Newsletter No. 378

No. 378, 19.5.2011 3 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 六十六員工長期服務獲表揚 • 66 Staff Receive Long Service Award 得獎者之一。她很高興在這裏工作,並指居住校園多年,中 大就仿如她的第二個家。 A total of 66 staff members were presented the 2010 CUHK Long Service Award for their 25 or 35 years of service to the University. Officiated by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, the awards presentation ceremony took place on 15 April. Professor Sung said at the ceremony that all the awardees, should they be professors, personal secretaries, clerks or computer officers, had made unparalleled contributions to the University’s development over the years. These loyal, long-serving and hardworking colleagues commanded respect and admiration. He continued, ‘Thirty-five years ago, in 1976, the University had just moved in the unified campus in Sha Tin a few years before. Today, 35 years later, four of those who joined the University at that juncture are still with us. They have all along been there for the University for 70% of its incorporated history. In 1986, the number of 大 學於4月15日頒發長期服務獎予六十六位年資屆 二十五或三十五年的員工,表揚他們多年來堅定不 移服務中大,頒獎禮由沈祖堯校長主禮。 沈校長致辭時強調,無論是教授、秘書、文員、電腦主任, 他們對中大的貢獻同樣寶貴,這些員工勞苦功高、克盡己 職,絕對值得敬重和欽佩。他特別提到,三十五年前,即 1976年,當時中大遷入馬料水校園僅數年,四位當年加入 中大的同事仍然服務本校,他們服務中大的日子,佔本校 歷史的逾百分之七十。而二十五年前的1986年,大學的教 職員人數約二千三百人,當時加入中大的同事,有六十二位 今天仍然任職本校,已為大學服務了四分之一個世紀。 在醫學院實驗動物中心服務了二十五年的技術員曹灼賢先 生說,初來工作時,中心只繁殖十多種動物,現在要繁殖的 品種已近百種,足證學院的研究發展愈趨蓬勃。他深感榮 幸能參與中心的發展,以及見證大學的擴充。 另一位獲二十五年長期服務獎的是地理資源管理學系辦公 室助理胡潘潤桃女士。她婚後隨丈夫加入中大,並居於校 園員工宿舍,其夫更是2008年首屆三十五年長期服務獎的 full-time staff was over 2,300. Today, 62 of those who joined the University in that year are still with us. They have served the University for a quarter-century.’ Mr. Cho Cheuk-yin Joe, technician of the Laboratory Animal Services Centre, Faculty of Medicine, has been with the University for 25 years. He recounted that when he first joined the centre, it bred only a dozen species of animals. Now it breeds close to 100 species. This testifies to the Faculty’s extensive research activities. He feels honoured to witness the development of the centre and the growth of the University. Mrs. Woo Pun Yuen-to, office assistant of the Department of Geography and Resource Management, was another 25-year award recipient. After getting married, she followed in the footsteps of her husband, who was a technician of the University, to join CUHK. The couple then moved into a staff hostel on campus. Her husband was a recipient of the first 35-year long service award in 2008. Mrs. Woo is happy to serve the University and sees the University as a home away from home. 何大一博士蒞校演講 • AIDS Guru Holds Seminar at CUHK 發 明「雞尾酒療法」的愛滋病研究權威何大一博士, 在4月28日蒞臨中大,在醫學院深造中心發表題為 「愛滋病的挑戰:從實驗室、醫院到社會」的演講。 何博士論述了愛滋病的各個層面,包括其起源到致病病毒 的發現;觸發或抑制病毒複製的細胞因素;截斷病毒傳播 的方法;以及美國自1995年開始使用抗逆轉錄病毒聯合 療法(雞尾酒療法)後,愛滋病死亡率下降的實例;中國 愛滋病人的現狀;以及提高公眾對此病的認識的重要性。 何博士又勉勵在場的年輕科學家和醫科生要「隨心而動, 隨性而行,不懼風險」。 這次活動由創新科技署聯同中大何鴻燊防治傳染病研究 中心、香港大學愛滋病研究所舉辦,逾一百七十位聽眾和 嘉賓出席,包括創新科技署署長王榮珍女士、中大醫學院 院長霍泰輝教授和港大李嘉誠醫學院院長李心平教授。 這是中大醫學院三十周年慶祝活動之一。 D r. David Ho, the world-renowned AIDS researcher who developed ‘cocktail therapy’ for HIV patients, held the seminar ‘Challenges of HIV/AIDS at the Bench, in the Clinic, and from the Field’ on 28 April at the Shaw Auditorium of the Postgraduate Education Centre at the Prince of Wales Hospital. In his speech, Dr. Ho talked about various aspects about HIV/AIDS, ranging from the origins of the AIDS epidemic, the discovery of its causative agent—human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the cellular factors that facilitate or restrict virus replication, the intervention to block transmission, the decline in AIDS mortality in the US with the use of combination antiretroviral therapy since 1995, the suffering of AIDS patients in China, to the need of policies to increase public awareness. Dr. Ho also urged young scientists and medical students to ‘follow your heart, follow your passion, don’t be afraid to take risks’. Organized by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) in collaboration with the Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases, CUHK and the AIDS Institute of the University of Hong Kong (HKU), the seminar attracted over 170 guests and participants, including Ms. Janet Wong, Commissioner of ITC; Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Dean of Medicine, CUHK; and Prof. Lee Sum-ping, Dean of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU. The event is one of the programmes to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine.