been the major changes at the Faculty? 改變真的很大。最重要的是護理學院和藥劑學院的成立。 醫、護、藥是醫療架構和公眾健康的三大支柱。醫學院能同 時培訓三方面的人才,當然比最初只培訓醫生更為全面,更 迎合社會的需要。第二是科研方面,以往香港的大學不注重 科研,政府亦沒有提供資助。及至1990年初,政府開始設立 研究資助,各學系得以增添研究助理或研究生。人手多了, 科研活動大幅增加,研究也更趨專精和尖端。第三是收生, 以往只收本地主流中學畢業生,過去數年擴闊收生範圍至 聯招以外,吸納了國際學校或海外中學的學生,另有小部分 是大學本科及碩士畢業生,卻有志唸醫的。容納不同背景的 學生,帶來不同的文化思維,也有助提高學生的整體溝通水 平。第四是醫科課程轉用了「病人為本課程」,教師引導學 生從解難着手,着重培訓終身學習技巧,減少背誦的內容。 那打素護理學院和藥劑學院的課程最近也改革了。 The changes have been tremendous. The most important was the establishment of The Nethersole School of Nursing and the School of Pharmacy. Medicine, nursing and pharmacy are the three pillars of the medical system and public health. By nurturing professionals for these three, the Faculty is coping with the needs of the community on an unprecedented scale. Second, research has grown both in volume and sophistication. In the past, the government did not pay much attention to research. It was when research grants were set up in 1990, that research staff and students were recruited which caused research activities to flourish. Third, we have further diversified the channels of admission not only for JUPAS, but also for Non-JUPAS applicants. This allows secondary students from local international schools or overseas, and undergraduates or graduates interested in studying medicine to be admitted. Students from different cultures bring different ideas, and enhance the communication skills of all. Fourth, the Faculty has reformed its medical curriculum to ‘patient-centred teaching’, under which students search for information and solutions to problems under the guidance of teachers. Emphasis is placed on life-long learning skills rather than textbook knowledge. The curricula of The Nethersole School of Nursing and the School of Pharmacy have recently been reformed. 5 醫學院於2001年着手改革課程時,由你擔任課程改 革委員會的聯絡,如此大幅度的改革,有否遇到困 難?效果如何? When the Faculty started to reform its medical curriculum in 2001, you were the convener of the Curriculum Reform Committee. What obstacles did you encounter? What was the outcome? 改革課程是在李川軍教授擔任院長時醞釀,其後由繼任的鍾 尚志教授正式推行,沒有兩位前院長的領導,改革未必這般 順利。我只是第二把手,負責落實執行。改革難免會引起恐 慌和憂慮,總會有人擔心他的理念、甚或利益受到影響。因 此,事前必須有足夠的溝通,且要保持透明度。我們舉行了多 次醫學院全體大會,詳加解釋,又與個別人士面談,目的是 讓所有成員明白改革因由,也知道不會以改革為理由,削減 任何一個部門的資源。因此改革過程順利,也沒有強烈反對 的聲音。 要評定效果並不容易,因為真正的效果是反映在學生日後行 醫的表現上,然而從過程中可略窺一二。學生是很喜歡的, 背誦少了,他們在一二年級時,可以有時間參與課外活動,感 受大學生活。此外,新課程的畢業生整體表現不錯,上司對 他們的評價令我們非常鼓舞。